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Activity Discussion Essay Why do we study?

  • Tejasri Alla

    June 26, 2021 at 2:40 pm

    For being successful in the life, education helps in a better possible way. Education adds the extra knowledge on a particular field. For being successful, and individual must possess all the strategies and good knowledge in the particular field. To possess the good knowledge and Strategies, education is very important to be successful in life.

    Education is very important in every individual’s life as it is very important for the living. The person who is educated will be well treated by the society and will you have good potential wherever he or she goes. Education as the extra energy to the individual’s life and a moles the individuals character into a good one. It is very important to be educated as the competition in the world is comparatively very high.

    Teacher is very important moulding the student’s behavior and making the student to succeed in all the aspects. After the parents, teachers play a very important role in making the student perfect and make them to understand the need of the situation. Teachers help the students to reach their desired goals and in any situation teacher motivates a student to get up and stand in all the ups and downs. Like that of the mother and the father, the teacher also feels equally happy when their student acheives high in their life and when they reach their desired goals.

    And individual without education is like a bird without the wings. Education adds the extra energy or experience in a particular field or an aspect. If the person aims to be a good businessman or something else, the person must be well educated in the respected field and must purchase good amount of information from the field.

  • Anushree Ray

    June 26, 2021 at 7:29 pm

    Studying and getting educated is a very important part of all of our lives and is not a one-day task. Study is like a worship it needs to be done on a regular basis with outmost care, attention and concentration. Studying is a basic need and is also a right for each and every individual, education is the only resource which we can claim as completely our and no one else can take it away. Education helps us by giving us the basic life lesson it also teaches us the way to lead a healthy life. This was all about basic education which is a must for each and every one, now we come to branch specific study. In today’s word there are ample number of subjects to study which exposes us to a wide range of career choices and eventually helps us achieve goals in life. Education is the pillar on which the whole world is standing without education we all are blind inspite of possessing our physical eyes. Studying various things helps us gain knowledge and know our world better there is no end to knowledge in this infinite universe we are free to acquire knowledge which is one of the outmost necessities.

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