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What is chalcolithic age?
Posted by Soniya Sanyal on June 11, 2021 at 2:26 amWhat were the significant features?
Shivani Thakkar replied 3 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply -
1 Reply
Chalcolithic, a subsidiary of the Greek khαλκός khalkós, “copper”, and líthos, “stone”[1] or Copper Age, also known as the Eneolithic or the Eneolithic (Latin aeneus “of copper”), an archaeological period which researchers are now viewing part of the broader Neolithic. In the past, researchers have defined it as a transitional period between the Neolithic and the bronze age. From this point of view, the Eastern-European archaeologists often prefer the term “Chalcolithic” the methodology of the study, truly the “Chalcolithic” or other alternatives.
During this period, chalcolithic metal technical parts of the superior, the site was taken out of the cups. Therefore, it was discovered that a long time ago, to another the tin from the copper, to create a bronze, a metal, an alloy, which is stronger and more durable of any of the components.
The archaeological site of Belovodje, A mountain in the middle of the country such as Serbia, the world’s oldest securely dated evidence of copper smelting at high temperature, dating back to 5000 bc (7000 F.£.). The transition from the copper age to the bronze age in Europe is done by the scores between the 5th and the late 3rd centuries, the F. AD. In the ancient near east, bronze age, reached the same period, with the beginning of the end of the 5th millennium, and continued nearly a millennium ago, it was Early in the bronze age.
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