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Activity Discussion History Four Varnas

  • Ashwanth

    June 22, 2023 at 3:15 pm

    The Varna system is the description of a hierarchical society with a Brahmanical ideology. This concept developed the division of classes in society in Hinduism and it had four broad divisions. As per the Vedic scriptures in Rig and Yajur Veda, the old society of India was divided into four different castes. A caste was defined by the skin color and occupation of the people. The idea emerged from the invasion of Aryans, the comparatively fair-skinned invaders in India. They defined the caste system to segregate society into a hierarchical system.

    The four castes:

    1. Brahmin:

    The Brahmins held the highest position in society due to occupation and color. They were destined to be respected by the rest of the castes and were the only ones to study. They also taught others from the same sect. It was them who can only practice Vedas and the rituals. They made all the rules and regulations of the society as they were well-versed in Vedas.

    2. Kshatriyas:

    The second caste in the Varna caste system. This is the warrior group in society. They were trained as soldiers and warriors to save the nation from invasions. Their duty was to protect all the other castes.

    3. Vaishyas:

    This Varna or caste falls third on the social ladder. The people in this caste were traders, farmers, and other professionals who worked for a living. Only Vaishyas and Kshatriyas could do rituals and make sacrifices under the guidance of the Brahmins.

    4. Shudras:

    This caste belongs to the lowest level on the social ladder of the four Varnas. The Shudras were designated to serve the above three castes and were barred from performing any rituals, getting educated, or practicing any other occupation.

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