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Activity Discussion General Discussion How advertisement influence?

  • Aparajita Karmakar

    May 22, 2021 at 11:34 pm

    Advertisements have their own impact. Its on the way a person adapts it. Some advertisements are regarding awareness, while some are just paid to create chaos. It is important to have right approach towards these advertisements.

    Positive impact

    1. Helps spreading awareness among larger viewers.

    2. Is a source of free entertainment.

    3. Helps connect to more people, extremely good approach for business.

    4. Economically cost efficient and equally effective.

    Negative impact

    1. It can be used to create false image and expression.

    2. Creates false expectations unwantedly.

    I hope this answer helps!😊

  • Shweta

    May 27, 2021 at 12:12 pm

    Advertisement plays a vital role in influencing the minds of the people. Advertisement have been used to make people know and aware about anything or any product. Advertisement of the stuff makes it more effective and increases the chances to get more responses.

    Positive aspects:

    1)Making people aware of it.

    2) way of advertisement attracts the customer.

    3) advertisement makes people to know about the product and customer can match their need.

    4) It enhances the goodwill when response comes good.

    5)people come across a good product.

    Negative aspects:

    1) advertisement gets negative response if people do not like it.

    2) getting more better product, it’s substitute gets no response.

    3) the cost of advertising is high, in order to make it more attractive.

  • Kumari

    May 27, 2021 at 9:52 pm

    There is a great influence of advertisements on our life and our mind. We start comparing our lives with the plot of the advertisements . Like for eg- In a gold jewellery advertisment it is shown that if a husband loves his wife he will gift her gold and diamond jewellery but in real life love can not be compared with the level of jewellery gifted. Advertisments have the power to change people’s thinking. If they start advertising related to anti dowry, equality in girl and boy child, women education and employment people will start accepting these facts. But there are some topics which come up as an agenda like the recent tanishq ad showing inter religion story. The is a term called capitalism realism in advertising which means people start assuming there life a perfect life only when they have perfect family, car ,jewellery as shown in the advertisements and when these are not fullfilled they start thinking that they do not have a perfect life.
    There are certain advantages and disadvantages of the advertisements.
    The positive sides are:-
    • People get option to buy from in the market.
    • Helps to circulate message to a large group of people at the same point of time.
    • Tell about the use of a certain product and about its constituents.
    • Helps in creating and increasing employment for the people.
    • As there are a lot of brands for a particular product there is healthy competition for which brand gives the best product in lowest cost possible.
    Negative impacts can be:-
    • Building of false hopes from the advertisements.
    • People start comparing their life with the advertisements.
    • If the cost of the product is very low the amount which will be given to the people who are working class and most amount of money will be given to the capitalist class.

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