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  • Aparajita Karmakar

    May 17, 2021 at 1:40 pm in reply to: Is lockdown a solution to covid 19?

    Lockdown may not be the ultimate solution for covid-19 outbreak. But however, it is one of the many ways in which the situation can be brought under control, an attempt can be made.

    covid-19 disease is contagious. Th same disease comes up with different mutations
    every few months, lately. Currently, the research says that, the latest
    mutation of this disease in the 2<sup>nd</sup> phase is spread in the air. In
    other words, the disease in now in the air. The best way to avoid this to delay
    direct exposure to air. Lockdown in a way helps, as it helps avoiding direct
    contact with beings and also deducts direct exposure with fresh air, which is
    no longer fresh. Not entirely, but the lockdown does helps in way to reduce the

    I hope this answer helps!😊

  • Aparajita Karmakar

    May 16, 2021 at 10:05 pm in reply to: Time flow

    The principles of thermodynamics show that large collections of particles, like the trillions upon trillions of liquid molecules in a coffee cup, always move toward more disorganized arrangements. For instance, hot water molecules clumped together in a cold room need a lot of organization, so warm drinks eventually cool to the surrounding temperature. Physicists say such disorganized arrangements have high entropy, whereas ordered arrangements have low entropy.

    Yet the equations physicists use to describe the simultaneous motions of large numbers of particles are equally valid whether time runs forward or backward. Therefore, almost any complex arrangement of matter will gain entropy no matter which direction time flows.

    I hope this answer helps!😊

  • Aparajita Karmakar

    May 16, 2021 at 7:45 pm in reply to: What makes us human?

    This is a very different question.The nomological notion of our human nature takes a different perspective. It accepts the individual differences and speaks of a human nature that is shared by most humans as a result of evolution. These properties that we share are not definitional; they are not necessarily shared by all humans. The capacity to speak, for example, could be limited in an individual due to damaged brain function. Including the evolutionary notion allows us to define a distinctive human nature. A robot could for example possess all the properties of a human being, but that does not make it human. This definition of our human nature also accepts that it is not permanent. With continuous evolution, our human nature might change over time.

    I hope this answer helps!


  • Aparajita Karmakar

    May 16, 2021 at 4:26 pm in reply to: How does liver helps in cleaning blood?

    The blood plays a very important and crucial in human body. It is a source through which essentials like vitamins, nutrients and oxygen travel from one place to another inside the body. Like the blood carries such important things from one place to another, it also carries impure and waste products from one place to another. Hence it is very important for blood to get purified, as if it is not purified, the impurities present in it can cause adverse effect to the body in all.

    In our human body, the waste products are collected and pushed out from our body through kidney, lungs and liver. These are important organs of our body as they just not collect the waste products, but also help release pure blood in our body. In reality, kidney, liver help in detoxifying the impure blood.

    Liver plays a very vital role in cleansing of the blood. The liver in a healthy human body, not only helps by collecting waste and realizing cleansed blood, but also filters unwanted byproducts. Meanwhile, the lungs help cleanse the blood by removing unwanted gases and releasing them through the breath. The kidneys also filter waste and by-products, which they release in the form of urine. These are just a few key organs that handle the cleansing of the blood. Other organs that also play a role include the: skin intestines, spleen, lymphatic system. All of these processes mean that the body typically takes care of blood cleansing without any outside help. In most cases, taking steps to keep these organs healthy is enough to ensure that the blood is clean.

    I hope this answer helps!😊

  • Aparajita Karmakar

    May 16, 2021 at 12:12 pm in reply to: General discussion

    In general, family is a group of people that stay together, relate to each other and stand for each other. Major function of a family is to take care of well being of their members and of the society. Ideally, one of the primary functions of family is to maintain production and reproduction biologically and socially. Families are broadly classified into two types-

    · Nuclear family

    · Joint family

    Difference between nuclear and joint family is just not limited to difference in number of members, there is more to it. Here is a brief explanation to the above-mentioned types of family.

    Nuclear family

    Such a family, generally comprises of mother, father and their children. Nuclear families are also known as conjugal or elementary families. In this type of family, the flow of income is relatively lower as there is usually just a single earner in the house. Emotions shared between members in such household is quite straightforward and direct. There is more scope of freedom and privacy and less expenses. While there are perks to it, there are some disadvantages too. Members in such families don’t tend to socialize with distant relatives often, and all the members are quite like-minded, meaning no scope in having broad perspective, as all the members think on the same lines.

    Joint family

    Such a family, generally comprise of relatives such as aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc. Joint families are also known as extended families. Such families, generally earn more economically, as there are multiple earners in the house. Emotions shared between members of this household is more extended, every member has his/her special bond and closeness with other. Major advantage of joint family is consistent income, fallback place, constant and more support and moreover, the kids grow up with more learned. However there are few disadvantages like less privacy, less freedom, less space, tendency of jealousy and quarrel and also more expenses.

    I hope this answer helps! 😊

  • Aparajita Karmakar

    May 15, 2021 at 10:02 pm in reply to: General discussion

    Animals are widely divided into two categories knowingly-unknowingly, that is- prey or predator. For example, animals like rabbit and mouse have general tendency to escape and move quickly, hence they are born preys.

    Considering the wild range and variety of cats that exist, it is considered that the cats are both prey, as well as predators depending upon the situations.

    Animals tend to study body language and size at first sight. Small cats are cuddly in nature while small dogs are highly temperamental. On the other hand, big dogs are perfect combination of fierce, sweet and cuddly temperament.

    There are cases where dogs are scared of cats too. Its still a big theory that is yet to be proven.

    I hope this answer helps!😊

  • Aparajita Karmakar

    May 15, 2021 at 9:40 pm in reply to: Grammar & Vocabulary

    According to ancient English, Part of Speech are different types of words that combine together having similar grammatical properties. It works in accordance with syntactic functions.

    Part of Speech contains of 9 parts. They are listed below:

    1. Nouns

    2. Pronouns

    3. Adjectives

    4. Verbs

    5. Adverbs

    6. Prepositions

    7. Conjunctions

    8. Interjections

    9. Articles/Determiners

    Here is brief explanation of above-mentioned Part of Speech parts-

    · Nouns

    Noun is any place, thing or person. For example:

    a) My name is Ana. (person)

    b) That is a box. (thing)

    c) Next left would be Oberoi Mall. (place)

    · Pronouns

    Pronouns stand for the nouns in a sentence. For example: he, she, it, who, which and many more.

    · Adjectives

    Adjectives are words that describe the nouns and pronouns. For example:

    a) She is a beautiful girl.

    b) The dress is so silky.

    c) The tree is tall.

    d) The ball is round.

    · Verbs

    Verbs are active words that describe a particular actions. For example:

    Drink, dance, sing, many more.

    · Adverbs

    Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives as well as other adverbs. For example:

    Softly, lazily, often, many more.

    · Prepositions

    Prepositions are words that depict role relations between nouns and pronouns. For example:

    Against, up, over and many more.

    · Conjunctions

    Conjunctions are words that join two or more words and phrases, they act as connectors. For example:

    a) She is sweet and simple.

    b) I went to market but it was closed.

    · Interjections

    Interjections are words that can stand alone, as they express different feelings. For example:

    Wow!, Woah!, Lovely!, and many more.

    · Articles/Determiners

    Articles and determiners specify and identify nouns, and there are indefinite and definite articles. For example:

    Article- a, an, the

    Determiners- these, that, those and many more.

    I hope this answer helps!😊

  • Aparajita Karmakar

    May 15, 2021 at 6:09 pm in reply to: Active all the day

    Staying active is a very important part of one’s day in order stay healthy and fit. Off late, since the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, we tend to stay at home and laze around even more than we could imagine of. As a result we have turned more lethargic and unhealthy over the time. Such lifestyle is highly unadvisable. It might feel that you are unbothered by it, but in the long run, it can cause adverse effect on our body, which might not be repairable. We must look into measures that make sure we make maximum usage of our day.

    Following are certain tips that can make us active staying within home itself:

    · Routine lifestyle

    First and foremost, it is very important to have a balanced lifestyle. Having irregular sleep and eating pattern while working out externally won’t fetch positive results. In fact, can result into bad effects on our body.

    · Gentle Workout

    While we stay at home, we can still perform mild level workout sessions that include cardio and muscle exercise specifically. Daily workout twice a day for half an hour is sufficient enough to burn some energy and stay fit.

    · Yoga

    Not everyone is comfortable with daily workout sessions or heavy activity every day. The best and yet another way to stay active at home is to do yoga. Early morning is the best time to do yoga, it helps in building focus and brings clarity in state of mind.

    · Fun/Useful Home chores

    Staying at home might feel relaxing to some, while it might feel dreadful to others. Best way to start your day is by making your bed. It is proven that starting your day on this note helps build positivity and clears your mind from the very start of the day. Apart from making your bed, try engaging yourself into other household chores like dusting, washing utensils, clearing messy areas, etc. These tasks might feel easy or too boring but, it is one of the most effective way to stay healthy as well as finish household chores at one go staying at home!

    I hope this answer helps!😊

  • Aparajita Karmakar

    May 15, 2021 at 5:44 pm in reply to: What are the different types of hacking?

    Hacking is an attempt to break someone’s privacy without their consent. On the contrary, it is not always illegal. There are particular companies that hire professional hackers for their benefit. Different types of hackers are:

    1. White Hat hackers

    2. Black Hat hackers

    3. Grey Hat hackers

    Here is brief explanation about each type:

    · White Hat Hackers

    The White Hat hackers are also known as Ethical Hackers. The hackers belonging to this category are harmless and do not intend to cause damage. Rather on contrary, they are hired to examine the existing system of a person/corporation and if they find a flaw, then help to fix the system with more accuracy.

    · Black Hat Hackers

    The Black Hat hackers are also known as Crackers. The hacking these hackers do is highly unprofessional and illegal. Their purpose to invade into a person/corporation’s system, in order to achieve unauthorised access and gain sensitive information or harm the operation.

    · Grey Hat Hackers

    The Grey Hat hackers are a perfect blend and combination of both White Hat hackers and Black Hat hackers. This type of hackers basically do things similar to black hat hackers but in a legal way. They are hired to get information from other systems without their knowledge. The work they do is highly professional but invading at the same time.

    Apart from the White Hat, Black Hat and the Grey Hat hackers, they are various other miscellaneous hackers like Red Hat Hackers, Blue Hat Hackers, Elite Hackers and mane more. However these are the prominent one.

    I hope this answer helps!😊

  • Aparajita Karmakar

    May 14, 2021 at 8:16 pm in reply to: Why it is important to remain health?

    It is very important to work on our immune system. Moreover, the most healthy way to work on it is by bringing positive and impactful changes in our lifestyle and food habits as things work more effectively when done from in to out. Midst the COVID-19 pandemic, it is even more important to be healthy and have a strong immune system as the virus is air bone off late.

    Following are few ways and tips that can for sure help in building a promising healthy immune system:

    · Regular exercise

    Having daily bit of exercise is very important. Due to pandemic, our body has got accustomed to being lazy and staying in. But this doesn’t solve the crisis. Gym has always been the go to option for most of us. But considering the scenario, it is still important to workout, avoiding crowd at the same time. It is highly advisable to take out at least 15 minutes a day for a small brisk walk session, nothing more, nothing less.

    · Food supplements

    Our diet has been a combination of various components like vitamins, proteins, etc. But we still lack in adding adequate amount of all required amount of these in our diet on regular basis. Considering the lifestyle we all live in, it is not always possible to have healthy/pre-planned food item on daily basis. Hence it is most advisable to have food supplements that make sure you have proper intake of required additional.

    · Proper schedule

    ‘Binge watching’ is the new concept we all are addicted and accustomed to. But to be precise, this is not at all advisable. Having 8 hours of sleep, and a qualitative day is very important. It may not show instant results, but on long run, it does bring positive impact.

    · Consistent healthy diet/food habits

    Having healthy and filling breakfast, adequate lunch, light dinner is the most ideal format to follow. Consistency is key to long run positive and effective results.

    · Positive approach

    Things work better when worked with a positive outlook. Positive affirmation, avoiding negative thoughts and fear brings out the best from one. Positive mind, builds a positive life.

    I hope this answer helps! 😊

  • Aparajita Karmakar

    May 14, 2021 at 7:53 pm in reply to: Similies and metaphors


    Similes is a figure of speech. It involves comparison of one thing to another in order to make it more the sentence more vividly understandable. For example:

    1. He is as brave as a lion.

    2. She is as beautiful as a flower.

    In other words, Similes are used for qualitative comparison. Some words that help identify a simile in a sentence are- like, as, so, than.


    Metaphor is yet another type of figure of speech. It is basically a way of defining an object by categorically mentioning another object as partial comparison. For example:

    1. Time is money.

    2. Age is a state of mind.

    3. The criminal has blood on his hand.

    It is basically a method of comparing to unlike things. As seen in literature, metaphors compare different things without actually using words such as- like, as.

    Comparison between Similes and Metaphors

    There is a very small line of difference between similes and metaphors. As mentioned above, in short, Similes work on the principle of direct comparison between two similar objects while, Metaphors work on the principle of comparison between two objects that are pole apart.

    I hope this answer helps!😊

  • Aparajita Karmakar

    May 14, 2021 at 10:26 am in reply to: What is an adverb? Explain with the help of examples.

    An adverb is a word or an expression that modifies a verb, adjective, another adverb, determiner, clause, preposition, or sentence. Adverbs typically express manner, place, time, frequency, degree, level of certainty, etc., answering questions such as how?, in what way?, when?, where?, and to what extent?.

    A great way to pick out an adverb from a sentence is to look for the word ending in -ly. Although that’s not universally true, it’s a good place to start. Also, given their function, these fundamental elements of the English language are usually placed right before or after the verb in the sentence.

    Adverbs are intensifiers and they can even come in the form of an adverb phrases. That just means you’re looking at two or more words that act as an adverb. Let’s take some time to dive (v.) deeply (adv.) into these popular modifiers.

    Here are some examples of adverbs modifying verbs:

    He runs quickly.
    She walks slowly.
    He’s happily chattering
    over there in the corner.

    Adverbs can also modify adjectives or other adverbs. They provide more information about that other descriptive word. For example:

    He runs very

    In this sentence, the adverb “very” is describing the adverb “quickly” (“very quickly” can be used as an adverb phrase).

    An incredibly
    girl sat down next to me.

    In this sentence, the adverb “incredibly” is describing the adjective “pretty.”

    I hope this answer helps!😊

  • Aparajita Karmakar

    May 14, 2021 at 10:16 am in reply to: What is pulmonary circulation?

    Pulmonary circulation is that part of the circulation system which carries deoxygenated blood away from the right ventricle in heart to lungs and returns oxygenated blood from left atrium and ventricle to the heart.

    A separate system called; Bronchial Circulation circulates this oxygenated blood to the tissues of larger airways to the lungs.

    From the right atrium, the blood is pumped through the tricuspid valve (or right atrioventricular valve), into the right ventricle. Blood is then pumped from the right ventricle through the pulmonary valve and into the main pulmonary artery.

    Here is a brief over view of how this system works:

    · Lungs

    The pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated blood to the lungs, where carbon dioxide is released and oxygen is picked up during respiration. Arteries are further divided into very fine capillaries which are extremely thin-walled. The pulmonary vein returns oxygenated blood to the left atrium of the heart.

    · Veins

    The oxygenated blood then leaves the lungs through pulmonary veins, which return it to the left part of the heart, completing the pulmonary cycle. This blood then enters the left atrium, which pumps it through the mitral valve into the left ventricle. From the left ventricle, the blood passes through the aortic valve to the aorta. The blood is then distributed to the body through the systemic circulation before returning again to the pulmonary circulation.

    · Arteries

    From the right
    ventricle, blood is pumped through
    the semilunar pulmonary valve into the left and right main pulmonary
    arteries (one for each lung),
    which branch into smaller pulmonary arteries that spread throughout the lungs.

    I hope this answer helps!😊

  • Aparajita Karmakar

    May 13, 2021 at 8:08 am in reply to: General discussion

    Salt accounts for about 3.5 percent of the world’s oceans. It is naturally produced when shallow ponds and bays dry up in the sun and the wind and large salt crystals are left behind where the salty water once was. Sea water contains many salts mixed in it. One of them is common salt, when sea water is allowed to stand in shallow pits, water gets evaporated by sunlight and slowly turns into water vapor. In a few days, the water evaporates completely leaving behind the solid salts. Common salt is then obtained from this mixture of salts by further purification.Today there are three main methods for obtaining salt:

    Evaporation from sea water, Mining salt from the earth and Creating salt brines.

    Salt is an example of a mature market for an abundant commodity. With a predictable market and no way to improve the product what happens is that profit margins are kept low and the market gets dominated by large suppliers.

    Food salt is comparatively a small market and the price is so cheap that it would scarcely generate more than a few dollars per household per year.

    I hope this answer helps!😊

  • Ice floats on water. This happens so because ice has lesser density than water. Scientists have proven that water has a density of 1.0gm/cubic cm while on the other hand, ice has density of 0.931gm/cubic cm.

    The process where water converts into ice, gives the hydrogen bonding a scope to expand and get placed further apart. As a result, forcing it to take more space, decreasing the overall density and hence, making to float in the water.

    Generally, pure water gets converted into its solid state at 0 degree Celsius, this is also known as its freezing point. In other words, the constant temperature at which water changes into ice is called as solidification or freezing point.

    To convert water to ice it releases about 80 calories (or 4200 J/Kg) of heat energy and is this is known as specific latent heat of fusion of Ice. It is the amount of heat required to change ice at 0 degree into water at 0 degree centigrade without change in its temperature, here the amount of heat absorbed by ice is used in increasing the potential energy of its molecules.

    I hope this answer helps!😊

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