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  • Tejasri Alla

    May 24, 2021 at 4:30 pm

    There are many differences between the earlier families and the current families. The current families are a very big contrast to the earlier families.

    This can be explained in some of the following ways.


    In the earlier days, all the family members used to sit at a particular place and used to eat the food. Where as now, the mother is at one place, father is at one place and the children are at one place. In the current situation, the family members are separated and are eating separately due to their busy schedules. But this shouldn’t happen because sharing emotions is very important. Sitting together and eating with all the family members gives the joy and happiness which no other thing can give.

    •Seperated by places:-

    In the current scenario, all the family members are separated by the places depending upon the type of work. The mother and father will be in one place depending upon their office and the business. The children will be studying in some other places something like at hostels. When something happened suddenly, there will be no one to look about the person. This could lead to severe damage of the lives. So, it’s very important to stay connected. Staying connected with family is one of the most important things. Staying connected to the family is the way to find all the ways to be happy, joyous and it is a bliss.

  • Shweta

    May 27, 2021 at 12:00 pm

    Families are strength of an individual. Though the family is joint or small, caring and valuing your family members should be the first priority.

    Henceforth, the change in times have made the minds change as well. It means that there exist many people who have changed their mentality of valuing family. As being modernised in today’s time, we have got a differences between previous families and today’s families.

    The previous families were bound of togetherness and happiness. Earlier, people used to live in a joint family and live happily together, they worked together, helped each other and live together. There was no point of any competition, jealously between any family members. No competition in business among brothers. The big brothers and sisters are being respected by younger ones. The etiquette and manners have been prioritized first.

    But comparing that days from today ones, people have changed a lot. People wants just their families, that is, small families. The joint families has now been bounded by the fights, competition and jealousies. This is not the case of each and every joint family exists now, but mostly the cases are similar. People pretend to tolerate the joint families and could not find any calm among too much people. The fights for the distribution of houses, business in brothers. The fights because of the jealousies has made the crime to get at the topmost.

    These are the reasons why in today’s time, joint families are seen very less. We should be happy and find calm with the whole family because in bad days,noone except the family members will help you out.

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