
Visual Flashcards for Autism

(3 customer reviews)

Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $0.00.

    • Grade Levels: PreK – K – 4th, Homeschool
    • Subjects: Physical Education, Special Education, Early Intervention
    • Resource Type: Activities, Flashcards, Printables
    • Formats Included: Pdf & Images
    • Print Length: 5 pages
    • Dimensions: 21 x 29.7 cm
    • Language: English



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3 reviews for Visual Flashcards for Autism

  1. Pavini Lahoti

    Comprehensive set of visual flashcards covering a wide range of essential concepts

  2. Rhona Acosta

    The cards are well-organized and easy to handle, making them practical for classroom activities and one-on-one sessions.

  3. Amrapali Niungare

    Using these flashcards during playdates has helped my child engage more with peers. They provide a great way to practice social interactions.”

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