Hello Ayushi!
I can totally relate with you. Even I used paint back in my school days and then I lost touch due to JEE preparation. But art always finds its way back to you. Art came back to me through my niece. I was at home in my semester break with my niece and I saw her paint with her little hands and remembered the time I started to paint. That was when I picked up brush once again and have not stopped since then. Now, in my free time I paint, I paint my feelings, thoughts, and never miss a chance to pour my heart out through painting. I have gotten rid of my fake hobbies like scrolling reels on Instagram and watching series that all seem same to me now and I have once again started to make good use of my free time.
You can do the same, just take a deep breath and try to remember how it felt to do art and you will get your answer.