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  • Aparajita Karmakar

    May 29, 2021 at 10:54 pm

    Studying must be made more interesting for children. It should include facts, that would grab their attention.

    Children enjoy virtual imagination more. So a pattern of videos about certain topics must be considered. Virtual videos about the same technical subjects can turn out to be more interesting for children.

    Apart from this, studying is matter of interest and dedication. Deep concentration is yet another very important factor to get motivated to learn new things.

    Studies should not be seen as threat. It should be seen as a blessing. Parents and teachers must try to make boos, studies and its concepts homely to the students, and not as a topic of boredom.

    I hope this answer helps!😊

  • Nehal Rathi

    May 29, 2021 at 11:39 pm

    Studying makes a lot of difference in an individual’s life. Studying is very important and according to me making students study till class 12th should be mandatory. This does not only help a country like India to grow but will also help to stop child labor to an extent. At the same point of time study needs motivation. If a person or a kid is well-motivated he/she can study well and will also realize the importance of studying and becoming an educated person. Here are the following things that will help to motive students to study:

    – One needs to be Inspirational. If teachers or parents inspire students that can help them feel motivated. These people can inspire them by telling them stories about famous personalities who became successful after a lot of struggle and good education.

    – Giving students a sense of control over things can help a lot.

    – Giving rewards to students can also help, if they complete this task or do a particular work assigned to them within the time frame, they would receive gifts or something which they want.

    – Help students to understand their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities they have, and also threat which they might face.

    – Giving students reason to study by giving them practical knowledge and not only theoretical knowledge.

    – Communicate as much as you can. Communication is the key to understand students, after understating students it is easier for a person to motivate them as they know the liking and disliking of persons.

    – Appreciation also makes a lot of difference. One needs to acknowledge the fact that the student is trying hard and needs appreciation for the same. Appreciation can a lot of difference.

    Even after trying these things students might not feel motivated, there’s nothing to worry about the same. Few students understand it early and few of them might understand it after somethings and it normal.

  • Soniya Sanyal

    May 30, 2021 at 2:33 am

    Studying is very important in our life as it helps us to gain knowledge and understanding of our own surroundings. Which helps us to cope with all the situations in a better way that all the experiences that we have with studying our brain becomes enriched and get power to fight with all the problems and tensions.

    Studying should be made compulsory for everyone as not everyone can afford studying in a good School. Only then India can become a developed country. As we all know that some students are very keen on studying while others are not. They don’t find studying very interesting and always try to run away from it. If studying can be made interesting then surely the shape of children will understand the importance of studying. Here I have listed some tips which can help in making studying interesting for children who don’t like it.

    Always try to have a interactive conversation with the children while making them study. Don’t just go on reading and explaining. Try to involve the children in a healthy conversation about the topic being taught.

    Children are visual learners so it’s better to teach them with the help of relevant pictures and videos it will help the children to remember the topics more nicely and it would also increase the concentration powers of children.

    Help them to use their own imaginative powers. Also try to involve the class in a healthy competition, this would instill feeling of competitiveness as well as also increase the concentration.

    Always motivate the children even if they stumble down few times. This would help in gain more confidence and learn the never give up attitude.

    Try to make the learning process fun by involving worksheets and fun activities that will help to keep their interest brewing.

    <font face=”inherit”>Although studying can can seem a bit boring </font>to<font face=”inherit”> some students but it if proper steps are taken </font>they<font face=”inherit”> will soon start enjoying it like others.</font>

  • Tejasri Alla

    May 31, 2021 at 8:44 am

    Studying is a very important thing because it helps to gain knowledge and it makes the individual to know what is happening in and around the world. So, it is mandatory for the children to study. It helps to build the future. Basically, many of the students don’t show interest towards the studies and negley them as if they don’t care. And if there is no interest for the students to study, they can never be able to understand and secure good marks. Let us now see some of the ways to make the students to study.

    •Make things easier:-

    Showing the things easier and explaining them with clarity helps the students to show better interest on the subject and makes them to pay more attention on what the teacher is trying to convey. When the topics are shown easier for the students, they start learning them and they feel achieved and they pay more attention to study. When a student learns a particular topic or a question, he/she feels comfortable and happy for getting it. Once if they start reading, they develop the interest in them and they continue to read more and more.

    •Tell the imporatnce:-

    The students must be motivated with good number of words to understand the need of studying and what happens if they don’t study. A student is like a bird without the wings when they don’t study. So, it is very important to motivate students to study and to make them understand the need of the situation. Motivation brings the right change in the students who are not interested in learning. It develops the interest in them to study.

  • Jyothi krishna Prakash

    May 31, 2021 at 8:06 pm

    Everyone are being a learner or student in every time. We only stops our studying at the end of our life. But we give the title of student only when he or she are studying in a school, college or an institution. Every students passing through different situations how their life turns. So it is important to have a person who leads them to a correct way. We called it as a motivation. For students, they are responsible to find their motivator. Because the motivator must a person who is touches the heart of the student. It is based on the visions and dreams of the students. A motivation must be changed the life, if it touches the inner heart. Through that they are able to be more dedicate to their studies.

    There are many students who are bad in their studies. That is not their problems. Reason is there is no one who listens their ideas and dreams. Or no source to get a motivational message. We can see that there are many young people who dedicated to get a job in Indian army, because there are many people who shares their life as a motivation. So like that to have a good motivation helps the students to choose their apt field to concentrate their studies. There is no value of the jobs without the intrest of the employer. So have to find our best field and place of talent. Students later became a employee or employer.

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