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Usage of nicotine content and smoking is difficult to stop. Because once you use it the nicotine content made the user to be a addiction for its. If he needs to be stop it by his voluntery willing he can’t be overcome it. Smoking is a process of inhaling and exhaling some chemical contents mainly the content of nicotine. Some of the addictive users use heroine, hashish too. Those are very toxic contents. Not destroys the health fastly, but through the regular use of these chemicals gradually it destroys the internal organs and leads the users to death.
In our country the smoking is prohibited in public platforms. We can see many cautionary boards in the public places like theatre, shopping malls, public transports etc. But the people were not give importance to the messages. While a smoker smokes in a public place he exhale the toxic smoke to the outside. These smoke spread in the air and other people inhale it. So that the toxic enter into the non smokers body. In our country there a huge numbers of smoking people. If we took a ten people there were five or six will be a smoker. So that the toxic contents in the air increases. As a result the chance of getting inhalation is increased. Smoking causes cancer,lung diseases, respiratory problems, etc. These too gets the non smokers too. In our country one of the main reason for increasing number of cancer patients is because of the usage of smoking in public places.