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How is social media harming the mental peace?
Posted by Manpreet on May 31, 2021 at 8:59 pmHow is social media harming the mental peace?
Soniya Sanyal replied 3 years, 9 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies -
3 Replies
Social media is an umbrella term. It has a lot of subtopics basically the different ways in which it has become helpful to us. From the traditionl use to connect to people around the world which it was actually started for to it’s advanced uses which are been in our day to day life like marketing, businesss etc. Social media is both a boon and bane for us depending on our uses. Small business owners who cannot have adequate money to invest on renting a shop can make a social media page and advertise from there only. There are a lot of social media pages for the students preparing for their competitive exam like the UPSC, BPSC, SSC banking etc. The housewives who are really good at cooking are able to share their skills and are taking orders by making their social media handles. There are a lot of people, the social media influencers are earnings lakh and crores through sharing their skills on social media. Through social media a person is capable of standing alone in the crowed and speaking without coordinating with any of the media houses. Like for eg- There’s a disaster due to the carelesness of the ministers, any news channel will not speak against the minister as there job will be in the danger but an individual person can take a stand and make a vedio regarding and share it on the social media to let people know the truth no one will be able to harm the person as we live in a democratic country and everyone has the right to express there thoughts. But everything has 2 sides depending on our usage. Teenagers and children come in the influence of the others and get all of there information to an unknown person which can cause a very big problem. Parents should teach there children what are the good and bad aspects of the social media and how it should be used to take it’s full positive advantage.
Social media can have its own perks but at the same time, is vulnerable to many risks and threats. It is important to understand the right amount of usage of social media. One wrong message, can end up resulting into massive problems.
Though it seems easy to spread awareness online, at the same time, a wrong information can also float online. It becomes very difficult to fix such problem as the news already becomes viral unexpectedly. Maintaining privacy is highly important. Until unless you have apt security system that assures you at least of 99% of safety with the content you deal with online, maintaining online decorum is extremely important. One mis-judgement can cause uninvited problems.
I hope this answer helps!😊
Each coin has two sides. While social media has its own benefits but no one can deny the fact that it also causes a lot of chaos which could have been avoided if there was no social media. Everything comes with a good and a bad side and it just depends on the person how he wishes to use it.
Social media has opened the gates of Technology for everyone. It has so many benefits like people can now connect to their old friends with whom they had lost their touch a long time ago, now even a middle class student can enroll into a good coaching just by staying at his own home alone it’s to travel to various Different cities in order to gain knowledge he just has to enroll in online classes, Also, with the advent of social media people can Express their emotions freely to a larger group of people.
As compared to the earlier time people have now become more aware of their surroundings. They also have become aware of the mean and requirements of other people and during the pandemic and social media has played a great role in arranging medical supplies like bed and oxygen for different people.
But the virtual reality can have a lot of negative impact on the minds of the people. People set idolizing some people and want to gain a physique just like them. To achieve these goals they use some shortcut which may have long lasting bad impact on their health.
Also children and teenagers are the first one to be carried away by this virtual reality and not fun they start considering all this as the real life. Parents should always keep a check on their children so that they do not involve with social media at a very young age.
The world of social media at times is full of fake people who do not care about others feelings. As social media guarantees a freedom of speech people start doing hate comments to each other and involving in baseless fights. Therefore it is always better to use social media wisely and children should not get involved with social media without the prior permission of the parents.
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