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Activity Discussion Environment What is deforestation?

  • Mahima

    May 22, 2021 at 1:29 am


    Deforestation is defined as the removal of a huge number of trees from a forest. Our environment has long been threatened by deforestation. However, many people continue this harmful activity. Furthermore, deforestation contributes to ecological imbalance. Nonetheless, some opportunistic individuals must make a profit. As a result, they don’t even consider it. As a result, the government is attempting to mitigate the environmental damage.

    The primary goal of deforestation is to expand the land area. In addition, this land area will be used to establish new enterprises. And it’s all due to the population explosion. As a result, wealthy businessmen established these businesses to boost their profits.


    1.Soil erosion is the process of the top layer of soil being washed away. When trees that bind the soil are cut down, something happens. As a result, the top layer of soil is carried away by wind and water.

    As a result, calamities such as landslides occur. Furthermore, different floods are caused by soil erosion. Because there are no trees to divert the rainwater from heavy rains, they flow straight to the plains. As a result, the colonies where people live are harmed.

    2.Global Warming: The biggest source of change in our environment is global warming. These seasons are currently being pushed back. Furthermore, their ratios are unbalanced. Temperatures are reaching dangerously high levels. It was 50 degrees on the plains this year, which is the warmest of all. Furthermore, the Himalayan mountains’ glaciers are melting. floods are wreaking havoc on our country’s mountainous areas and the people who live there. Furthermore, the proportion of drinkable water is diminishing.

    3.Impact on the water cycle- Because plants discharge soil water into the environment through transpiration. As a result, cutting them reduces the amount of water in the atmosphere. As a result, no clouds are forming. As a result, the agricultural fields aren’t getting enough rain. As a result, it only has an indirect impact on people.

    4.Wildlife is also affected by deforestation, which is a major danger. Many creatures, such as the Dodo, the Sabre-toothed Cat, and the Tasmanian Tiger, have already become extinct. Some creatures are also on the edge of extinction. This is because they have lost their habitat or place of residence. For wildlife conservationists, this is one of the most pressing concerns.

  • Sakchi Srivastav

    May 22, 2021 at 8:20 am

    Deforestation means cutting down Of trees on the large scale. Deforestation is basically a task done for fulfilling the greed of people. Now a question must be arising in your mind why deforestation than the answer is:-

    1. For construction of road or flyover to connect one city with another or for minimizing traffic .

    2. To own land as their private property as now a days there is tendancy of having everything personal.

    3. For construction of industry . Various industries are emerging they require land for set up.

    4. For Using timber of trees for making wood products and furnitures.

    5. For using timber during winters.

    But these practices degrades the quality of environment. Trees and forest plays a very important role in our environment as:-

    They are the source of life saving gas oxygen and provide us pure air for free.

    It binds the soil and check soil erosion.

    It decreases the climatic change and ozone layer depletion. Also it controls global warming.

    Effects of deforestation:-

    1. Oxygen level is decreasing day by day also we are facing pollution issues .

    2. Extreme climatic change , we are now facing extreme summer and extreme winter.

    3. Global warming condition is increasing day to day.

    4. Several animal lives are destroyed by cutting down of forest.

    Yes , I am not saying to not use forest products but to use it in sustainable manner .

    Thank you!!

  • Shweta

    May 22, 2021 at 12:02 pm

    Deforestation is a known word which means cutting down of trees and harming the environment.

    In today’s modern time, deforestation has been promoted a lot, whether legally or illegally. It is because of the rise in population. The population in our country is rising everyday and it has reached to such extent that people are not getting the place to live and work. For this, the solution has been taken to cut down the forests and trees to make the buildings, companies etc. For the sake of humans benefit.

    Therefore, no doubt occurs that the process of deforestation affects us directly and indirectly. As because, lesser the trees, lesser the rainfall. The rainfall has been so much less because their exist very less trees. Due to lack of rainfall, the droughts and floods occur.

    Second thing is, cutting down the forest and trees are the reason why we do not get fresh air and oxygen. The companies and factories has made its place so much that the air gets mixed up with harmful smokes and we humans gets problem of breathing. These are the reasons why new diseases occur.

    In order to live a healthy life,one should demote deforestation and promote afforestation. Planting the trees will help not only us but also to our future generations. Everything should be done by keeping in mind that there will be next generation as well and for them we need to secure our earth with a betterment.

  • Anushree Ray

    May 22, 2021 at 12:36 pm

    Deforestation is the practice of cutting down trees for various human needs. Deforestation in increasing at an alarming rate. Huge forests are being cleared to transform the space into developed cities, Trees are being cut down to use the wood to make furniture, papers and many other goods. Trees are being cut randomly without much trees being planted and this has already turned into a global issue.

    Harm which deforestation causes:

    1. Trees bind the roots of the soil and thus help in avoiding soil erosion, once the trees are cut the soil is left loose and is eroded very easily.

    2. Tress provide us with oxygen and absorbs the carbon dioxide, with a smaller number of trees around carbon dioxide emitted by us is not being absorbed at a greater rate and as a result global warming is increasing.

    3. With forests being cleared many wild animals are losing home and thus are exposed out as a result of which many of them even die, this is destroying the balance between the flora and fauna and is creating a great ecological imbalance.

    4. Trees play an important role in rain with a smaller number of tress even the rain cycle is getting disturbed which is causing water scarcity and many other problems.

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