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  • Electronic gadgets are greatest innovation of today’s 21st century. Electronic gadgets has made our life so easy . So importance of electronic gadgets are:-

    Smart work

    Electronic gadgets saves power and promotes smart work only . We can do anything we want but with less or nil Man power .

    Saves time

    The most important feature of this innovative is that is is time saver. We can manage our time very efficiently.

    Creative works

    Every months these gadgets come with some dynamic creativity . That inhance technology and services.

    Pocket friendly.

    These electronic gadgets are also not much costly . You can afford it very easily .

    There is number of benefits of electronic gadgets like it also decreases distance and help in Communicating with each other very easily.

    Hope you will be satisfied with my answer.

    Thank you!!

  • Sakchi Srivastav

    June 8, 2021 at 9:50 am in reply to: What is afforestation?

    Afforestation means planting more and more trees in our surroundings . Or afforestation is a positive aspects to save our plant. Afforestation is generally considered where planting is done on a large number.

    Now let’s us see usefulness of afforestation :-

    1. Decreases global warming

    By planting lots of trees we decrease the level of global warming . As plants plants use carbon dioxide and gives out oxygen and carbon dioxide is the main gass that causes air pollution as well as global warming .

    2. Purifies air

    Obviously if the level of carbon dioxide will decrease the level of oxygen will increase and thus air get purified . We are thus able to inhale pure air .

    3. Will be habitat of many organism

    Trees and plants are the habitat of many organism like birds , rodents , snake . This will develop community care . Many organism get their shelter .

    4. No more climatic change

    Increase in temperature will increase humidity and temperature . People are facing extreme hot weather. So afforestation will ultimately decrease it .

    5. Brings rain

    Plants and trees will ultimately bring rain and keep the temperature of the earth constant . Also melting of glacier will some how decrease .

    There is number of usefulness of afforestation . So do plant lot of trees . Save your environment and save your life too.

    Hope you will be satisfied with my answer.

    Thank you!!

  • Sakchi Srivastav

    June 8, 2021 at 9:30 am in reply to: Essay on deepawali

    Deepawali is the festival of lights. It is my favourite festival also. Before deepawali pre deepawali activities get started. People used to clean their home . They remove all the impurities from their home prior to deepawali only. As on deepawali we worship maa laxmi and lord Ganesha . Maa laxmi is considered as the goddess of wealth and she stay only in clean home . On the deepawali day , from sun rise we decorate our home with flowers . Bring new statue of maa laxmi and lord Ganesha . My mother makes a delicious dish .

    According to Hindu mythology it is believed that on the deepawali day Sri Ram returns back to Ayodhya after defeating Ravanna . So whole Ayodhaya was decorated with lots of candle and diyas . During evening we also decorate our home with candles and diyas . We also do lighting . Rangoli are made in home . Everyone is very happy . At night we worship Maa laxmi and lord Ganesha . Pray for wealth and prosperity . Children burst crackers and enjoy a lot . Sweets are distributed among friends and families .

    Yes literally this is a great festival . I personally loves this festival so much . Hope you will be satisfied with my answer.

    Thank you!!

  • Sakchi Srivastav

    June 8, 2021 at 9:20 am in reply to: essay on benefits of regular exercise

    Excercise is something like very important for us. For maintaining our body posture , for making our muscles active it is futher very important. So let’s us see some of the benefits of doing regular excercise:-

    1. Proper growth of body

    Excercise Uplift your muscles and helps in proper grit and development . Through doing regular excercise you will achieve the proper height also.

    2. Bone flexibility

    Excercise makes you flexible . Your capacity of bone flexibility will increase.

    3. Source of energy

    Excercise makes you energetic and removes extra fat of your body . You can achieve proper BMI .

    4. Increase your feeding capacity

    If you are doing the regular excercise your capacity of eating will increase . You are supposed to take healthy , balance diet for better results.

    5. Improves your bed cycle

    For doing excercise you have to wake up early in the morning .

    Hope you will be satisfied with my answer.

    Thank you!!

  • Sakchi Srivastav

    June 7, 2021 at 12:05 pm in reply to: Write an essay on child marriage.

    Force full marriages of child before 18 is known as child marriage. It is very trending in villages and at remote areas. Child marriage is myth of India . People marriage their child and they think they will become responsibility free.

    Child marriage is one of the very bad practises of India.

    As at the time of playing and studing they wish to be responsible and get marriage. This destroys their career and their future.

    If someone looses there wife or husband than whole life will become burden for the other one.

    Girls also suffer health problems like unwanted pregnancy and pregnancy at very small age. Sometimes girls will also looses her life also.

    There should be strict bann on child marriage . Government should take action against it.

    Hope you will be satisfied with my answer.

    Thank you!!

  • Sakchi Srivastav

    June 7, 2021 at 11:51 am in reply to: Which is better face to face or telephonic conversation?

    Communication is a significant skill of humans. We have social skills how to communicate with anyone. Without Communication we can’t even survive . So as per the question . Face to face Communication is very important than telephonic conversation.

    Once you are talking face to face you get to know about the persons behaviour also but on mobile phones this is not possible.

    You can clearly show your emotions towards the person you are talking . You can hug or as you know eyes can say everything.

    You might be formal many times in telephonic conversation but you can be friendly during your face to face interaction.

    Also face to face interaction will increase or boost up your Communication skills. The way to talk . The way to show your interpersonal communication skills.

    Also when you are talking Face to face your confidence will also increases.

    Hope you will be satisfied with my answer.

    Thank you!!

  • Sakchi Srivastav

    June 7, 2021 at 11:39 am in reply to: Write an essay on Covid 19 effect on Education.

    Covid has very badly affected on the life of every one. All the services , education system is totally disturbed . We are facing a lots of problems on regular basis.

    Talking about the education system than it is just destroyed. Many students become hopeless about their future. From the last two years students are promoted directly . There is no situation for conducting examination.

    There is no history of cancellation of boards examination but covid has also make it possible . 10 th and 12th boards are cancelled due to this covid-19.

    Online class is very disgusting . Many times network issues , non interactive sessions and kind a kind of force full action.

    Schools , college are shut down and don’t know what exactly all mighty has decided . Just pray all these things get better soon.

    Hope you will be satisfied with my answer.

    Thank you!!

  • Sakchi Srivastav

    June 7, 2021 at 7:53 am in reply to: Why there is a need to conserve water?

    Though planet earth is a blue planet but we feel scarcity of water . In metro cities water is available for only one time only . The ground water level is also decreased . So rain water harvesting is a great step to conserve water for further use. Rain water is natural falling water it can be stored for further usage like plantation , mopping , washing vehicles and many more . In earlier times also , people use to store rain water in large container for further use as there is no availability of tap and pumps at every house. Water water every where but nothing to drink because water is polluted brutally in cities . Also air pollution will causes acid rain . So we need to minimize air pollution and water pollution as well. Through water harvesting we can also conserve water as rain water will wasted only. That’s why we need to conserve rain water.

    Hope you will be satisfied with my answer.

    Thank you!!

  • Sakchi Srivastav

    June 5, 2021 at 10:16 am in reply to: Is unity important in team?

    Yes unity is the strength of any team . For having proper coronation with the team members you need to have unity in your team. Because team work is not an individual work , it is the team work all the members of a team need to co-operate with each other and with group members for effective functioning of the team. Unity will help any team to win in worst situation also. So unity is very important for a team . Unity will help you to fight with situation . You must help your team members when they need you . In any match one will win or one will loose. But only thing that is important to be kind and have patience . So unity is always required in any team .

    Hope you will be satisfied with my answer!!

    Thank you!!

  • Sakchi Srivastav

    June 5, 2021 at 9:16 am in reply to: Essay

    Rainy season is a queen of all seasons. Every one is eagerly waiting for this rainy season. Even animals and plants also loves rainy season. First rain is like rain from heaven only. Rainy season or you can say monsoon generally starts from month of June and lasts upto August.

    Rainy season is very important for our environment as;-

    Give relief from hot

    Before rainy season , we are experiencing summer season . Too much hot , sweating throughout the day . So rainy season provides us relief from summer.

    Plants look fresh and green after rain . Rain removes all the dirts of the leaves and make them appear green .

    Also the underground level of water increases due to rain . It also nourishes the plants and make land free from drought .

    Yes rainy season is really a amazing one but, it is also harmful sometime .

    Excessive rain causes flood and many people get affected of this. Scarcity of food , vegetables etc.

    Drainage system is also get disturbed and water come over entire road and block the transportation. .

    Thus , every coin has its both sides. But rain is very important for our environment.

    Hope you will be satisfied with my answer.

    Thank you!!

  • Sakchi Srivastav

    June 5, 2021 at 9:05 am in reply to: What are the importance of examinations?

    In everyone’s life teaching as well as examination plays an important role. Examination plays a vital role in student life. It is necessary to evaluate if he is understood or not. Or many times it is happen students understand everything but cannot able to express it. So examination is very important to evaluate this. When we study something we need to implement it so we give examination.

    It is believed that marks does not considered as much importance. But in my sense it is equally important as give the data about your experience of can someone get to know are you studying or not , or if having any kind of problem than what is that.

    But marks cannot decide your future . You have succeeded in any exam is only due to your efforts , hardwork . So examination is very important for anyone. Hope you will be satisfied with my answer.

    Thank you!!

  • Sakchi Srivastav

    June 5, 2021 at 8:56 am in reply to: What is sound pollution? How to prevent it?

    Any pollutant that degrades the quality of environment is considered as pollution . It may be air pollution, noise pollution , water pollution and soil pollution .

    Noise is also considered as pollution. Any kind of sound that creates irritation is considered as pollution . It can be any bollywood sound or any kind of religious songs . Yes it is a noise pollution also .

    Effects of noise pollution:-

    It causes irritation and erose anger in people . The mood swings can also be seen.

    Listening music or sound for a long time in high volume will effect to eardrums .

    Sometimes heartbeat will increase fastly and may there is a chances of heart attack also.

    It make people dump temporarily or permanently .

    Measures to cure noise pollution:-

    1. Industry should be placed at outskirts of the country as it will more sound pollution.

    2. Schools and hospitals should be placed at noise free area as sounds of traffic will affect the children and patients.

    3. Strictly bann of making noise after 8PM . And government should implement fine if anyone making noise after that.

    4. Create awareness regarding use of public transport as this will decrease the traffic and ultimately the traffic sounds also.

    Thus we should minimise the pollution as it will be directly or indirectly effects to our life and our surroundings.

    Hope you will be satisfied with my answer.

    Thank you!!

  • Sakchi Srivastav

    June 4, 2021 at 11:23 am in reply to: Why is saving water so important?

    Though planet earth is a blue planet but we feel scarcity of water . In metro cities water is available for only one time only . The ground water level is also decreased . So rain water harvesting is a great step to conserve water for further use. Rain water is natural falling water it can be stored for further usage like plantation , mopping , washing vehicles and many more . In earlier times also , people use to store rain water in large container for further use as there is no availability of tap and pumps at every house. Water water every where but nothing to drink because water is polluted brutally in cities . Also air pollution will causes acid rain . So we need to minimize air pollution and water pollution as well. Through water harvesting we can also conserve water as rain water will wasted only. That’s why we need to conserve rain water.

    Hope you will be satisfied with my answer.

    Thank you!!

  • Sakchi Srivastav

    June 4, 2021 at 8:02 am in reply to: Baby

    Babies are just amazing creature of God. It is a imaginary situation how ony two microscopic gametes sperm and the egg fuses and develop into a baby . For nine months a mother carry her baby in her womb , protect her , feed her and finally give birth. But why babies cry when they born.

    Women womb environment is not just like our natural environment . In womb a baby take oxygen by mother only . But when they born now they have to inhale and exhale . So to start the natural function of body they cry.

    Doctors do everything to them cry , if a baby don’t cry he may be died. So first cry of a baby is very important . The major organs like hear ,lungs , kidneys start working after they cry.

    Also after birth there is anew beginning of a child’s life so they cry to forgot his womb life and start a new life.

    Hope you will be satisfied with my answer!!

    Thank you!!

  • Sakchi Srivastav

    June 4, 2021 at 7:53 am in reply to: Why is India known as the land of festivals?

    We live in the land of festivals, yes our country India has 29 states and each States has their own rituals and practices . Indian festivals has its own importance and glory . Talking from the beginning in january the first festival which is widely celebrated is on 14th January as Makar Sankranti in north east India ,pongal in South India , magha saaji in himachal , uttaryam in gujrat, poush barbon in west bengal , khichdi in bihar and jharkhand . What this implies one festival so many names and we all celebrate with brotherhood . There is always unity in diversity in our country . In February we celebrate festival of love generally called as “valentine’s day” . We share our love , care and respect with each other after that it’s time for one of my favourite festival , yes festival of colours – holi . Next to this Eid Mubarak is celebrated all across the country . After having fast “roza” for one whole month we celebrate Eid .

    In the month of August – September Ganesh chaturthi is widely celebrated in over India but most popularly in Maharashtra . We worship lord Ganesha for 10 days . Dusshera is also celebrated for 10 days . In this we worship Maa Durga and on the 10th day we celebrate Vijayadashami . It is believed that on this day lord Ram had killed Ravaana . After , that we celebrate Diwali or Deepawali , festival of lights. People lights candles and dias , decorate their home and worship Maa Laxmi and ganesha . Chatth puja is also celebrated after deepawali in bihar , Uttar Pradesh and jharkhand . Truly , India is the land of festivals. We celebrate countless number of festivals , I cannot explain each of them in a short note .

    But every festival has a message and reason behind it , why we should celebrate it . Festival teachers us to live our life with happiness . We should respect each other. We should always believe in unity in diversity . We should spread love , care and respect to everyone.

    Thank you!!

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