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Activity Discussion Environment Why and how should we avoid wastage of food


  • 5064 RAMYA K

    May 6, 2021 at 7:27 am

    Food is a fuel to our body, without food we cannot perform any physical and mental act.Have you ever realize even a day without food? Billions of people in India, Bangladesh, Africa and many other countries were still starving.Loss and wastage occurs in all steps in the food supply chain. In developing countries like India, Bangladesh, most loss occurs during production, while in developed countries like USA, European countries much food is wasted at the consumption stage.In 2013, we disposed more than 35 million tons of food waste.Wastage of food also cause load on agriculture to produce more amount of food. So we must avoid wastage of food.

  • Aruja

    May 9, 2021 at 2:19 pm

    First of all why we should we avoid food wastage?

    Not only you yourself should avoid food wastage but also make sure that around you, no one is wasting food. Daily millions of people had to starve themselves and their family. Many die due to appetite, malnutritions. Just because they don’t have money to buy food. These includes beggars, farmers, peasants, etc like people who have seasonal or no work at all. Many just get food once a day, same because they cant afford it or nobody had given the left over from there house. At last when they don’t want to die due to starvation they eat from trash bin, eating literally anything they get. Then they get sick and eventually they die from different diseases, as they don’t have money to go to hospital and seek proper treatment. There are many animals on street, you can feed them as all animals cannot fight for there food as they are weak due to less age or malnutrition. But most importantly they also need care. this is a very simple, kind and should be done act of humanity by all to all who needs it, whether animals or humans.

    How we can avoid wastage of food?

    1) Whatever is left over food is there in your house. Go outside and give them to animals on street and maybe some poor people, beggar, etc but don’t throw it away or leave it in your house to stale.

    2) You can make a commercial spot somewhere in your neighbourhood where everyone can donate their food who need it.

    3) Spread awareness about it.

    4) make sure you don’t leave food in your plate or cook extra, or buy extra food which you cannot finish by yourself. If this happens you can donate it also.

    5) Keep things which can stay fresh for a long time or store them properly. There are many ways to do these things.

    6) If you are really passionate about these things, you can join NGO or organisations, etc.

  • Sudesna Maji

    May 10, 2021 at 8:28 am

    Food is essential to life, it provides with the means of staying alive and is a part of the life-giving commodity to people, so wasting such a source would mean and can cost a lot to the community, as a class of people doesn’t get enough food to eat and another class frequently wasting it tampers the image of a healthy society, so, it should definitely not be wasted.

    First, we have to know about the reasons for food loss, they can of a large variety consisting from a weather issue to the food processing defaults, overproducing food, and improper storing buying of food, planning on how to use the food and the dilemma over the safety labels makeup to food loss.

    Now coming to why the food should not be wasted, as said, it is a life-giving and life-saving commodity so it should be saved and used only in terms of need and requirement. on throwing away food, it will cause harm to soil and if the soil is losing its vigor, it can be harmful as millions of years are needed to make a single layer of soil and that precious soil losing its vigor would mean a lot to the whole human population, another point is that it saves monetary charges as of buying less food will cost you less, also thinking logically, one can live without any financial means or shelter but one can’t live without food, food is life for everyone, food once wasted is lost and lost things are hard to accomplish. Food waste has an impact on the environment, it disturbs the whole climate, the carbon dioxide emissions are increased on food loss, energy and food resources are depleted, indirectly reducing the environmental pollution, which is associated with the manufacture, transport, and selling of food. landfills are also less fed into making the soil richer in the due process.

    Finally, coming to how to avoid wastage of food, one can opt for smart shopping, only buying the food as needed goes a long way and is an economically viable thought , now coming to storing the food correctly, if the food is stored improperly, it will lead to huge loss of food as the quality of the food will become bad eventually, we have to learn how to preserve food, the methods taken to preserve food should be taken into account, we have to check the expiry dates or simply the shelf life of the food and use it by the respective date, overbuying anything is harmful, we can reduce overbuying, proper planning is required in terms of food, we have to learn how to use our refrigerator in terms of proper food storage, so we can save a massive food loss by this ways

    So, these are the main causes of food wastage, and how to prevent it.

  • Tejasri Alla

    May 10, 2021 at 11:07 am

    The food grains are produced by the farmer under the tough conditions. And it’s cooked so well with all patience. A study shows that about 1.3 billion tonnes of food is been wasted everyday. It’s an indirect form of wasting the one’s money also. It’s so disrespectful way to throw the food away which is made with all patience and love.

    The farmer struggles a lot irrespective to the seasons and putting his health aside he strives so hard to produce the food grains. He feels so happy the food grains are into his hands. He celebrates the day with full joy. And the food grains are purchased and are made into food with so much of struggle. Also the mother cooks the food with lots of love and affection towards you in the home. When is bought from a restaurant , they take good amount for it. So, it’s a loss for the people who wastes the food for no reason.

    There are orphans who are left abandoned struggling to find food. Instead of wasting the food and throwing it out, the food can be given the orphans and abandoned people. It may fill their stomachs and they find a reason to survive. They feel so happy and blessed to have the food which you’ve provided to them. The leftover food can also be given to the dogs on the streets which are left abandoned.

    Here are some tips to stop the wastage of the food:-

    — Shop only the small amount of foodstuffs, don’t go for higher amounts.

    —Cook only the required amount not more than the requirements.

    —The food can also be preserved in the refrigerator to stop its wastage.

    —Try to attempt the left over food to new ones.

    —Feed the street dogs with the left over food.

    —Before cooking the food, try to check the number of persons available to stop the wastage.

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