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Activity Discussion Essay Grammar

  • Ishita Gupta

    September 29, 2021 at 5:01 pm

    Sentence transformation rules:-

    Without pursuing rules you can’t change sentences correctly. Various kinds of clauses are adopted in the sentence that can imply the type of a sentence so by changing the clause the mode of sentence can also be changed. So let’s learn the rules

    Transformation simple sentences in the complex:-

    Present participle sentences can be turned into complex sentences by rephrasing since/as/when at the primary half the sentence.


    Simple:- I warmed my coffee because it was too cold.

    Complex:- I warmed my coffee as it was too cold.

    Being/ Verb+ing during a sentence are often transformed into a posh sentence by adding as/when/since at the primary half the sentence.


    Simple sentence:- On seeing a goat, the hunter climbs the tree.

    Complex sentence:- When Orion saw the goat, he climbed up a tree.

    Too…to in a simple sentence, can transform into a complex sentence by adding so…that.


    Simple:- He is too ill to go to the show.

    Complex:- He is so I’ll that he can not go to the show.

    The simple sentence despite/ despite can be transformed into a complex sentence by adding though/ although in the sentence.


    Simple:- Despite being unhealthy he still comes to school.

    Complex:- Though he is unhealthy he still comes to school.

    Transformation Simple to compound sentences:-

    In simple besides being transformed into not only..….but also in a compound sentence.


    Simple:- Besides being a singer she is an actress.

    Compound:- She isn’t only a singer but also an actress.

    In a simple sentence despite being transformed into but joining the two different clauses in a compound sentence.


    Simple:- Despite his ailment, he doesn’t quit his job.

    Compound:- He has an ailment but he doesn’t quit his job.

    If the simple sentence indicates the cause of a person’s doing, the compound sentence will first state the cause, then join the result or outcome with conjunction and.


    Simple:- Being a criminal he was sentenced.

    Compound:- He is a criminal and sentenced.

    In a sentence for having the result before it and cause after it, the sentence will contain the conjunction so/therefore having the cause before it and therefore the result after it.


    Simple:-The school acclaimed him for a good result.

    Compound:- He had a good result so the school acclaimed him.

    Transformation Complex to the compound sentence:-

    In complex sentences though/Although changed like in the beginning, the compound sentence will use the conjunction but/yet to connect the different clauses.


    Complex- Thought he is aged but still enthusiastic.

    Compound:- He is aged but enthusiastic.

    In complex sentences, the compound sentence will use the conjunction and join the different clauses.


    Complex:- As soon as she comes we can start dinner.

    Compound:- She comes and we start dinner.

    In complex sentences since/as/when transformed into and/so/hence/therefore within the compound.


    Complex:- since the weather is bad the match wasn’t held.

    Compound:- The weather is bad and therefore the match wasn’t held.

    In complex sentences, if it begins with “Unless following the second person(you), the sentence will follow this rule, Unless and you’ll be omitted + or between two clauses + main clauses.”


    Complex:- Unless you try hard you don’t pass the exam

    Compound:- Try hard or you don’t pass the exam.

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