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Tagged: mentalissue, nowork, Pandemic, unemployment
How has the pandemic given rise to unemployment?
Posted by Kumari on June 5, 2021 at 12:50 amHow has the pandemic given rise to unemployment?
Jyothi krishna Prakash replied 3 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies -
4 Replies
The pandemic covid-19, being a communicable disease, has been forced to impose a nation’s lockdown in a complete manner. The lockdown in which everything was totally closed and everyone was forced to sit at their homes without any work led to rise in unemployment. The people who used to earn on the daily basis faced many problem and many of them even attempted suicide.
Unemployment for daily based earners
These people like auto drivers etc., who used to earn on daily basis, faced unemployment because everything was stopped and they do not have any other option for their employment sector.
Unemployment for companies
The producing companies like clothes etc, even faced unemployment because they do not had orders and due to that they had removed many of their workers because the company was not able to pay the wages and salaries. Due to these reasons, the company workers faced unemployment.
Many people were left unemployed, due to which our country went many times backward and to compensate with everything, it will take many efforts and times. From now on, many companies and offices has started to provide work from home jobs to increase the employment sector. It is a great help for everyone.
Unemployment has become one of the biggest problems around the world. When an individual is an implied, he or she will know very less about the mankind. It is so difficult to face situation and handle situations when the individual is unemployed. Unemployment leads to many silly mistakes. And an unemployed person cannot take over the family and lead the family as well. There is a huge competition in highly populated countries like India. In order to be employed, the only method is to study hard and improve the skills and score better. Basically, the students are not showing good amount of interest towards the studies. Let us now see how to motivate them.
Covid crisis has made many people unemployed. It has taken away the basic need of living. Many people are left with the unfilled stomachs. Some people are dead about by not finding a way to live.
Let us now see some of the ways to motivate the students to study and get employeed.
•Make things easier:-
Showing the things easier and explaining them with clarity helps the students to show better interest on the subject and makes them to pay more attention on what the teacher is trying to convey. When the topics are shown easier for the students, they start learning them and they feel achieved and they pay more attention to study. When a student learns a particular topic or a question, he/she feels comfortable and happy for getting it. Once if they start reading, they develop the interest in them and they continue to read more and more.
•Tell the imporatnce:-
The students must be motivated with good number of words to understand the need of studying and what happens if they don’t study. A student is like a bird without the wings when they don’t study. So, it is very important to motivate students to study and to make them understand the need of the situation. Motivation brings the right change in the students who are not interested in learning. It develops the interest in them to study.
It seems good if the government provides good number of jobs.
Our world is fighting one of the greatest challenges that it has ever faced, the pandemic caused by the covid 19 virus has caused havoc and for this the whole world is suffering. The pandemic started in the beginning of the year of 2020 and till date is ongoing, most of the countries have faced the two havoc waves causing destruction like anything. With the ever-increasing number of cases and deaths caused by this deadly virus people are not only physically challenged but are also facing numerous mental issues to deal with the prevailing situation. The whole world has come to a stand still and human beings are the worst sufferers.
For a developing country like India with the second largest population and lack of job opportunities things are going downhill as the lockdown imposed due to the pandemic has resulted in shutting down many private firms and industries and thus as a result the unemployment rate is increasing, also people are loosing jobs due to lack of technicalities as nowadays everything is transferred into the online platforms many people are not able to cope up with this drastic change in such a short period of time. Also due to the pandemic international exports and imports have been reduced and in some parts completely stopped this also caused a mass unemployment action.
The arrival of corona completely changed the life of humans. We can’t able to get out of the house, can’t see the beautiful smile on the others face. A sheild of mask are placed in the face of all. We wouldn’t imagined that we have a life like this. The pandamic condition completely destroys the normal life. There are many people who lost their jobs. In our country there is a large group of people who works in the set of daily wages. Through their daily wages their family runs. Before the pandamic condition, if they don’t have work for a week or few days, they have a strong belief that they get a work , if not they can borrow money from other. But at this condition, they lost their jobs. Can’t ask money from anyone. Because all are facing the same situation. As usual, there is a group of students who pass out from the colleges and don’t have any jobs. Not any companies hiring the employers. The companies dismissing many people and cutting their salaries. How can we survive? We need food and there are many other things to do with money like payment of rent, bills etc. We survive with the help of government.
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