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Activity Discussion Essay Technology

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  • Ishita Gupta

    June 2, 2021 at 11:11 am

    Misuse of Technology

    Technology is most gifted thing in our lives. Technology make possible every thing which we could ever think of. We can use technology in every positive way like connecting with our friends and family, research, studies and many more. But the misuse of technology can very much destructive. It cause a great damage in many people. Technology can effect negatively on social and literacy skills as well as in social relationship. It can ruin our atmosphere and ultimately life in the earth. It turned our life more than fiction than reality. It is both blessing and curse. It can cause many malicious cyber crime which can harm other people and do unwholesome thing. Misuse of technology also includes sharing or transferring other people’s data like important information, documents, or money. Sometimes the act of terrorism can conduct by the use of technology. Technology can use badly by use network side for wrong reasons like cyber bullying, harassment, or speeding wrong news. It can spread hatred and negativity to other lives. It can also use to cheat in exam. And internet hackers can use it more dangerously to destroy other people’s lives. Many of the teenagers can fell in the trap of them which can lead to dangerous end like committing suicide. So the thing we can do to prevent it is be more careful and protective. Always be careful using any social networking site or internet, report them who spread any hatred or violence through social media.Together we can overcome every threat.

  • Kumari

    June 11, 2021 at 11:34 pm

    Technology has become a very important part of today’s time. People are dependent on technology for each and every things. It is because due to technology our lives have become very easy. Also in this lockdown people have become much more dependent of technology than before. From online classes to online office.But as it is said that excesss of every thing is bad due to overuse of technology people have started forgetting how to live life to the fullest. There excpectation with life has changed. Everyone’s happiness depends on the technology. The kids are being affected the most. All they want in life is a mobile phone tablet ac for happy life. New born kids are more using mobile. Parents are giving there children mobile phones so they do not get irritated and annoy them. Children are interested in spending more time in front of television and mobile phones in place of going out and playing. Things have changed alot technology has become a kind of compulsion too because if a person is not connected to the technology it is sure they won’t be updated with what’s happening around and they will be left behind from others.
    Right now due to the pandemic the classes for children are going on in the online mode. They have to spend half of the days watching on the screen which causes alot of effect on there eyes. They seem to be more interested in online games, movies, cartoons and have totally forgotten what outdoor games like kabbadi, pittoo, cricket etc. This is the duty of the parents to make sure they make there children connect to the outdoor mode of gaming , and avoiding indoor mode of gaming as much as possible. Use of technology cannot be just stopped but children’s attention can be removed from and replace it from more mind and creative games.

  • Tejasri Alla

    June 15, 2021 at 2:22 pm

    The Technology has become the greatest bliss for everyone. It has comforted everyone to the maximum. It made things to work in a simpler way. Machine made things replaced the man made things and now the machine made things are being replaced by the technology.

    For example, money transferring has become so easy and it has demolished the panic in the people to lose the money. Money transferring has comforted the mankind in several ways. It has reduced the carrying the huge amounts of money and the money is transferred from the person to person within seconds even if it is a bigger amount. This is the one example that the technology is a bliss.

    There are many bad effects of technology like radiation, side effects by overusing the gadgets, losing emotions etc. All the bad effects are because of using the technology in over amounts. The technology must be limited in usage and must only be used whenever there is a need.

  • Anushree Ray

    June 15, 2021 at 9:11 pm

    Technology is a boon as well as a curse for our society, it is true that technology has given us all the comfort but simultaneously it has also given us dangerous situations it is our sole responsibility to make the correct utilization of the power that science possess.

    Technology is misused to carry out various unfair practices across the internet that troubles people such as hacking bank accounts and also personal social profiles and harassing common people. Technology is used in a wrong way to get hold of information and do things which are not lawful and these acts cause havoc tension and crisis in the living world. Also, it is technology which is responsible for the massive destruction caused during war times. We human beings have already experienced the explosion at Hiroshima and Nagasaki which was only possible due to science.

    Even teenagers are also included commencing cyber crimes sitting behind a machine and using technology to harass all the innocent people out there. As science and technology can create wonders it also possess the power to destroy the complete living world within seconds. Being sound in technology and applying technology is good until and unless it goes against the laws.

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