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Activity Discussion Science & Technology Write a short note on How science make an impact on our lives.

  • Ishita Gupta

    June 15, 2021 at 5:29 pm

    Impact of science in our lives:-

    Science is a blessing in our life. We can’t survive a single day without science. The best thing happened to us. Science relieves all our problems and suffering. Science most efficiently plays the role of the most reliable servant of mankind. We required science in everything, whether inside or outside. Science has made every luxurious item cheaper so which brought it to the reach of everyone. Computers are the best benefit of science. We can not imagine our lives without this technology. Huge number of employees belong to the computer . Besides, computer science provides us with the internet, which comes as the biggest source of entertainment in our lives. Every electronic device like fan, air conditioner, Microwave, fridge, the most needed things for our survival come as a gift of science. Can we ever imagine our lives without these things? Thus science comes as a blessing to us. In spite of giving us tremendous benefit it also has a negative side. It give us so many opportunity that many unkind and dishonest people use it badly. Many crimes and corruption is committed under the shed of science. Many act of terrorism is conducted by the help of it. Various destructive weapons like gunpowder, nuclear bomb, made by the help of science. Science also harm our environment through pollution and various fatal disease like cancer, radioactive sickness, and cardiovascular are cause by it. So the nature calamity like global warming ,acid rain is caused by it.But all things in our lives has good and bad side, if we use it for the good nothing deadly can’t be ever happened with us. So we have to use it proper way thus it will become a blessing for all of us.

  • Anushree Ray

    June 15, 2021 at 8:51 pm

    Science and technology have a major impact in all our lives, since the technical evolution we human beings are constantly using science to make our lives easier. From the very beginning till the end of the day and even in the tenure when we are asleep, we use technology in some or the other way. Science is a boon for us, but in the other hand as everything has it own merits and demerits there are also people who do use science for a bad cause.

    We have witnessed how science develop our transportation from wheels to automated cars, we have also witnessed havoc in the medical fields. Science has introduced us to technology and technology has brought revolution in our world, today we are living with artificial intelligence which has and is also continuing doing wonders. In this fast-growing world we human beings are always surrounded by machines and gadgets which are also a gift from science and help us in a lot way. In today’s world where we all are wrapped from top to bottom technology is our only savior today we can solve all our problems with just a single click and we have also got tremendous features like personal assistant all from science.

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