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Activity Discussion Essay How to be healthy mentally?

  • Tejasri Alla

    June 10, 2021 at 5:11 pm

    Some of the methods to be healthy mentally.


    Exercising at least for 10 to 15 minutes a day help the individual to be physically fit and also mentally strong. Exercising every day is a very good habit which everyone need to make it and perfect habit to do. Exercising 10 to 15 minutes also relieves us from the stress and the tension we have had. So, it is better to spend at least 10 to 15 minutes even in our hectic schedule an exercise. Yoga relives from the stress and tension we have had. Sparing at least 10 to 15 minutes time on yoga benefit is a lot. It relaxes the muscle and calms the mind. It helps to be physically fit and mentally strong. All the asanas and pranayama helps to Gain strength and to be physically fit.


    Meditating for at least 10 to 15 minutes a day is such a good practice which an individual must add into the timetable. Meditating 15 minutes daily helps the individual to have stress-free life and it also calms the mind in the better possible way. Meditation is not a big deal, it just takes few minutes in the hectic schedule which is so beneficial and will never regret of practising it as a routine.


    Yoga is also equally important to be mentally calm. Practicing 15 minutes of yoga is so beneficial. All the asanas helps to get stronger muscles with the fitter body and good lifestyle with mental calmness.

    “Always be positive”.

  • Shweta

    June 10, 2021 at 6:49 pm

    Having mental peace of mind in a healthy state is important for every humans life. The hurry and rushes and today’s time whether in the jobs, business, or studies has been increased so much that people has made their mind frustrated with the everyday’s activity. Mostly ,in today’s pandemic period, the most important thing is to keep your mental state stable and calm because sitting in the houses without any work leds to think you many goods and bads thought which is not good for you.

    Exercising regularly is one of the most good thing to maintain your mental health. It reduces your anxiety and makes you calm and gives you a positive vibes and strength. Different types of asanas helps you to relieve your mental stress.

    Listen to soothing musics and songs. Songs are said to the best medicine. Listening to songs relaxes your mind and releases your tensions. You should listen the songs everyday and relax your mind.

    Spend some time with yourself. You should have your personal space for sometime to make yourself stress free.

    Never think about any negativity. Think positive and be optimistic in every situation. Learn from your past and experience from your past and make your present and future beautiful.

    Eat healthy, intake more dark chocolates and caffeines to reduce your mental stress. Be positive and everything will be fine. Never stress out upon something. Be good and calm and everything will be fine.

  • Manpreet

    June 10, 2021 at 8:54 pm

    Being Mentally healthy includes both emotional stability and acting with mindfulness. However, depression, anxiety and stress are never invited by will, it just happens due to overthinking, burdened under loads of work, lacking a healthy lifestyle etc. Thus there are numerous possibilities on how a person loses his mental fitness. Here are some points that might help you regain your mental stability.

    1. Meditation – it is the most powerful way to gain back your mental peace. It not only creates a peaceful balance but also strengthens our ability to think and power to concentrate. A daily meditation of 15 – 30 minutes can easily lead us to peace and harmony.

    2. Yoga and pranayama are a proven help to these problems –

    Get up early in the morning, practice some yoga and pranayama on a daily basis in an open environment. Breathe in the fresh air and exhale your stress out.

    3. Don’t dwell on the past – as it is said, let bygones be gone. Don’t stress over emotional memories of the past. Let it go. Don’t stress over the mistakes of the past. It will lead to nothing but a great turmoil of troublesome thoughts in your head. Once you stop thinking about the memories of the past that has been haunting you – you’ll find yourself internally happy with no anxieties.

    4. Forgive and forget – keeping a grudge will do no good to you. Let it go!! Holding on to your anger will make it impossible for you to find inner peace. It will only harm you. Let go of the anger, forgive and forget – not for the other person but for your inner peace.

    5. Try finding a positive approach of living. Being positive will not just make you feel happy but will also spread positive vibes around you.

    These were a few points that can help you maintain or regain your mental peace. Cultivate your thoughts and actions with an effort that helps you remain peaceful. Let go off the worries and troubles of the past or future. Everything’s uncertain but present. Live in the present. Help yourself heal from within. Take a walk. Grab a book and a cup of coffee. Spend some time with yourself. Admire the beauty of nature. Do something that your heart enjoys, may be singing, dancing or painting or anything that brings peace to your mind. Your peace of mind depends on you.

    Stay safe

    I hope this helps.

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