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What is the impact of plastic in eco system?
Posted by Edutuber mallu on May 14, 2021 at 7:05 pmWhat is the impact of plastic on us
Anushree Ray replied 3 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies -
2 Replies
Impact of plastic on our eco system
Plastic has become a very important part of our daily. Specifically for urban areas. People are obsessed with it , we regularly use it. It is seen to be every were like market place, shopping mall and also in our own houses too. We never thought off the massive account of harm it can cause on our environment. So first off we all know that we always need to avoid Non-biodegradable products as it’s very harmful towards our nature ,but still can’t able to avoid the plastic which is Non-biodegradable waste too. So plastic is a very harmful products which can ruin the eco system totally. There are some reason how it can cause harm towards the environment, we all know that plastic is a non-biodegradable material so it can’t totally destroy or dissolve , it always exist forever. As it eternal that’s the massive use of it cause a higher level of pollution in the nature. Plastic effect the whole nature and world including human life, wildlife, aquatic life. Plastic pollution our water, soil, and also do harm aquatic animals. Every year a large amount plastic was found from wate , it leads to the water become unpurified, so you can imagine how much it can effect on our lives. Plastic are always found on the land so it effect on the fertility rate of the soil and totally ruined it. Some of the aquatic animals mistakenly swallow it and choked to death. Apparently, a record showed that most of dolphins died due to plastic, they accidentally ate it and it stuck in their mouth so they can’t able to eat anything and die due to starvation. So we can see how much plastic harmfully effect on the eco system.We should always prevent using plastic and always prefer biodegradable meterial.
Our world today is facing numerous challenges and one of these greatest challenges is POLLUTION. The earth is contaminated with various human waste and is turning unhealthy day by day, one of the key elements which plays a major role in causing environmental pollution is PLASTIC. This is such an element which each one of us use in a great amount in our daily lives. Starting from packaging of food till disposing garbage plastic materials are used in each and every field.
Plastic has a furious impact on the lives of living beings, as because it is non-biodegradable in nature it does not mix up with soil and causes soil pollution, it says in the soil for million of years and even passes on to the water bodies contaminating them it eventually chokes various land and water animals. If it is burnt it releases toxic gases hence contributing in air pollution, the released toxic gases are inhaled by all the organisms which leads to various breathing problem.
Its high time for us to take care of the situation and follow the three R’s REDUCE, RECYCLE and REFUSE very strictly. Only if we follow all the measures and adopt various measures to reduce the use of plastic then only it is possible to overcome such a situation.
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