Activity › Discussion › Essay › What are the advantages and disadvantages of technology?
Tagged: @impact, @technology, Advantages, Disadvantages, negative, positive
What are the advantages and disadvantages of technology?
Posted by Kumari on June 8, 2021 at 11:04 pmWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of technology? How can it be used for a better outcome?
Anushree Ray replied 3 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies -
2 Replies
The Technology has become the greatest bliss for everyone. It has comforted everyone to the maximum. It made things to work in a simpler way. Machine made things replaced the man made things and now the machine made things are being replaced by the technology.
For example, money transferring has become so easy and it has demolished the panic in the people to lose the money. Money transferring has comforted the mankind in several ways. It has reduced the carrying the huge amounts of money and the money is transferred from the person to person within seconds even if it is a bigger amount. This is the one example that the technology is a bliss.
There are many bad effects of technology like radiation, side effects by overusing the gadgets, losing emotions etc. All the bad effects are because of using the technology in over amounts. The technology must be limited in usage and must only be used whenever there is a need.
Science and technology have a major impact in all our lives, since the technical evolution we human beings are constantly using science to make our lives easier. From the very beginning till the end of the day and even in the tenure when we are asleep, we use technology in some or the other way. Science is a boon for us, but in the other hand as everything has it own merits and demerits there are also people who do use science for a bad cause.
We live in the technological era where gadgets are of out most importance to us. A gadget is simply a human made device which is programmed to reduce human effort and does a piece of job easily without any hassle. In this fast-growing world we human beings are always surrounded by machines and gadgets for every need of ours starting from the time we get up in the morning till we again go to bed we even use gadgets while we are asleep such as air conditioner, insect repellent and many more.
Everything comes with its own advantages and disadvantages similarly technology even gas its own positive and negative perspectives; it is true that it has reduced physical activities and this has given birth to one of the most serious medical problem that is obesity but sidewise it also saves a lot of time for us and we should be wisely planning our live styles in order to keep ourselves healthy. Also, technology has a great impact of children and they tend to do everything by auto simulator which is not at all a good practice for them as at that stage they require to work out problems in order to ensure a healthy mental growth.
Technology is surely a boon to us now it lies in our hands that how do we use it.
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