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Activity Discussion Essay Write an essay on Covid 19 effect on Education.

  • Sakchi Srivastav

    June 7, 2021 at 11:39 am

    Covid has very badly affected on the life of every one. All the services , education system is totally disturbed . We are facing a lots of problems on regular basis.

    Talking about the education system than it is just destroyed. Many students become hopeless about their future. From the last two years students are promoted directly . There is no situation for conducting examination.

    There is no history of cancellation of boards examination but covid has also make it possible . 10 th and 12th boards are cancelled due to this covid-19.

    Online class is very disgusting . Many times network issues , non interactive sessions and kind a kind of force full action.

    Schools , college are shut down and don’t know what exactly all mighty has decided . Just pray all these things get better soon.

    Hope you will be satisfied with my answer.

    Thank you!!

  • Anushree Ray

    June 7, 2021 at 6:09 pm

    Our world is constantly fighting against the pandemic caused by the deadly virus since the beginning of the year 2020. It has brought the whole world to a standstill, disturbed the economy, medical facilities and education the three major pillars of the human society. According to me the worst hit sector by this deadly virus is the educational sector. Already the pandemic has created a lot of mental imbalances among all amidst of this attending long hours of lectures sitting in front of the LED Screens turns out to be really tedious and also leads to irritation in the eye and other eyesight related problems, also this is making them a subject to obesity. Students also face a lot of problems regarding network connectivity which frequently disconnect them from the class and when the student re-joins, he/she has already missed on a part which results in incomplete education which is very harmful. The worst condition is for the subjects which require hands on experiment, there are online simulators and softwares but they do not match the level of the physical mode, as a result of this students remain unknown of the challenges which can occur if were practically perform something and this makes them incompatible for real job. In education there are many things which require a physical interface and cannot be demonstrated with a mere webcam. This online mode also barges in between the teacher-student relationship which is a fundamental requirement, students generally are not comfortable asking away doubts if there is no bonding between them and such doubts pile up to create misconception which is not at all advisable.

  • Jyothi krishna Prakash

    June 7, 2021 at 9:57 pm

    The entire world is stuck in front of the pandamic condition. No one could know how to control it completely. Covid affects our life. We never feel and thought about this type of condition. Before this, we heard about Ebola virus disease. But that is a pandamic but not spread in whole continents. Covid affects the whole mankind. After one and half years, still we are infront of it. So that we are in a new normal life. And we are used to it.

    Not only in education sector, but also the whole section are affected and surviving in this condition. The government starts education in the platform of online. So that the students are secure in their home and never miss their class. The age never wait for anyone. It must go on. So that we can’t stops their education. But through the online education the students won’t get good internet connection. So that they miss their notes and discussion. They don’t have any physical exercises. For a period of time they always sat in front of the computer or mobile phones. This physically and mentally affects them. When in a physical class the teacher get a chance to meet them and can clearly identify the face change of every students. But now it couldn’t.

  • Kumari

    June 7, 2021 at 10:38 pm

    For the student covid-19 brought a lot of struggle,opportunities and time. Initially when the pandemic started, there was loss of studies and then the whole platform was converted into the online mode. At first teachers too had to face problem to handle the teaching on the internet but gradually with patience and experience everything started going smooth. But there are problems that just cannot be solved like the internet connection,problem in the device. These remain a permanent problem in the online mode of education. But the teachers are trying there best to teach there students well in the easiest way possible. But it has a positive side as well. As the students remain at there home they get a lot of extra time which can be used effectively. With a productive life style, positive outlook and investing the time in a particular direction which is good for the person will definitely give a bright result.
    This pandemic has been a tough experience for the students sitting for an entrance exam. The dates were postponed again and again which demotivated the students. These students were the most effected. Many Upsc aspirants had to sell tea and biscuits and other stall so that they do not have to ask for money from there parents. Postponeding the exam also increased the stress in the student which resulted in declining interest in studies.
    I would suggest such students to continue with there studies not leave it for a long period of time,keep revision, even for 1-2 hour. Regularity is what matters the most. Meditate, exercise and take healthy to keep yourself mentally and physically fit.
    Pandemic and lockdown have been a challenge for the people around the world but all we can do is to wait patiently, with a positive attitude, hoping for a better tomorrow.

  • Tejasri Alla

    June 8, 2021 at 5:45 pm

    Education is very important in every individual’s life as it is very important for the living. The person who is educated will be well treated by the society and will you have good potential wherever he or she goes. Education as the extra energy to the individual’s life and a moles the individuals character into a good one. It is very important to be educated as the competition in the world is comparatively very high.

    Online classes are the greatest and the biggest task to all the students. It is so difficult for all the students to understand the topics in a detailed manner. Even though the students try their level best to understand the topics during the online class, it is only the 50% of learning but the topics are not understood properly but the students and face lots of difficulties.

    It is also equal difficult to conduct exams to all mine because it’s exams are connected through online then there is a chance formal practices. Basically, students commit malpractices during exams in a view to get good marks but not about the knowledge. So,many of the students commit malpractices.

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