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What are microorganisms?
Posted by Anushree Ray on June 2, 2021 at 7:09 pmWhat are microorganisms? Why are they referred to as our friends and foes at the same time?
Edutuber mallu replied 3 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply -
1 Reply
We all may have wondered about how dowe feel sick due to some bacterias or viruses. These
organisms which cannot be seen With naked eye and are living organisms are termed as micro
organisms. Under the classification of kingdom monera,protista and fungi these organisms have a
major role in maintaining the equilibrium of the world. Lets consider bacteria, they are the organisms
which has the charge to decay every dead organism in the surface of the world! Astonishing isn’t it?
Their great grandfathers and grandmothers have even digested the known largest terrestrial organism
which existed on the surface of the world, yeah they have even digested dinosaurs too ..When we
consider bacterias, there are a lot of classification on the category. The major bacterias which have been
considered as older than extinction period may belongs to the category of bacterias which have the ability to
Overcome extreme high temperature and climate changes.Lets examine two Species Of bacterias
which belong to this category.
Thermoacidophyles are those bacteria which has the capacity to overcomne extreme temparature and
acidic climates. Halophyles are the bacterias which has ihe capacity to survive even in extreme salty
circumstances. But the major classification of 5acterias are based on their shape. This include spirillus
etc. Bacterias are notorious for the diseases they cause to us But thegood deeds done by the bacterias
include, making Curd, creating batter, decaying the dead etc. Viruses are another micro organisms which
cannot be seen naked eyes. Many viruses haVe their DNA or RNA protected inside a protein coat and
they are sterile and non living outside the host organism.SAARSCOVID19 is an example of a virus which
has grippled the world with fear. Fungi or fungus is another micro organism. The devolepment of fungus
in consumables causes diseases.
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