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Activity Discussion Environment What is soil erosion?

  • Anushree Ray

    June 10, 2021 at 1:13 pm

    The soil which we see at the surface of Earth actually consists of many layers among them the most fertile is the top layer which lets trees and plant grow with all the necessary nutrients and also helps them to grow. Soil erosion is the phenomenon which results in moving away the fertile top layer of the soil and gets us exposed to the rocky unfertile layer. This is generally caused either due to extreme natural condition such as cyclone or flood which takes along with it the top layer of the soil and another major reason which is responsible for soil erosion is human activities such as deforestation.

    Deforestation is the practice of cutting down trees for human needs such as product manufacturing or clearing land for building establishments. Cutting down trees result in loosening the soil particles as because there is no more root to bind and hold the soil particles together firmly. Processes such as building concrete roads all over results in uprooting the green grass which also helps in binding the soil together.

    Soil erosion is a serious problem which needs to be taken proper care of, we should plant more and more trees in order to ensure that the upper fertile layer remains intact.

  • Kumari

    June 10, 2021 at 10:11 pm

    Soil erosion is the process by which the topmost fertile layer of the soil is removed due to any physical impacts such as wind water or any animal. Due to this process the soil loses it’s nutrition. It also takes place due to some of the human activities such as deforestation. It can be said that Deforestation is the major problem that is causing erosion . People cut trees for there needs due to which the roots leave the soil and phenomenons like floods and landslides take place.Even agriculture causes soil erosion as for agriculture tress are removed and seeds are sowned in the on month of spring with causes it be barrened in the months of winter. Grazing of animals like sheeps and cows also also causes soil erosion as while grazing they remove the plants from there roots. For construction of buildings tractors are been drove in order to level the ground causing the fertile soil to get eroded.
    There are various impacts of soil erosion. The soil looses its nutrients while effects the growth of the crops. It also causes natural calamities such as earthquakes and landslides.
    There are ways in which soil can be prevented from eroding. The soil should not be left barrened instead grasses and shrub should be grown on the land. Keep the drainage system of you building our house clear so that the wasted water is not gone to the garden as the overflow of water can cause erosion. Do not over water the plants. The older plants which have the roots attached to the ground are more helpfull in controlling the erosion than the plants which are new and there roots are not very strong. Fertilisers and nutrients should be added to the soil in order to maintain it’s nutritive value of the soil so that it can give rise to a healthy plant.

  • Mahima

    June 11, 2021 at 6:44 pm

    It is a natural process in which the topmost layer of the soil gets carried away due to wind, rainwater, or flood. The soil erosion process occurs slowly that is not so much visible in the starting and comes to the notice when the land had been degraded in an alarming situation.

    Due to soil erosion sinkholes can also be caused. Erosion entails three distinct actions: soil detachment, displacement, and deposition, whether caused by water, wind, or tillage. Topsoil, which is rich in organic matter, fertility, and soil life, is either moved “on-site” to build up over time or transported “off-site” to fill in drainage channels.


    a. Sheet Erosion: It mainly occurs in hilly areas in which the top sheet of soil is removed due to the water and this kind of erosion is not that much visible.

    b. Wind Erosion: strong winds blowing over light-textured soils that have been heavily grazed during drought times are more likely to cause it.

    c. Rill Erosion: Heavy rains cause rill erosion, which produces small rills over hillsides, making farming difficult.

    d. Gully Erosion: In this water runs off with such a force that it can easily move the soil particles to the side and making a gully type pattern. It is highly visible.


    1.Deforestation: A rising population’s demand for commodities such as coffee, soybeans, palm oil, and wheat is clearing land for agriculture. Unfortunately, removing native trees and replacing them with new tree crops that don’t always hold on to the soil increases the risk of soil erosion.

    2.Overgrazing: Intensive cattle raising causes overgrazing. Since plants do not have the time to regenerate, they are crushed and compacted by cattle. Topsoil sediments are transferred elsewhere during this phase. The residual soil, on the other hand, may lose its infiltration potential, resulting in more water loss from the environment and a more difficult time for new plants to develop.

    3. Use of Agrochemicals: Framers use pesticides and fertilizers on their land very often to improve their agricultural production. The excessive use of these chemicals causes the imbalance of microorganisms Which results in the growth of harmful bacteria in the soil, due to this soil gets degraded and the risk of soil erosion increases.

    4. Construction- Buildings and roads play a part in soil erosion because they prevent water from flowing freely. Instead, it floods adjacent fields, causing deforestation in these areas to accelerate. Furthermore, motorized sports like motocross can disrupt habitats as well as alter and erode the soil.


    a. Till carefully- Since tilling disturbs the soil’s composition, doing less tilling and fewer passes preserves more of the valuable topsoil.

    b. WaterControl: The places where erosion occurs due to water, their new water system should be placed that is placing pipes, shafts will help in diverting water streams away from vulnerable areas, reducing erosion.

    c. Soil conservation: It is a technique in which new farming techniques are adapted to avoid soil degradation or erosion. Some of the methods like terrace farming, crop rotation, contour plowing should be practiced.

    e. Educate farmers: Knowledge shall be provided to the farmers regarding the ways to prevent soil erosion so that they can apply the methods to their daily agricultural practices.

    f. Crop Rotation: This practice helps in making the soil rich. Only one kind of crop should not be grown on the land, it should be replaced with another crop as well.

    g. Increased structure for plants: Using terraces or other methods to stabilize plant life or even the soil surrounding them may help to minimize the likelihood of soil loosening and eroding.

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