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  • Jyothi krishna Prakash

    June 4, 2021 at 7:09 pm

    For freedom there is no any dissemination between male and female. Because freedom is equal to everyone. Only the person has the right to live like their own way. Life is only one. So don’t give the chain of our life to others hand. Like the boys enjoyed their life girls too are interested to live their life. Some families doesn’t allow it. They may said that you do all that after the marriage or with the permission of husband. If we asked them why, they said that you are a girl sometimes your future husband won’t like it, or when the family support our intrest to live in our choice later the future husband’s family won’t like it, and you can’t change that character.

    We need our freedom, freedom to choose our career, food, achieve the goal, dress etc. Many of us are loved to have makeup. But we are afraid to get it out. Through this fear the society chained us in their hand. So tries to break the chains.

    But it doesn’t completely means that don’t get much freedom is bad. Sometimes it helps us. Because we are in the way of life. Our parents know the life very well than us. Through their experience they know that which is good and bad. Mostly they don’t accept the things which is affects our life. So before arguing for our freedom, tries to hear the reason behind it.

  • Shweta

    June 5, 2021 at 11:50 am

    Though our country has reached to 21st century, but the matter of gender discrimination has been constant. The comparison of men from women cannot be done till now, as because the freedom and the opportunities which are given to men has not been given to women. Till now many people’s thought is such that women cannot match the shoulders of men. The women or girls who try to do such, are not been conceived with good eyes.

    Girls or women are not safe is the reason given by the families to avoid the night duties and night out for the girls whereas the boys and men have the full freedom to go anywhere at anytime. Girls are even now forced to be in the parda whereas men do not have any such kind of restrictions.

    Even if girls are completing their education but it will be depended on her in laws whether she will do a job or not. Girls are being restricted to wear western dresses, whereas there exist no such restrictions on the boys on their wearings. Women and girls need to act accordingly to their husband’s sayings. They need to adjust themselves according to their in-laws.

    It is the women who had faced the systems like sati etc. Never ever such kind of act has been implemented on men. The village area women are not even allowed to come out of their houses. They are forced to be in parda throughout the time if they go anywhere. People’s thought is that according to be a women, a girl should prioritize first to their household and children and not anything. Nothing like a burden has been implemented on men.

    Even now people don’t save girl child and many of them want a boy till now. But at the same time, these people want a women doctor for their wife and a good daughter in law for their son. It should be changed. The change in mentality will lead you to grow.


  • Aruja

    June 5, 2021 at 8:25 pm

    Whenever we talk about freedom we always say that moving out from the house and about wearing what we want and making our own decisions, do whatever we want to our life are the basic things in freedom. but we never actually focus on what is the mental effect when we hear word freedom. nobody talks about how to get mental freedom. freedom from jealousies, freedom from judging someone, freedom from negative thoughts, freedom from being judgemental towards other, judging others by just looks, talking behind their back. Once our society need freedom from these things and then automatically all the things that we say that boys are allowed to do whatever they want and girls are not will automatically disappear when we throw away all these kind of thoughts from your head because we are the part of the society and we know that how much the society affects the mind of a single person. Who made these things that girls should not move out of the house at late at night but there is nowhere officially written this thing if we put this thought in our head that this is not about not moving out in the night only for girls but for boys as well because it’s just not safe and if you want to enjoy its for both because both have the right to live their life like they want. so we should first get freedom from all these bad thought then automatically our life style would be changed and then our surroundings and then the people who live in our surroundings and then slowly and gradually many people will start thinking that first improve your mental freedom, make your mind open, have free thoughts that anyone can have there own choice, respect everyone’s choices and they will respect yours. if they don’t respect then you can say that this person is bounding me, this person is not mentally free. but if their respecting your choice you should respect their choice because respect goes both ways and Society is also a kind of relation between people as we live in the same Nation so to maintain every relation there is a very basic thing that is respect. it doesn’t matter if you like them, what you think about that person but it actually what you show to them because there can be millions of thoughts in your head but what you show to them is what they see who you actually are. so as a conclusion there is no such thing that girls are not get in freedom and boys are getting more freedom or girl should get what she deserves or anything, is just about the freedom of your thoughts and you have no right or responsibilities that you have to put effort in making someone Mind free. no, you have the responsibility to make your own Mind free, do whatever you want unless it is making you happy and you are making sure that nobody else should be offended by. but if they are getting offended without any reason just by seeing you happy ignore them and it doesn’t matter who they are your family, friends, relative, anybody, if they cannot see you happy, you as a free minded person you doing whatever you want to do with your life then they are absolutely not good for you because they are not respecting your choices and most importantly when you haven’t said anything to them regarding your choices for them.

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