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Activity Discussion Essay Write an essay on benifit of Morning walk.

  • Mahima

    June 17, 2021 at 6:25 pm

    A morning stroll is a beneficial workout. A morning walk requires a person to wake up early in the morning, which promotes self-discipline. As one begins his stroll in the quiet of the morning, he begins to sense the freshness of the day. The clean air enters his lungs and purifies his blood.

    It has been scientifically shown that people who go for a morning stroll every day are more energized throughout the day. A morning stroll has been proven to be highly beneficial in boosting heart health. It also helps in maintaing ourselves healthy like our blood pressure stays normal. Achieving the daily morning walk goal boosts self-confidence and improves happiness.

    It not only makes you happy, but it also brings you closer to nature and makes you more sensitive to its beauty. We must all go for a morning stroll every morning to get so many benefits.

  • Anushree Ray

    June 17, 2021 at 9:46 pm

    Morning walk is a great practice for people of all age, it has many benefits. Morning walk is basically a walking exercise in which a person walks in the morning in a steady speed to give a great start to his/ her day, some of its benefits are:

    1. It pours in fresh energy and gives a lot of positivity and motivation to start a new day.

    2. It helps to reduce joint pains and makes muscle free it also increases the strength of the ligaments and energizes the body.

    3. People who suffer from blood sugar and heart diseases are highly recommended to do morning work every day.

    4. It also helps to maintain fitness and helps to reduce obesity and maintain a proper healthy body.

    5. It also helps reducing stress and anxiety and lets people have a clear mindset which also helps a lot in life.

    6. Walking also helps improving digestion and helps over coming various digestive problems.

    7. Walking improves blood circulation and helps to body to move lucidly.

    8. A walk in the early morning also helps intake a greater amount of oxygen which helps in improving various metabolic activities in body.

    9. It also helps building concentration and promotes discipline in life.

  • Shweta

    June 18, 2021 at 10:59 am

    “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise” is a famous saying which even needs to be followed as well. Waking up early in the morning and going for a walk gives you lots of benefits. Henceforth, you can only wake up fresh early in the morning, if you will sleep early because sleep as well is necessary. Therefore, morning walks are beneficial not only for adult and aged people, it can be done even by small children.

    You feel fresh for the whole day

    When you wake up early in the morning and makes your body work by exercising or walking in the morning, it makes you feel energetic and fresh for the whole day, as it removes all your laziness which makes you active.

    Your body gets maintained

    When you walk in the morning on a regular basis, you will find that your body gets fit and fine. You start losing your weight. This is a really very good and beneficial for your body.

    Fresh air intake

    In the morning, you inhale fresh and clean air. When you receive a fresh air, you get free from the disease you have, and no other disease can catch your body. The fresh air helps you to live a healthy life.

    Henceforth, having morning walk everyday will give a lot of benefits. Our body needs a proper workout because the body which lies in rest are full of diseases and problems. Walking in the morning will make your body active and you can work energetically for the whole day.

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