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Activity Discussion Science & Technology What are the five sense organs of the human body?

  • Nehal Rathi

    May 15, 2021 at 2:13 pm

    Our body is very unique. The entire system is governed by brain. Brain is located in head of the body. All the 5 senses work in accordance of brain. Nerves send the signals to the brain and accordingly we react. Each and every senses plays an unique role. The 5 senses of the human body are –

    1. Sight – Eyes help an individual to see and acknowledge things. With help of eyes the light which falls into the eye is converted into image with help of brain and this how we see objects near us. There are few people who does not have this sense, they don’t have eye they are know as blind people.

    2. Smell – Noes help us to smell fragrance around us. Dogs have good smelling skills. But humans also have 400 smelling receptors. One human can differentiate 1 trillion diffrent smells. There are few people who cannot smell so there are chances that they are likely suffering from some kind of syndrome.

    3. Touch – Touch is one of the most important sense. With the help of hands we can touch things. Touch is the first sense that a human develop. Touch can also influence the way we take our decision. Pain, temperature, vibration, different textures, pressure all these things are associated with touch. A person who is blind. The touch sense helps the person to understand the surroundings.

    4. Sound – With help of ears an individual an hear different types of sound. different types of vibrations, loud sounds, music etc are all related to sound. There are few people who cannot hear and there are hearning devices which help an individual to hear.

    5. Taste – With help of Tounge we can taste different type of tastes. That are sour, bitter, sweet and salty. Spicy is not a taste, it is actually a pain signal. There is a fifth taste known as savory. There are stilll many other flavors which are yet to be discovered.

  • Anushree Ray

    May 15, 2021 at 8:43 pm

    Human body is primarily made up of cells these cells combine to form cell organelles, organelles further combine to form tissues, moving forward tissues biologically combine to form organs these organs further come together and constitutes various organ system which the human body is made up of. The human body is a very complex mechanism consisted of various organ systems each specified to do its particular job.

    Sense organs are a very vital part of the human body and serves a lot of important need, human beings have five sense organs namely:

    1. EYE: The eyes are situated in the upper part of the forehead; human beings have a pair of eyes which helps then with vision to see the world around and witness the beauty of nature at its fullest.

    2. EAR: Ears are situated at the two extremes of the human face and it also comes in a pair and helps human beings to hear various sound which comes in the frequency range audible by human beings.

    3. NOSE: Nose is situated just under the eyes and each human being has one single nose which helps them to smell, this is a very vital sense organ.

    4. TONGUE: Tongue is situated inside the mouth and it consists of taste buds and help humans to taste.

    5. SKIN: Skin is the largest organ in the human body and is all over the human body providing a cover to save all the inner organs and gives us the sense of every kind of touch.

  • Manpreet

    May 16, 2021 at 8:42 pm

    The human body is a unique system of coordinated mechanisms.

    The millions of neurons serve as the structural and functional unit of the body. The neurons pick up the signals from the sensory organs and transfer them to the brain through the nerves. There are receptors in the body that pick up these signals, i.e., they first sense them and then transfer them through nerves to the brain. These receptors are also known as sensory receptors. They are located in organs such as:

    Eyes, nose, ear, skin, tongue

    1. Eyes- these act as the receptor for sight. The presence of rods and cones helps a person to visualize objects. Whatever we see is just an image formed by the reflection of the light transmitted by the object or any light source. Cones are the cells that helps us to see in light and rods are the cells that helps us visualize objects at night or in dark.

    2. Nose- the smell receptor of the body. It takes up the smell through the olfactory receptors present in the nasal cavity. This signal is transmitted to the brain through the olfactory nerves.

    3. Ear- the receptor for hearing is present in the ear, particularly in the ‘organ of Corti’ present in the cochlea that is located in the internal ear.

    4. Skin- the receptor for touch is located in the skin. there are receptors for heat and cold too. It is the largest organ of the body, that covers the entire surface of the human body.

    5. Tongue- the receptors of taste is located in the tongue in the form of taste buds. The apex of the tongue has receptors or taste buds for sweet, the lateral sides have receptors for salty taste whereas the posterior end has receptors for bitter and sour taste.

    These were
    the 5 sense organs that contain various sensory
    receptors for the body to function properly. These receive the signals
    and deliver it to the brain through the nervous cells.

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