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Tagged: @discrimination, @race
Posted by Sakchi Srivastav on June 3, 2021 at 12:27 pmWrite an essay on racism culture of India.
tanya bajaj replied 3 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies -
3 Replies
Racism in India
India is known to be a widely populated country and for it’s growing economy. It is known to be one of the most racist countries. Many of India ‘s citizens have been brought up and taught to be very racist and sexist. When a child born in an Indian family is taught to worship anyone with white skin and look down upon anyone with dark skin. Many Indian didn’t respect the African and any dark people. It is observed that when any white people come to India they are praised and treated so well. Many foreigners experience this situation in India. Over 100,000 people, 1369 African American males, and 895 Caucasian males take their own lives due to this racism. The countries rated most racist in the world are Jordan and India. That’s why skin whitening products are much more popular in India than other countries . The people with dark skin are treated so differently from childhood whether it’s male or female. Though India addressed this issue and tried to reduce it but failed as the large number of people are racist. Many children are affected by this discrimination as the largest population of this country has dark skin. A lot of women face racism more than men as women are considered to be fair and beautiful. If anyone doesn’t match the criteria they face a lot of harassment, bullying and molestation due to their race. Though the scenario today changed a bit, lots of young people protest against this nasty white skin obsession. A large number of Indian youth believe they should be judged by their ability not skin color or beauty. If we want to a modern and developed country we should stop this behavior and protest against it.
Racism is the irrational idea that a certain race has different cultural features bestowed by hereditary elements that make individual candidates fundamentally higher than others and given the right to mistreat inferior races. When we clearly define racism, we can understand how incomprehensible and unfathomable such a notion is.
However, racism is so deeply ingrained in our awareness and unconscious that we now have long laid claim to such repulsive beliefs.
Mental stress, social harassment, and even physical attacks are examples of unjustified behavior and acts. We have allowed racist statements and acts to go unchecked, which leads to more division and animosity between two distinct individuals from different backgrounds. In today’s world, there is a never-ending, vicious cycle and a tremendous catastrophe.
We should never criticize someone based on how they appear or speak. Nothing can change the fact that all people are born equal. Racism and other narrow-minded ideas should have died out with the growth of educated people and the mingling of diverse races. Sadly, such behavior is still prevalent and shows no signs of abating.
Racism makes people feel bad about themselves for being born in a specific way or having a certain skin color. Racism has no scientific basis, and racists are completely unaware of the sentiments of other people.
We’re always talking about how contemporary society accepts many cultures and people. We want to achieve monumental goals such as world peace and the abolition of hunger and poverty, yet we are unwilling to work together to make such improvements a reality. Racism is a hindrance to our society’s social progress. With such constricted and restricted ideas, it is difficult to achieve anything significant. It is a sensitive subject that needs individuals to have an open mind and welcome change.
Racism can be described as the feeling that individual races of people have some peculiar cultural features that are defined by hereditary factors and consequently make some races genetically superior to others. The belief that one race has natural superiority over the others created abusive behavior towards the members of other races.
The belief that a particular race or religion or caste has distinctive cultural traits and that they are much superior to others is completely illogical. There is no such thing as superiority or inferiority. We should consider all people as equal and should not be biased because of any reason, either color, caste, creed, or sex. We all know that this is wrong, but we have been following this for ages now. It is like the theory that our ancestors have set and we are bound to follow all those rules and regulations.
We should never judge people according to their color, or the way they speak. We should consider everyone equal and eliminate racism from our country. Though it is almost negligible in the urban cities, but in some of the rural areas, racism still prevails with all its power. The people are getting educated, and with this education, racism should have been extinguished by now. India is a land of diverse cultures. People having different castes live with each other. Even when we go to schools or colleges, all the students having different castes sit with each other, make friends irrespective of their castes. But as we grow older, we are taught to discriminate against people on the basis of their color and sometimes sex as well. Women, in our country, are not given much importance and they are degraded for no reason. Even in offices, they have a low grade pay than men. In rural areas, they are not allowed to work. They are just asked to stay at home and manage household chores.
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