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What are nouns and it’s types?
Posted by Kumari on May 15, 2021 at 4:10 pmWhat are nouns and it’s types?
Ishita Gupta replied 3 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies -
2 Replies
A noun is a word that has a name or that names something, such as a person, place, thing, or idea. In a sentence, nouns can play the role of subject, object, whether direct or indirect, complement, etc.
There is a variety of nouns in an English vocabulary. It can name a person.
For eg:
1. Issac Newton
2. a boy
3. my father
It can also name a place. For eg:
1. Mount Everest
2. My study room
3. Disneyland
Nouns include things too in the form of concept, idea, or intangible things. It might include hypothetical and imaginary things. For eg:
1. Baseball
2. Pipes
3. Cloak of invisibility.
Proper Noun: A proper noun is a noun in which it has a specific name of a person, place, or thing. It is always capitalized.
For eg:
Does Atul have anything to do this evening?
Atul is the specific name of the person.
Common Noun: A common noun is the common name of an item in a group or category. The noun which is not a proper noun is a common noun. It is not capitalized unless appearing at the beginning of a sentence or in a title.
For eg:
The boy died due to hunger.
Boy is a common noun here. It doesn’t expose the identity of the boy in this sentence.
Abstract Noun: An abstract noun is a word that is used for something that cannot be seen or does not have physical existence. Generally, it represents a concept, idea, or quality.
For eg:
Truth, Lies, happiness, sadness, etc.
Countable Noun: The countable noun is the noun that can be counted. It can include a, an, the.
For eg:
chair, table, bat, etc.
Non-Countable Noun: The non-countable noun is the noun that cannot be counted.
For eg:
Oil, sugar, milk, etc.
Concrete Noun: A <strong style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;”>concrete noun is a noun that is the exact opposite of an abstract noun. It represents the things we see and have physical existence.
For eg:
Chair, bat, ball, table, etc.
Collective Noun: A <strong style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;”>collective noun is a noun that is the word used for a group of things, people, or animals, etc. It can be both plural and singular.
For eg:
Family, team, jury, cattle, etc.
Compound Noun: A compound noun is the summation of two or three nouns that appear together, or even with other parts of speech, and behave as a unit.
For eg:
Six-pack, five-year-old, snowball, mailbox, etc.
Noun is one of the most important part of the parts of speech.When we thought about noun what came first to our mind ,name right. As noun is the parts of speech which describe names. So let’s discuss it briefly here.
Noun is parts of speech which indefinitely and describe different kinds of names, like name of people, object, place, quality etc.
Example:- Mahatma Gandhi, India, Kolkata, Ganga, Bus, Sun etc.
There you can see all of these are identify a particular name, like Mahatma Gandhi is a name of a person and Kolkata is the name of a place. So that’s why these all are a noun.
Types of Noun:-
There are 8 different kinds of noun. These different kinds of noon can help to identify the various types of nous. So the name of the types are-
1) Proper Noun
2) Common Noun
3) Concrete Noun
4) Abstract Noun
5) Compound Noun
6) Collective Noun
7) Countable noun
8) Un Countable noun
1) Proper Noun:-Proper Noun is a kind of noun which use identify a name of particular person, place, things etc.
Example:- Kolkata is the city of joy.
Subhas Chandra Bose is a great freedom fighter.
The bold words are proper noun.
2) Common Noun:- Common noun is a kind of noun which are a common names giving to a object, place or person.
We will live in a hotel tomorrow.
Girl’s always like gifts.
The bold words are common noun.
3) Concrete Noun:- Concrete noun are the name of the things which we can physically touch and feel.
Example:- I eat rice daily.
He always busy in his mobile.
The bold wards are concrete noun.
4) Abstract Noun :- Abstract noun are the name of things which we can’t touch ,these are ideas, feeling, emotion.
He always have grat wisdom.
Always choose the path of truth.
The bold one are abstract noun .
5) Compound Noun:- Compound noun are the noun which are made of two words, each of the word are modified a particular noun or adjective.
I love to swim in the swimming -pool.
He always wait for me at the bus -stop.
The bold words are compound noun.
6) Collective Noun:- Collective noun is a noun which identify the name of a group of individuals.
India has the strongest Army.
Sita always support her family.
The bold words are collective noun.
7) Countable noun:- Countable noun is a kind of noun which identify name of things which we can count.
There are lots of people in the party.
I only have five hundred rupees.
The bold words are countable noun.
8) Un Countable noun:- Un Countable noun is a kind of noun which identify names of things which we can not count.
Japanese people are very found of rice.
She has pretty brown hair.
The bold words are non countable noun.
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