
Onomatopoeia Flashcards

(5 customer reviews)

Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $0.00.

  • Grade Levels: Not For Specific Grade
  • Subjects: Spelling, Vocabulary, Writing
  • Resource Type: Activities, Flashcards, Printables
  • Formats Included: Pdf & Images
  • Print Length: 4 pages
  • Dimensions: 21 x 29.7 cm
  • Language: English

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5 reviews for Onomatopoeia Flashcards

  1. BrookTi Yirga

    The “Onomatopoeia Flashcards” book provides a fun and engaging way for students to learn about onomatopoeia through vivid illustrations and examples. Each flashcard features words that mimic natural sounds, helping children understand and remember these expressive words while enhancing their language and literacy skills.

  2. Bunny Fdo

    Comprehensive collection of flashcards featuring a diverse range of sound-imitating words, from animals to everyday objects.

  3. BrookTi Yirga

    The “Onomatopoeia Flashcards” book features a creative set of flashcards that introduce children to words that mimic sounds, like “buzz,” “splash,” and “clang.” Each card includes a vibrant illustration and the sound it represents, making learning about onomatopoeia interactive and fun.

  4. Amrapali Niungare

    This set is an engaging and innovative way to introduce my child to the world of sound-effect words.

  5. Fadipe Tolulope

    Nice and creatively content flashcards for kids.

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