Aditi Warrier
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Regular verbs follow a normal pattern when used in different tenses, typically by adding “-ed” to form the past tense. Examples include “walk” (walked) and “play” (played).
Irregular verbs, on the other hand, do not follow this pattern; their past tense and past participles are formed in various ways. Examples include “go” (went) and “eat” (ate). These verbs often require memorization because their forms do not conform to standard rules.
In summary, regular verbs follow a consistent pattern, while irregular verbs do not and require specific memorization of their forms.
An infinitive verb is the base form of a verb, typically preceded by “to” in English. It’s the purest form of the verb.
For example, in “I want to eat,” “to eat” is the infinitive verb phrase, with “to” serving as the marker. In some cases, like in commands or after modal verbs, the “to” can be dropped, as in “Please eat” or “You should eat.”
Therefore examples of infinitive verbs : want, eat, run, etc.
The largest planet of our solar system is Jupiter.
It is also known as the gas giant. It is over 11 times wider than Earth.