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Activity Discussion General Discussion What do you mean by women empowerment?

  • Tejasri Alla

    June 15, 2021 at 3:45 pm

    Women are to be encouraged in all the activities Which men does. They should be treated equally with the men irrespective of the situation or the work. Everywoman must get the chance to Show the world their unflinching commitment and unwavering spirit. The women are no less than the men, they can do all the works similar to the men and sometimes better than them.

    Women are to be treated with used respect. The girl child should be given all the rights and freedom to maintain the things. They must not feel low in any situation or add any kind of failure. Instead, the mistake all the mistakes and must improve themselves to prove again with high standards. They must receive all the needs from the particular government to fulfill then basic needs.

    Education is the one of the basic needs. All the girl childs are to be encouraged to go for the education and must be motivated with good amount of words to achieve high standards in the society and to prove that they are no less than anyone. The parents must never feel low to give the birth to a baby girl. Instead, they must feel so proud to have a girl child in the family and that must raise the girl child in the similar way that they raise their boy. In things education, love, priorities etc. both men and women should be treated equally.

  • Shweta

    June 16, 2021 at 6:01 pm

    Women empowerment is such an act in which women’s power is being defined in a positive manner. In all the ways and possibilities, women are more better than everyone. The thinking of people is such that even at today’s time, women are not allowed to match their shoulder and walk with men. Even there exists many restrictions which are imposed only on the girls and not on boys. The restrictions of living in a parda, the character of a girl is judged by their dresses. The activities of girls are judged in every field. Today, girls are not allowed to go out at late evenings and night.

    People forget the point that women has been excelled in every field as compared to men. It is totally seen that if a girl gets a full facility in studies, academics or any other field, they can excel more than men.

    It is the women empowerment that women of today’s time are not best in their kitchen and household works. Keeping aside that, women in today’s time is being best at their occupation. Business are being run by women, women of today are pilot, the excelling fields includes the name of women like saina nehwal in badminton, Sania Mirza in tennis, Sunita Williams as a first to go on moon.

    The excelling fields does not ends here. Even the works which according to the people’s thought can be done only by men has also been covered by ladies. The ladies of today are excelling their career in wrestling, cricket etc.

    By conceiving such examples, we come to know that women are no less than men. Even we can say they are superior. We should never underestimate the power of anyone. If a women wants, they can do anything because nothing is impossible for a willing heart.

    So, we should always respect women.

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