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Activity Discussion Grammar & Vocabulary What is subject and object in a sentence?

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  • Nehal Rathi

    May 17, 2021 at 10:58 am

    A subject in a sentence are referred to as person, place or thing that “performs the action”.

    For Instance:

    – Nehal arrived and John smiled

    So here in the sentence Nehal and John are subject of the sentence as they are performing an action.

    – I love dark chocolates and cake.

    So here in the sentence ‘I’ is the subject.

    – They went to a picnic.

    So here in the sentence ‘they’ are the subject.

    – An elephant was sitting on the grass.

    The subject in the above sentence is ‘An elephant’

    ( subjects in a sentence can be long also they might also include noun and it might also include two or more noun)

    – Nehal’s brown cat and Shreya’s white cat went for a walk.

    So here in the sentence ‘Nehal’s brown cat and Shreya’s white cat’ are subject.

    An object in a sentence can be place person or thing that “receives the action”. An object can also be a noun, or a pronoun.

    For example:

    – I love dark chocolates and cake.

    So here in the sentence ‘chocolates and cake’ are the object.

    – Nehal meet Shreya yesterday.

    So here in the sentence ‘Shreya’ is the object.

    – Nehal followed shreya.

    So here in the sentence Nehal is the ‘subject’ and shreya is the ‘object’.

    – Nehal was eating a burger.

    So here in the sentence Nehal is the ‘subject’ and burger is the ‘object’.

    – we want some apple juice.

    So here in the sentence some apple juice is the object.

    – Shreya lied to Nehal.

    So here in the sentence Nehal is the obejct.

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