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Activity Discussion General Discussion what is the major reasons of poverty in India?

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  • Ishita Gupta

    June 9, 2021 at 12:51 pm

    India is known to be as poor country despite of having rich and elite culture. The population of this country increasing day by day but the rates of the poverty is increasing as well. Poor is getting poorer and rich is become reacher. There are many reasons of the increasing level of poverty. These are-

    Increasing population:-

    Increasing population is the reason of increasing population. Approximately 17 million people are added every year to population which effect on economy and Constitution.

    Less utilize resources:-

    The are a huge different of goods that the people are consum. The resources are results in low production in agricultural sector. This brought a huge downfall of the standard of living.

    Increasing Price:-

    The prices of the good are increasing day by day. Not every people can buy everything. So in their lifestyle a huge effect in made. It is difficult to buy the essential products for living which caused poverty.


    One of the main cause of poverty is unemployment. The number of job seeker is increasing than the employment. It is the main reason of poverty. Being haveing well education it so difficult to have a proper job.

    Lack of economic development:-

    Lack of economic development is the main cause poverty. There are a huge gap between level availability abd requirements of good. Which is caused poverty.


    Corruption is the main reson of poverty in India. Their so many corruption in every field. So rich people are become richer and poor people are become poorer.

  • Anushree Ray

    June 9, 2021 at 6:43 pm

    India is the developing country with the second largest population in the world after China. It also has a very high population density that is the number of people living per square feet of area is very high here. Also, the literacy rate here is not something very astonishing and there are still many superstitions in this land of culture and diversity. One of the major problems encountered by the citizens of India is Poverty and this has certain relevant causes:

    1. POPULATION: The ever-increasing population has been the greatest challenge to curb poverty here, population is increasing with each passing day, here it is often found that there are families with a lot of members with no earning members among them this causes a havoc crisis.

    2. EDUCATION: Lack of education also stands as a major cause; education is the backbone for every country and it should not only be theoretical but must include practical teaching and learning.

    3. LACK OF JOBS: India is a developing country with not much job opportunities, workers are over exploited with more work and less payment it is also evident that we witness gender discrimination at many work places. India is still majorly dependent on its primary agricultural sector and yet is not completely able to make it out to the secondary or tertiary sectors.

  • Aruja

    June 11, 2021 at 3:45 pm

    India is a very large country with huge population. It is also the second country with largest population after China. India is the the country which is developing speedily in many different field and it is rarely seen that Indians are not progressing around the globe. But the matter of fact here is that poverty is also there on a large scale in India, where India is a economically strong country or developing country. Then why there is a lot more poverty in compared to other less developed countries, for the countries which are not as big as India there status in the poverty is better than India so what is the major reason behind this let’s discuss.

    The lack of education – there are still many parts in India where education is not considered as a basic rights of any children. In many families who are living under poverty, they consider their child as a source of money but not considered that they should get the basic right of education. What happens in those family is that, they send their child to do work instead of schools, they think that sending their children to school is a waste of time, energy and of course they think that whatever they do they are gonna end up like us because they think that their child cannot have the equal opportunity as the child of the upper class people.

    The solution for this problem is that people should properly educated about it that everyone get equal opportunity and there are many policies and government made rules that states that government will support the education of your child and will help your child to grow.

    Inappropriate working system of India . So the thing begins within the private school. It is the reality that a child is always taught to score good marks. If you are not scoring good marks that means you cannot do anything in your life, but the reality is that it doesn’t matter how much you you teach a child, but it depends what a child learn. If you are teaching a child maths and if he wants to learn English then there is no way that you can make him/her teach what he doesn’t want to learn and the fact that your whole future is dependent on the the result sheet makes a child into a worker rather than making them independent. Nowadays schools are teaching a child how to be a worker, a labour to a big company and satisfy their dreams in less also they have the potential to be the owner of the company. Still they settle themselves down in less by working in the same company because they have been taught that once you have what satisfy the world you don’t need to to work more.

    The people who are already poor thinks the same way, that they themselves end up Being a employ, a worker under someone and so their children would be and then there is no point of sending them to school because they have seen it themselves.

    The third and the most important reason of poverty in India is that the local citizens the people who live under the poverty doesn’t have any ideas about the opportunity through out the globe. They just know what they have been seeing throughout their life. They don’t know what are the new things that are coming, that can help them overcome that poverty and there is no such organisations of government’s potential that we can see that they put to make those people who live under poverty aware that there are a lot more opportunities than they think, that there are less people to Grab those opportunities. You can work throughout the globe and earn money. But the only thing is that people don’t know about it and that is what meant by Digital India. But we know that half of the population live under poverty and financial problem so they don’t have time to explore because they are afraid to do that, there just want to stick to the traditional earning method that if you don’t have money work in a Departmental Store, work as a delivery man or a local service provider, they never try to think out of the box because it don’t want to take risk and they want a quick earning and the fact that government don’t support the thing that poor people need money to live and at the same point government want them to explore and that’s not possible.

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