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Why is saving water so important?
Posted by GODHULI MONDAL on June 3, 2021 at 1:16 pmWhy is saving water so important? What steps would you as a citizen would take to save water?
Anushree Ray replied 3 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies -
4 Replies
Water is one of the most important resource we have on our planet. All living beings such as animals, plants and human need water for the proper functioning on there systems. Water has various importance in everyone’s lives but today due to the involveness of factories and chimneys waste the water of the seas and oceans are getting polluted.
Even though we have a lot of river and oceans but the water they have is very salty and contains garbage and harmfull chemicals which come out from the factories and cannot be consumed directly. That means only some amount of water is appropriate for intake. We should use the water effectively and make sure it is not wasted. We can reuse water in many ways possible and should save them from getting polluted.. Some of the ways of saving the water from getting polluted are:-
• Dispose toxic chemicals properly.
• Do Not Pour Fat and Grease Down the Drain
• Use Phosphate-Free Detergent and Dish Cleaner
• Dispose of Medical Waste Properly.
• Report water polluters
• Lessen down meat consumption.
• Eat more organic food.
• Wash your car or outdoor equipment where it can flow to a grassed area instead of a street.
• Don’t pour your motor oil down the storm drain. Take it to the nearest auto parts store.
• Pick up litter and throw it away in a garbage can.
• Go for non-toxic and biodegradable cleansers.
• Avoid plastic containers and go for steel or fibre containers.
• Make sure to clear your water tanks regularly and use alum.
• Do not let the garbage or toxic chemical from the factories go to the seas and oceans.
• Do not waste water. Try to reuse as much as possible like bathing pet in the lawn so that the water gets absorbed by the grass. -
Though planet earth is a blue planet but we feel scarcity of water . In metro cities water is available for only one time only . The ground water level is also decreased . So rain water harvesting is a great step to conserve water for further use. Rain water is natural falling water it can be stored for further usage like plantation , mopping , washing vehicles and many more . In earlier times also , people use to store rain water in large container for further use as there is no availability of tap and pumps at every house. Water water every where but nothing to drink because water is polluted brutally in cities . Also air pollution will causes acid rain . So we need to minimize air pollution and water pollution as well. Through water harvesting we can also conserve water as rain water will wasted only. That’s why we need to conserve rain water.
Hope you will be satisfied with my answer.
Thank you!!
Water is the basic needs of the individual for the Survival. Some of the things like oxygen, water, food are very essential for the individual to live. After the oxygen, water is very much important for the individual survival and for the whole environment as well. Water is used in the daily basis for many of the activities like drinking, cleaning, watering, and also for some of the electric purposes etc.
There are plenty of water in the seas but there is no use of them. Because, all the seawater are salty and not food for drinking purpose. They can be made for drinking by some of the beautification methods which takes lots of processes and also the time. Scarcity of the water is not only the India’s problem but also the global problem.
If the wasteage of water is continued in the same way, there will be a day where no water can be found for drinking purposes and for some of the utility purposes. Most of the people waste water without any need. Using water for the purposes are all good but Wasting the water without any reason is a bad habit that an individual must not develop. It is very easy to waste water rather than saving the drop.
The best method to save water is to use in limited amounts. That is, to limit the water without wasting much water.
Water is one of the basic requirements without which the living beings cannot survive. Our earth is known as the blue planet because it constitutes of 71% of the water bodies, but the fact is that only a mere 0.03% of water is available as fresh water which can be directly used by living beings for their needs other 99.7% of water is either salty water of the see or are solidifies in the form of ice in the ice caps. With water pollution in action the scarcity of water has reached new heights and at this point of time the most necessary thing is to save water.
There are multiple ways by which we can save water:
1) Turn off taps when not in use, use a mug to brush teeth and do not leave the tap open during the time of brushing also adopting methods of using a bucket and a mug to bath and avoiding taking showers will help in the same.
2) Reuse water, use the water used for washing fruits and vegetables to water plants.
3) Wastes should be treated to make it free from toxic before dumping them into water and mostly the action of dumping wastes in water should avoided.
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