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Activity Discussion Environment How to purify the water naturally?

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  • Shivani Thakkar

    June 30, 2021 at 3:58 pm

    At some point in the world, the water is very clean, and this happens naturally. Nowadays, as we block the natural forces to do so, we need to look back at how it happened and find ways to regenerate that wheel. Fortunately, that is quite possible, and most people already exist. Here are a few ways to join them:

    1. The Sun

    Sunlight is a great way to take in clear water, without a lot of sewage and the like, from a clean appearance to cleanliness, and it depends only on the planet’s greatest energy source: the sun. Clean or filtered water should be placed in a clear glass container and left in the sun for at least six hours, and the sun’s rays and heat will eliminate any diseases that can cause waterborne diseases. PET bottles can also be an effective container option as well, but PVC should be completely avoided.


    2. Boiling

    This is a camper classic because it is basic and easily accessible to anyone with a pot and cooking stove. To ensure that all bacteria are killed, water should be stored in the moving intestine for at least five minutes, adding another minute to every 1000 feet above sea level. Some chemicals will be removed as steam, but in order to remove solids, metals, and minerals, boiled water must be allowed to settle. Purified water can be drained from the top. Separating water can suggest this process is another note.

    3. Gravity

    Yes, gravity filters are another effective method. While some may doubt the ultimate results, many may be content to drink this water over tap water. Basically, the composition requires a container that allows water to drain out and spill over. Filter layers of activated coal, sand, and small stones (from bottom to top) and remove small particles continuously. If the water is cloudy or the user is unsure, this method can definitely be used to clean it before using one of the methods to close the germs contract.

  • tanya bajaj

    July 2, 2021 at 9:50 pm

    Water purification is the process of removing undesirable substances, chemicals, suspended solids, and harmful gases from water. The main aim of purifying water is to make it fit for drinking purposes. Also, the purified water can be used for a variety of things like using that water for pharmaceutical things, chemical, industrial, or pharmacological applications. Water can be purified by a variety of processes. They may be physical processes like sedimentation, filtration, and distillation. Or chemical processes like flocculation and chlorination. Water can also be purified using biological processes like sand filters or biologically active carbon. Water can also be purified by using electromagnetic radiation using ultraviolet light.

    Water purification may reduce the number of suspended particles, bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc. Visual inspection cannot decide if the water is pure or not. Below are some processes that can help in the purification of water.

    Boiling– Water can be treated by the process of boiling, but that is not enough. It may filter out bigger particles from the water but cannot separate contaminants that are present from an unknown source.Chlorination- It is a much older technique that was used to purify water. This is the process in which a mild bleach with approximately 5% chlorine is added to the water. This mixture acts as an oxidant and kills micro-organisms, making water reliable for consumption.Distillation- A water purification technique that requires collecting condensed water after evaporation. This process ensures that water is free of all the suspended contaminants. Solar Purification- This process involves filling a plastic bottle with water and keeping it horizontally in the sunlight. The ultraviolet radiation of the sun acts on this water making it safe for use. When the plastic bottle is filled with water, it is shaken a bit so as to activate oxygen in it. This process effectively kills the bacteria and viruses present in the water.

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