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Activity Discussion General Discussion How to control mental stress?

  • Shivani Thakkar

    June 5, 2021 at 8:32 am

    It is difficult not to be overwhelmed once in a while these days. You can become too stressed and busy between juggling work, family and other commitments. However, you need to delay or your mental and physical health can be damaged.

    You can and must do it, but learning how to manage your stress takes practice.

    Regular workouts are one of the best ways to relax your mind and body. Moreover, exercise improves your mood. However, you often have to do that to pay off.

    Work up to 2 hours and 30 minutes moderately intense workouts, such as fresh walks or 75 minutes of stronger training, such as swimming, sports or jogging.

    Concentrate on setting fitness goals that you can achieve to avoid abandoning. Most of all, it is better than anyone to do any exercise.

  • Manpreet

    June 5, 2021 at 11:52 am

    A much discussed subject these days is on mental health. And it’s so very important to talk and spread awareness about it. One can never really progress if he / she is not mentally fit. Mentally healthy includes being both emotionally stable and acting with mindfulness. However, depression, anxiety and stress are never invited by will, it just happens due to overthinking, overstressing over something, burdened under loads of work, lacking a healthy lifestyle etc. Thus there are numerous possibilities on how a person loses his mental fitness. Here are some points that might help you regain your mental stability.

    1. Meditation – it is the most powerful way to gain back your mental peace. It not only creates a peaceful balance but also strengthens our ability to think and power to concentrate. A daily meditation of 15 – 30 minutes can easily lead us to peace and harmony.

    2. Don’t dwell on the past – as it is said, let bygones be gone. Don’t stress over emotional memories of the past. Let it go. Don’t stress over the mistakes of the past. It will lead to nothing but a great turmoil of troublesome thoughts in your head. Once you stop thinking about the memories of the past that has been haunting you – you’ll find yourself internally happy with no anxieties.

    3. Forgive and forget – keeping a grudge will do no good to you. Let it go!! Holding on to your anger will make it impossible for you to find inner peace. It will only harm you. Let go of the anger, forgive and forget – not for the other person but for your inner peace.

    4. Yoga – spending time with oneself and not thinking about any other stuff is an ordeal. However, spending time with oneself doing yoga will strengthen your emotional status of mind. Yoga not only cures the body but the mind as well. Most of the therapists ask their patients to perform yoga on a daily basis.

    These were a few points that can help you maintain or regain your mental peace. Cultivate your thoughts and actions with an effort that helps you remain peaceful. Let go off the worries and troubles of the past or future. Live in the present. Help yourself heal from within. Take a walk. Spend some time with yourself. Do something that your heart enjoys. Praise the beauty of nature. Your peace of mind depends on you.

    Stay safe

    I hope this helps.

  • Kumari

    June 7, 2021 at 10:48 pm

    In this hard time which we are going through it is very important for us to stay fit mentally and physically. Physical health is generally taken very seriously but one the other hand mental health is something which is not even talked about. People are suffering from pandemic anxiety with is leading them to lack of confidence and depression. Mental health is also equally important infact it can be said that it is more important as a person suffering from physical pain but having stress free mental state can be cured within few days whereas person suffering from no physical health issue but struggling with mental health issues takes lot of years and specialised treatment for recovery . Healthy mental state can be maintained by practicing the stress management techniques. Some of them are-
    1. Exercising and yogas:- These play a very important role in controlling our stress. Long breathing helps to relax our body ,normalise our pulse rate and oxygen rate.
    Excercises like stretching and taking massages also helps body and mind to relax.
    2. Taking breaks:- Taking break from the normal work schedule and doing thing which makes us happy helps in relieving stress . It can be cooking, dancing, singing. Anything which makes us happy.
    Spending time doing our hobbies will help our mind to stop thinking in a particular direction which is causing stress or affecting mental peace.
    3. Eating healthy:- Consuming balanced diet helps our body to stay healthy and healthy body leads to healthy mind.
    4. Working on the problem:- Working on the problem and discussing with the specialised people helps in solving it which leads to better mental state and healthy mind.
    5. Talk with people around:- Talking plays a very important role in releasing stress. Knowing about people around and most importantly surrounding people with same ambition and mind set gives a lot of support and motivation for a person.

  • Shweta

    June 8, 2021 at 11:41 am

    Controlling mental stress is one of the most important factor of life in this busy world. The competition arising in every field whether it is a office, business or studies, there exists a lot of stress in our lives and we need to relax our mind to lead a healthy life. Henceforth, the stress cannot get lesser, but we can add some measures and habits which can reduce our stress and anxiety.

    Firstly, we should add exercise in our daily routine. We should do exercise everyday. It keeps us healthy fit and fine. Apart from that, it provides calm to your mental health and keeps you active and fresh.

    Secondly, we should have a healthy eating diet. In taking of more caffeines like black coffee, dark chocolate are rich in caffeine which helps to reduce anxiety and mental health becomes stable.

    We should also stop over thinking. Many people think about their past and stress out. We should not think about it, rather we should learn with it and make our future and present better.

    Be yourself. That is, make your own personality. Don’t copy others, it will make you disappointed or proud. So start living your life with a positivity so that no stress can effect you.

  • Tejasri Alla

    June 8, 2021 at 5:39 pm

    Some of the methods to have mental wellness


    Exercising at least for 10 to 15 minutes a day help the individual to be physically fit and also mentally strong. Exercising every day is a very good habit which everyone need to make it and perfect habit to do. Exercising 10 to 15 minutes also relieves us from the stress and the tension we have had. So, it is better to spend at least 10 to 15 minutes even in our hectic schedule an exercise. Yoga relives from the stress and tension we have had. Sparing at least 10 to 15 minutes time on yoga benefit is a lot. It relaxes the muscle and calms the mind. It helps to be physically fit and mentally strong. All the asanas and pranayama helps to Gain strength and to be physically fit.


    Meditating for at least 10 to 15 minutes a day is such a good practice which an individual must add into the timetable. Meditating 15 minutes daily helps the individual to have stress-free life and it also calms the mind in the better possible way. Meditation is not a big deal, it just takes few minutes in the hectic schedule which is so beneficial and will never regret of practising it as a routine.


    Yoga is also equally important to be mentally calm. Practicing 15 minutes of yoga is so beneficial. All the asanas helps to get stronger muscles with the fitter body and good lifestyle with mental calmness.

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