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Activity Discussion Essay Write an essay on My School.

  • Nehal Rathi

    June 10, 2021 at 6:09 pm

    My School is around 5km from my home. It looks extremely perfect and quiet. My school resembles a sanctuary where we go day by day, we also have a temple in our school where we pray to god and study for 6 hrs every day. My teacher is exceptionally decent shows us courteously. My school has exacting standards of study, cleanliness, and uniform. I like to go to school every day as my mom says that it is important to go to class day by day and follow all the control. A school is a place of realizing where we are inventively associated with the learning cycle. We learn different things too with our study, habits, act well, promptness and a lot more behavior.

    The environment of my school is magnificent where bunches of regular landscape and plant life are accessible. There is a huge nursery and lake having fish, frogs, beautiful blossoms, trees, improving trees, green grass and so on Different things like an enormous playground, huge open spaces all around the school give my school a characteristic marvel. There is also a cricket ground, bushel ball court and skating ground too. My school follows CBSE board standards. My school conducts classes for students from nursery to twelfth class. My school principal that is the head of the school is extremely strict about school control, cleanliness, and neatness.

    My school gives transport facilities to the students who live a long way from the school. All students gather in the playground toward the beginning of the day and do Morning Prayer and afterward scatter to their particular study room/class. My school gives admission to nursery class (around 2500) students each year. I have various educators for my various classes like P.T, Maths, English, Hindi, G.K., music, moving, painting and drawing. My school has a major library, writing material shop, etc. My school coordinates and organizes annual function yearly capacity for all classes each year which we should take part in.

  • Jyothi krishna Prakash

    June 10, 2021 at 10:52 pm

    My school is in the town and it is a convent school run by the missionaries. It is a girls school named St.Mary’s Higher Secondary School. There is no primary section. Starting from fifth standard to tenth. It’s higher secondary section is unaided school so that we prefer to move on to the other government and aided higher secondary schools.

    Our school is in the town but it is partially isolated from the town. So that we don’t have much noise pollutions. The entrance of the school is with gate of medium size note like a giant gate that we are seen in the movies. In the front gate there is a small garden and in the centre of the garden there is a beautiful tree with pink flowers in the flowering time. Moving forward there is front yard with white stones and sand. There is not any part of our yard were done with interlocking or concrete. The school building is divided into different parts tenth section, office section with remaining class rooms, staff room, library and auditorium, hostel area, church, convent, lab area, wash room and ground area. We have three grounds. First ground near the main building is for assembly, the second ground is not big and it is for the upper primary students. The third and big ground is for the high school and higher secondary section. It is also used in the time of sports competition. Near the first ground there is a old building which is very beautiful to see. Our school is built in the time of independence. That is our first class rooms. So our school authorities keep it as a memory of the independence and for the lady named Akkama Cheriyan who is a first women freedom leader in Kerala and who is the student of our school. Near the old building, there is a big and long steps. That steps are roofed with three trees. Those trees have a red coloured flowers in all seasons. Our teachers prefer that steps to take classes when we feel bored while sitting in the classroom. Teacher sat under the tree and we the students sat in the steps.

  • Tejasri Alla

    June 11, 2021 at 3:27 pm

    School is the place which can never go out of minds for every student. Schooling is the best gift for every student. Every student feels so unhappy on leaving the school. All the friends become a memory after leaving the school. All the sweet memories are always remembered. <div>

    After the parents, teacher is the most important person in an individual’s life. Teacher is the one who moulds the individual from the initial stage of the life and makes the individual into and perfect one. Even though the teacher schools or beats sometimes it is all for the well-being of the student and for the bright future of the student.

    The first teacher in everyone’s life is their mother. Beginning with the correct thing the first mistake of the child, mother plays a very important role in correcting many of the mistakes in an individual’s life. Also the father who corrects the mistakes and puts the children in a correct way. And the teacher, who is very important in our students life to achieve their desired goals.

    Teachers play a very important role in making the student perfect and make them to understand the need of the situation. Teachers help the students to reach their desired goals and in any situation teacher motivates a student to get up and stand in all the ups and downs. Like that of the mother and the father, the teacher also feels equally happy when their student acheives high in their life and when they reach their desired goals.

    Whatever may be the situation or whatever may be the condition, in any circumstances the teacher never leaves the hand of the student and helps the student to the fullest. So, a student never behave in a disrespectful manner with the teacher and never make fun of the teachers.


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