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Money cannot buy all the happiness.
Posted by Sakchi Srivastav on May 13, 2021 at 11:08 amIn today’s world where everyone is fighting for money but how you can say Money cannot buy “all” the happiness. Take examples from day to day life.
Aruja replied 3 years, 9 months ago 6 Members · 5 Replies -
5 Replies
As you say, in today’s world where everyone is fighting for money, yes this is a true fact. We all know that none of our needs can be met without money. In today’s world money has become an important part of our life, that you can’t live without it. But it is equally true that money cannot buy happiness.
Such as,
1) you can’t buy a relationship with money – we know that relationship is the most wonderful gift god has given to us. In order to maintain a relationship, we need feelings, respect as well as care for each other.
2) money cannot buy time –Elapsed time never came back and you cant even buy it with money.
3) money cannot fix broken relationship – Just as money can’t buy a relationship also we can’t repair a broken relationship with money .
4) you can’t even buy your health with money – No matter how much money you spend, you can’t get your health back.
Yes, In today’s world everyone is fighting for money. It is a proven fact. We all know that, none of our dreams are fulfilled without the money. It is very important and a crucial one to limit the use of money. But, it is also true that money cannot buy happiness.
1. Bonding:-
Money cannot buy the bonding which we have with our friends and family members. We can buy things which are needed for us but we cannot buy the bonding which we have between our friends and our family. There are situations where people cannot buy the things and the bonding is one of them.
2. Happiness:-
The happiness of being with the friends and family cannot be bought by the money it is only felt. There are things which cannot be bought by the money and happiness is one of them. An individual can be happy with the money but he cannot buy the happiness with the money.
3. Love:-
Love isn’t another thing that cannot be bought with the money. Any reason we can have love towards the money but he or she cannot buy the law with the money. The love that is felt by our family and friends is irreplaceable and can never be bought with the money. This is another example that an individual cannot by love.
3. Health:-
Health is the another most important thing which cannot be bought with the money. One can go to the hospital and can pay the money but they cannot buy the Health.
4. Time:-
Time is the most important thing which can never come back once it’s gone. Mondy can never buy the time. The time that is lost is already lost and can never come back.
Money cannot buy happiness. Happiness is something that comes from inside, from inner satisfaction. There are people who are happy in there life even with an average amount of money and there are people who are not happy with a large amount of money. Happines does not comes with things but comes with our family, loved ones, closed people. Money cannot mend broken friendships and relationships. If a person thinks that he will be happy if he buys something that happiness will stay just for a while and then he’ll again be repeating the same process for a different thing and there is not ending of this process and there will be no satisfaction. Happiness is being satisfied with ones own self. Even this pandemic has taught us the value of family, happiness and lives over money. People who are ready for spending all there money on there patient’s treatment but still it cannot be assured that the person will not die. On the present situation we can say that no amount of money in rhe world is capable of giving life to a person. We should work more on ourselves spend time with loved ones and that will lead to our happiness. People who are in grief, pain think that they would have been in a better position if they had money but that is not the truth people who have money are sadder because they are not able to think that why are they not happy if they do have all the money and arrangements for a lavish rich life. So to live a happy life always keep in the the first and the for most point it will not come from money, it will come from career, respect in society,by making our parents proud, by living a balanced life with our partner and many more things.
Money is a key element for accessing our daily requirements and luxuries, in today’s costly world nothing comes for free. Even for fulfilling our basic requirement of food and clothing we require money. But the statement that money cannot buy happiness is absolutely true. Happiness is a state of our mind, an abstract feeling which we cannot see or touch but can experience from the bottom of our heart. At times its very natural to happen that inspite of owing a lot of money and property a person is not happy if we take real life instances this concept will be clearer,
ü Suppose a billionaire’s parents faced a car accident, he did his best to afford all the best medical facilities in the world but then also fails to save them, at that point no matter how much money he produced can bring his parents back ever, and in such a time no matter what the possess can make him happy.
ü Suppose you earn a very handsome salary and can afford each and every luxury of this world but neither your parents nor your better half loves you additionally you don’t have any friends, in such a situation no matter how much you own but you cannot own happiness. At the end of the day, you may have money but lack a person to chat or share your thoughts with.
ü Suppose you are a very rich person and you are suffering from a deadly disease no matter where in the earth you go there is no medical treatment available for the same in such a situation your money cannot give you the happiness you want.
There are many such instances related to our lives which at every step can prove that money cannot buy happiness.
We all know that everything that is made by human it causes advantage and disadvantage both. But the thing that is created by nature never causes any harm to anyone. It is always for the benefit for every living organism. Money, it is a piece of paper which is created by human to run the economy. But now it has become everything to a human being whether you talk about the status in the society or the relationship status or the relationship with your life. People think that without money you are nothing and somewhere it is true. Without money you cannot live as you wish. Without money you cannot stand in front of someone who have something to give you. You cannot buy food. You cannot buy house to live. You cannot buy a car to drive. But you can gain this thing, achieve these thing by your hard work, efforts, by your nature, personality and character. Apart from the importance of the money in today’s Era there is a fact that nobody can change. That you cannot buy everything. Some times if you want something you need to pay for it that is not money. It can be your feelings, your love, your care, your time, your efforts, your hard work to achieve success which give you money. For that also you need to put your hard work, efforts and time rather than putting money and buying the success. Same how you can buy a luxurious bed but you cannot buy sleep. You can buy everything you want to eat but you cannot buy appetite. You can buy a expensive watch but you cannot buy time for yourself and your loved ones. Never let anything rule your life whether it’s materialistic goods, some other person or mony.
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