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Activity Discussion General Discussion Why have gadgets become so important in our life?

  • Ishita Gupta

    June 12, 2021 at 12:21 pm

    Gadgets are the best gift of our lives. It is the greatest benefit of science in our lives. It saves our time and effort and we can become more efficient in our work. It made our lives so simple. There are various kinds of modern features in gadgets which serve the human kind so efficiently. Gadgets have become a basic need for us for its exchange of information very quickly, so humans need tools that can answer these needs. In any sector of a country, gadgets are a big part of survival.

    Let’s learn about some benefits of gadgets.

    Save time:-

    These days we can exchange information through the internet by various applications like messenger, Email, Facebook etc. Not only in exchange of information but also in every domestic and official works are done so easily by the use of gadgets like Computer, Microwave, Fridge, eic. Within a blink of an eye every work is done, it definitely saves a huge amount of time for us.

    Help in education:-

    Gadgets are definitely a blessing in education. Students can conduct multiple tasks through it. Gadgets give us all information on studies that make education so easy for us. The most conventional learning style is most often practiced, but there are a lot of students who choose e-learning. They find that e-learning is easier via electronics to assimilate information. They can read easily from anywhere; they just have to download their textbooks, which are mostly available on the internet.


    In our daily hard working time we need a break sometimes to calm ourselves and entertainment is the most important part of it. Gadgets provide many products of entertainment like music, movies, video games and many more.


    In modern times many of us go out of our state for work and many other purposes. So sometimes it is obvious to miss our family and family and friends, through the gadgets it is possible to communicate with them from any sites of the world. Many of the business conference, meeting and interview can help through the help of. So the gadgets help our communication system in a huge way.

  • Anushree Ray

    June 12, 2021 at 10:03 pm

    We live in the technological era where gadgets are of out most importance to us. A gadget is simply a human made device which is programmed to reduce human effort and does a piece of job easily without any hassle. In this fast-growing world we human beings are always surrounded by machines and gadgets for every need of ours starting from the time we get up in the morning till we again go to bed we even use gadgets while we are asleep such as air conditioner, insect repellent and many more.

    We also use gadgets to go ahead with our education specially in this pandemic situation we are completely dependent on our laptops and mobiles for literally everything. We also use gadgets such as microwave, induction and many more to prepare ourselves food which is one of the most basic need to sustain our lives. We even use gadgets to monitor ourselves and improve our daily lifestyle.

    Gadgets also play a very important role in the medical department to diagnose and well as treat a certain medical condition and followed by keeping a check on the same. The use of machine and gadgets in our life is uncountable and is extremely important for our everyday life.

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