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Activity Discussion Essay Write an essay on : “Online Education”

  • Ishita Gupta

    June 10, 2021 at 10:39 am

    Online Education

    The corona pandemic make this whole world a different places. We all love to travel, go to school and different ply. But this situation make us isolated from everyone. But even in this situation we can’t stop our studies. As it will the effect the education system so badly. Technology make us capable of every possible things we ever think off. In nowadays we all have smartphone in our hand so studies can be by it. Their are so many different kinds of video calling or class room app by which we can give or take class it is called online class. Online class is the way to move forward our education in this difficult time. It can also help us to not losing hope in life as we all are now isolated can’t talk or spend time with anyone. Talking with teacher can make us motivated in this situation. We can also continue our studies. It helps us to be positive and energetic in every situation. But their are also some disadvantaged of online class like the children who live in rural areas don’t have appropriate network connection or internet so many of them can’t able to take class. It will make them so undeveloped. Many of the students can’t afford smart phone or proper internet connection so they can not move forward in their education. They can lose hope in life and be demotivate. Sometimes they don’t want to continue their studies. So our government should provide this students proper internet and phone. If we all can able to get online class we can able to move forward in life. Technology is come as a blessing in this difficult time and online class is the biggest example of it.Not only during this time but after this pandemic will be over online education help us in various we have to be positive and never lose hope in our studies.

  • Anushree Ray

    June 10, 2021 at 1:34 pm

    Online education can never match the level of the offline education system and values, but there are certainly ways which will increase the quality of the online education but without someone’s consent one can never force someone do something, and in this case both teacher and students has to agree to give and take education seriously. Some of the methodologies which can be adopted to deal with the challenges of the online education are:

    should present elaborative concepts to the students in an attractive
    manner and ask the students to condense it, this will increase interaction
    and will also enhance learning.
    should encourage interaction in class; this will help the teacher-student
    bond to grow and will upgrade the quality of the class, switching on the
    web cams of the students should also be enforced this will help with more engagement.
    should ensure that they engage themselves with active responding skills
    because without response it really becomes difficult for the teacher to
    move on.
    and student both should take care of the network connectivity and in case
    a student is from a rural place where network facilities cannot be
    exercised for them the institute should prepare recorded lectures and
    hardcopy of notes and ensure that it reaches the student in time.
    awareness must be spread amongst the students and they should be explained
    the importance of education to them as they are the future generation to
    carry forward the human race.

  • Tejasri Alla

    June 10, 2021 at 5:16 pm

    Education is very important in every individual’s life as it is very important for the living. The person who is educated will be well treated by the society and will you have good potential wherever he or she goes. Education as the extra energy to the individual’s life and a moles the individuals character into a good one. It is very important to be educated as the competition in the world is comparatively very high.

    Online classes are the greatest and the biggest task to all the students. It is so difficult for all the students to understand the topics in a detailed manner. Even though the students try their level best to understand the topics during the online class, it is only the 50% of learning but the topics are not understood properly but the students and face lots of difficulties.

    It is also equal difficult to conduct exams to all mine because it’s exams are connected through online then there is a chance formal practices. Basically, students commit malpractices during exams in a view to get good marks but not about the knowledge. So, many of the students commit malpractices.

    Hence, the online classes have their own advantges and disadvantages. Something is better than nothing, so it is better learn to the fullest in online platform.

  • Kumari

    June 10, 2021 at 10:02 pm

    For the student covid-19 brought a lot of struggle,opportunities and time. Initially when the pandemic started, there was loss of studies and then the whole platform was converted into the online mode. At first teachers too had to face problem to handle the teaching on the internet but gradually with patience and experience everything started going smooth. But there are problems that just cannot be solved like the internet connection,problem in the device. These remain a permanent problem in the online mode of education. But the teachers are trying there best to teach there students well in the easiest way possible. But it has a positive side as well. As the students remain at there home they get a lot of extra time which can be used effectively. With a productive life style, positive outlook and investing the time in a particular direction which is good for the person will definitely give a bright result.
    This pandemic has been a tough experience for the students sitting for an entrance exam. The dates were postponed again and again which demotivated the students. These students were the most effected. Many Upsc aspirants had to sell tea and biscuits and other stall so that they do not have to ask for money from there parents. Postponeding the exam also increased the stress in the student which resulted in declining interest in studies.
    I would suggest such students to continue with there studies not leave it for a long period of time,keep revision, even for 1-2 hour. Regularity is what matters the most. Meditate, exercise and take healthy to keep yourself mentally and physically fit.
    Pandemic and lockdown have been a challenge for the people around the world but all we can do is to wait patiently, with a positive attitude, hoping for a better tomorrow.

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