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Activity Discussion Environment What problem we face during summer season.

  • Shivani Thakkar

    June 24, 2021 at 8:38 am

    One of the most common problems that people are facing this year, it is lacrimation, burning, and sensitivity of the nose and the mouth.

    At this time of the year, and in the number of mosquitoes and flies is significantly increased, and their bites can cause diseases such as malaria, diarrhoea.

    Some people have experienced problems with the digestive system at the time of the year.

    In the summer, it is also quite common to have a headache, mouth breathing, instead of a nose, blocked ears, a sore throat, and trouble sleeping.

    As a result of heat stroke, it is one of the most important issues that many people face in the summer!

    Sunscreen is also quite common in the summer months. We are able to recognize a sunburn when the skin becomes red, swollen by excessive exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

    Scores and foot infections.

  • Anushree Ray

    June 24, 2021 at 10:46 pm

    Summer is the brightest of all the four seasons, after the chilling winter the warmth of sun pleases us all and gives us a leave to wear comfortable clothes rather than the heavy woolen winter wears. But this bright season even has some dark sides or disadvantages such as:

    1. Summers are mostly uncomfortable due to the scorching heat of the sun.

    2. People also suffer from heat strokes and sun strokes which at times as so dangerous that can even take away lives.

    3. The warm air “Loo” always blows making things dry and dehydrating us.

    4. Dehydration is a major problem in these days and people easily fall sick in summers.

    5. In summer the days are longer and the nights are shorter and thus we experience heat waves for the majority part of the day.

    6. We human beings use air conditioner which emits the harmful CFC’s which in turn create environmental hazards such as penetrating the ozone layer and does expose us to the harmful ultraviolet rays of sun.

    7. Doing field job becomes the toughest part in this scorching heat.

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