Why there is a need to conserve water?
Why there is a need to conserve water?
Suppose you live in a society with a proper maintainance. One Sunday morning, your family decides to enjoy the weekend at picnic spot and after a while you find that water supply is dealing with some problem.
Henceforth, your secretary announces to go and get water from next society tanker. And your Sunday gets wasted. You felt, if you would have conserved water, you would have enjoyed your weekend today.
So it needs to be known that:
• Why the water is getting decreased?
• Why the distribution of water is uneven?
• Why there is a lack of rainfall?
• Why there is a shortage of underground water?
• Why the water usage is more?
• Why water needs to be conserved?
• Why the water is getting decreased?
= The growing pollution leads to change in the climate which results droughts, floods, heatwaves etc. It pollutes the freshwater and underground water as well, which leads to decrease in water.
• Why the distribution of water is uneven?
= It is because of uneven distribution of rainfall. Due to different climatic condition, every state gets that much rainfall, hence the scarcity arises.
• Why there is a lack of rainfall?
= There is a lack of water vapour in the atmostphere which means there is a less precipitation. High pressure systems reduce evaporation and moisture in the atmostphere.
• Why there is a shortage of underground water?
= The change in climate which leads to calamities like droughts , floods decreases the underground water. The human consumption, wastage, and overuse has been done as well, are the reasons of shortage.
• Why the uses of water is more?
= The uses of water is more because every plant, animal and humans consume water for the purpose of drinking, bathing, cooking, agriculture procedure in the industries, companies and factories etc., That is why water is used more.
• Why water needs to be con server?
= Conserving water is important to save future lives, keeps water
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