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How to get good health?
Posted by Rupali Gadekar on May 11, 2021 at 10:28 amHow to get good health?
This discussion was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by
Mahima replied 3 years, 8 months ago 6 Members · 5 Replies -
This discussion was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by
5 Replies
Getting good health and being so it is very important in everyone’s life. Being healthy doesn’t mean to stop eating and getting slimmer rather it means that eating food with full of vitamins and minerals. Being fitter and healthier help the individual to fight the diseases very easily.
To be healthy and fit we must follow some rules and regulations and must create a timetable of ourselves. The following can be the timetable that an individual can follow on the daily routine.
1. Drinking two glasses of hot water after waking up early in the morning. This helps though though the individual but by cleaning their body inside. It also helps to lose the cholesterol in the body.
2.In our breakfast we can take sprouts, dry fruits or fruits to be fitter and healthier.
3.Instead of taking high calorie foods, we can prefer low calorie foods with which are high in vitamins and minerals. For everything there is an alternative, in the similar way we can prefer low calorie diet than high calorie diet.
4. The exercise and yoga helps the individual to be better and healthier and removes the bad cholesterol in the body and helps us in several ways which we wonder. It throws out the negative energy in body and builds the positive energy within us. It also helps yes to focus on the things and for being bright.
5. Meditating for 10 to 15 minutes per day helps the individual to calm the mind and soul. Concentrating on the breathing helps to overcome the respiratory problems. It wakes up the mind and the individual will be concentrated on the work.
6.People usually eat heavy meals at the same time. It is a destructive process in our body. An individual must eat slowly by taking very small amounts of food with respect to the time.
For a productive and healthy life style a balanced routine is very important which is actually being followed. In this time of pandemic we can feel stress everywhere and we are feeling very low but it is our responsibility to keep our body and mind fit.We can convert this time to a productive time and work on our self by accordingly planning our day. Being productive and fit means doing something thats enhances us and we learn news skills and at the same time utilising our free time for our growth and keeping our minds busy.
The very first step towards being fit is doing excercise or yoga daily in the place of just sleeping and wasting time and then just feeling guilty and depressed with the news. Doing yoga and exercising will refresh our mind and we will be able to grasp the new activity and as recommended by the doctors it helps enhcnces tha capability of our lungs to take in oxygen. Reading newspaper for knowing the news , the news which will tell us about the happenings around us not about the deaths and complications.Reading good books is also a very productive habbit. It helps re-live thousand lifes in just 1 life. Good books also helps us to become a better version of ourself. People interested in different sectors like startup or counselling and many other can get a huge amount of information and can also learn from renowned businessmen’s experiences. The next step towards is learning a skill weather wheather it be vedio editing, coding,python and many more things. Maintaining a hobby also contributes in making us healthy as we will be busy in doing something that we like. There are a number of different ways in which people can be productive depending on there needs and interests. The most important reason for staying fit is It helps people to maintain their mental peace and active life schedule also helps in maintaining physical health. Gardening and living in the shade of nature is also helpfull for our mental peace and gives us a lot of satisfaction.As the present senerio is quite depressing and stressfull but if we look at it at as an opportunity and cut ourselves from the news and the world outside we can get alot of time for ourselves and for enhancing our skills and growing into a better person. Taking healthy and balanced diet and taking adequate amount of water helps our body to rejuvinate and fullfill our nutritional values. Thinking positive also plays an important for our healthy life and body. -
Health is the most important wealth a man possesses. Without being physically fit one cannot get to happiness in life also in order to to live a happy and comfortable life one must maintain an active lifestyle. Due to the Lifestyle changes people now suffer many types of diseases which were not present in the ancient time. Therefore to keep healthy we mast practice hygienic lifestyle.
Some key factors that we should keep in mind in order to achieve Healthy lifestyle and physical fitness are-
1. Make sure to have a balanced diet. Keep in mind to take all kinds of nutrients in ample quantities so that your body has enough energy to sustain all the life activities.
Drink approx 1 to 2 litres of water everyday. Make sure that the water levels in your body don’t go down.
Avoid junk food as much as possible at this may lead to a variety of diseases such as Cholera etc.
Always do some kind of light exercise you can also do cardio exercises three times a week. This will help in keeping your body active and also reduce your blood sugar level and increase your metabolism rate and immunity.
Don’t follow any crash diet to lose weight. These diets cause harmful effects on your bodies and may develop diseases which can be persistent lifelong problem.
You can also practice yoga and meditation for mental health. This will keep all your stress at bay and provide you with calm and cool mind.
Having good health is like having everything in life. Now a days no one is totally fit , most of the people have a kind of disease . Fitness is more priceless than gold . If you are fit than you can earn money but if you don’t have a fit body than you are not able to do anything. So questions is that how to get a healthy body Or good health:-
Eat properly
It means you have to take a proper amount of balanced diet. Eating more and eating less both are equally harmful so eat a healthy diet. Balanced diet contain appropriate amount of carbohydrates proteins fats vitamins and minerals as per the requirement of your body . Also drink milk regularly and eat one fruits regularly .
Avoid junk food
Junk food is very injurious for our health . It decreases the quality of our body and increases the capacity to eat more . Eating junk food too much will cause obesity and also effects on our liver and kidneys .
Perform yoga
Yoga is the best way to relax your body . Try to do yoga 15 – 20 minutes in a day to reduce stress,and anxiety .Also yoga can cure several severe disease also.
It is another way to increase your metabolism and make your muscles flexible. Try to perform excercise every day early morning. This will make you energetic.
Avoid stress
Stress is also one of the causes of health detoriation . Try to cope with it. Meditate as far as possible . Listen songs . Meet new people . Talk to your friends and family . Yes problem is with everyone but we need to cope with it.
Avoid consumption of alcohol and smoking
Smoking and alcohol is very injurious to our health . Say no to it . Eat healthy and be healthy!!
These are the some steps by which we can make our body healthy .
Thank you!!
Exercise stimulates the growth of muscles, joints, and bones, as well as the lungs and heart. It helps in maintaining weight. Exercise can assist young people to cope with the symptoms of sadness and anxiety. Regular exercise not only lowers your chance of acquiring illnesses and helps you control your weight, but it can also help prevent and treat mental health problems. Exercise is a fantastic way to decompress from life’s worries and may improve your overall well-being and happiness.
Regular exercise is beneficial to everyone, regardless of age. To instill healthy habits in children that will last a lifetime, parents should get their children involved in sports from a young age. Being physically active has several advantages for older adults and seniors.
Exercise stimulates the growth of muscles, joints, and bones, as well as the lungs and heart. It aids youngsters in maintaining a healthy weight. Daily exercise also gives children the opportunity to meet new friends and engage with others. Exercise can assist young people to cope with the symptoms of sadness and anxiety.
Strengthening workouts might involve activities like weight lifting or hard gardening. Every day, one should strive to engage in some form of physical activity.
A healthy and fit individual is less likely to develop chronic illnesses. A healthy mind reacts better under any demanding circumstance. A person’s self-confidence is boosted. Significant decrease in the risk of heart failure. The enhanced immune capacity aids the body in fighting malignant cells. Regular exercise reduces the likelihood of suffering a fracture.
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