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Activity Discussion General Discussion 5 Stress management techniques.

  • Tejasri Alla

    May 10, 2021 at 2:46 pm

    Stress is the state of mental or emotional strain resulting in adverse circumstances. It is very important to manage the stress. It is important because, it shows a severe effect on our health. In order to be healthy and fit, managing stress plays a crucial role. It is not one day wonder, instead it is a continued process which comes to control on practice.

    Let us now look into the five stress management techniques,

    1. Go for 10 minutes walk every day :-

    This helps to reduce the stress in an individual. Going for a walk not only reduce stress but also help the individual to be healthy and fit. If an individual spares at least 10 minutes per the day, it is very beneficial. It is also equal important to encourage others to go for a 10 minute walk per the day.

    2. Start practicing yoga:-

    practicing yoga helps the individual to manage the stress and also helps to focus on the situation. Spare at least 10 to 15 minutes per day on yoga. Try to focus on your breathing. It is very important and useful to spare a 10 to 15 minutes on breathing exercise. It help the individual to be physically fit and mentally stable.

    3. Set your goals:-

    Set your goals and manage them. Take a book and write what you’re willing to do on a particular day, this helps in finishing the work in the time. The main cause of stress is not completing the work in time, so setting goals can help to prevent the stress.

    4. Go for exercise:-

    Try to spend at least 30 minutes on exercise. If an Individuals can spend the time of 30 minutes per day on exercise, this helps in managing the stress and also equally beneficial for a healthy and fitter life.

    5. Change Your Attitude:-

    Change your attitude, always try to be positive and take things in a positive manner.

  • Anushree Ray

    May 11, 2021 at 10:28 pm

    In life whenever we deal with tough situations, we develop stress and anxiety. The word STRESS may sound to be a mere word but has deep connections with the mental state of a person. And if the mental state of a person is disturbed then everything goes wrong. Dealing with stress is way tough than one thinks it to be and if a person is stressed for a long time and is not helped by family and friends then it may even lead to serious mental disorders.

    But if dealt properly then it is possible to come out of stress and live a free normal life, so next time whenever you feel stressed try following the below mentioned steps:

    1. PHYSICAL EXERCISE: Regular physical exercise ensures proper movement and blood circulation in body this further helps in sending more oxygen to the brain which helps a lot to reduce stress.

    2. MEDITATION AND YOGA: Practicing to meditate is one of the best ways to deal with tough situations as it helps to calm down your mind and think with a broder conception.

    3. DRINKING LOTS OF WATER: Keeping oneself hydrated is very important, be it in stress or not one must consume enough water daily, it helps to get rid of the metabolic wastes and makes us feel refreshed.

    4. TALKING: Sharing your thoughts with some close person who understands and supports you is a great remedy to deal with stress, physical contact like good touch, handshakes, hugs help one to let the negativity go.

    5. ROUTINE: Following a timetable and not over thinking is an important trick to deal with stress, when a person is jammed with work he/she gets no time to over think and thus takes a step forward to reduce stress.

  • Kumari

    May 12, 2021 at 3:03 pm

    In this hard time which we are going through it is very important for us to stay fit mentally and physically. Physical health is generally taken very seriously but one the other hand mental health is something which is not even talked about. Mental health is also equally important infact it can be said that it is more important as a person suffering from physical pain but having stress free mental state can be cured within few days whereas person suffering from no physical health issue but struggling with mental health issues takes lot of years and specialised treatment for recovery . Healthy mental state can be maintained by practicing the stress management techniques. Some of them are-
    1. Exercising and yogas:- These play a very important role in controlling our stress. Long breathing helps to relax our body ,normalise our pulse rate and oxygen rate.
    Excercises like stretching and taking massages also helps body and mind to relax.
    2. Taking breaks:- Taking break from the normal work schedule and doing thing which makes us happy helps in relieving stress . It can be cooking, dancing, singing. Anything which makes us happy.
    Spending time doing our hobbies will help our mind to stop thinking in a particular direction which is causing stress or affecting mental peace.
    3. Eating healthy:- Consuming balanced diet helps our body to stay healthy and healthy body leads to healthy mind.
    4. Working on the problem:- Working on the problem and discussing with the specialised people helps in solving it which leads to better mental state and healthy mind.
    5. Talk with people around:- Talking plays a very important role in releasing stress. Knowing about people around and most importantly surrounding people with same ambition and mind set gives a lot of support and motivation for a person.

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