Indeed it is very true that we live in a gender biased society. Here people think that women are the house keepers and men are the only one who take important decisions for the family. Even in the advertisements it can be seen that in the advertisements of cars, buildings, houses loans men are shown and in the advertisements of sari, cooker etc women are shown. In the most of the gold men are shown gifting there wives gold. These kinds of ads are promoting gender stereotypes. But that is not correct,ads should made with the intention to upgrade people’s thought. Generally it is seen that for an unmarried girls her brother or father are the one taking decision and for a married women her husband is the one taking all her decisions but why is it soo men and women are equally educated now and both of them are equally capable of taking decisions. The boys of the house should also be knowing how to cook for there own survival and not only girls are responsible for doing the household chores. Some time we see women leaving her job due to her husband’s transfer this is also not correct why should a women only sacrifice for her family and love is she the only one responsible for such stuffs. From a very young age girls and boys should be treated equally and girls should be taught they are not weak as compared to men in any aspect. Instead women are multitalented, they can handle work,home kids everyone without complaining if she is given a chance. A girl’s and a boy’s both of thems career is equally important and both should be respecting each others work,stress and help in fulfilling the responsibilities together and not only one should be doing all the things for the family.