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MemberMay 18, 2021 at 7:47 pm in reply to: Why lightning happens few seconds before thunder? State the logic behind it.Let us first discuss how thunder and lightning is caused?
When two oppositely charged ions – positive and negative charges come in contact with each other, they balance themselves with a flash of light, known as lightning. Basically, a cloud develops protons and it now starts to attract oppositely charged protons from the ground, trees, mountains, sometimes people too. Once an attraction is made, it is represented through a flash of light. Thunder is the rumble of this lightning bolt. It is nothing but the sound of the charges vibrating.
Coming to your question, we see the flash of light much before the sound of thunder. This is due to the variation in speed of light and speed of sound. The speed with which light travels is much higher than the speed with which sound travels. Speed of light in air is 3*10(to the power 8) m/sec whereas speed of sound in air is approximately 334m/sec (depending on the temperature) that is much lower than that of light. Thus we the lightning much before the sound is heard.
I hope this answer helps.
Let us first discuss what covid-19 actually means.
Covid – 19 is a disease caused by the deadly corona virus. The entire world is suffering from this pandemic. It is an infectious disease and is basically transmitted by an infected patient. It is air borne too, spreads through droplet infection and can also spread by coming in close contact with the objects touched by a covid positive patient.
The only solution to get rid of this virus of proper sanitization and social distancing. Nothing can break the chain of the virus except social distancing. Vaccine is a treatment. The permanent solution is to break the chain of this virus. If this virus do not get a host, it will eventually die. The patient is thus kept in isolation.
Lockdown is the only solution to this pandemic. Wearing masks and proper sanitization, social distancing is the only solution to break this chain of virus. Due to lockdown, most of the people will stay indoors and hence they won’t catch infection neither will they spread the infection.
Vaccination is a treatment to prevent infection. But to get rid of this virus, we need to break its multiplying chain. Thus lockdown is the best decision. No host- no virus. Thus people are being isolated and quarantined so that they do not spread infection. It is our duty to stay indoors and use proper precautionary measures to help our country get rid of this deadly virus.
Stay home and stay safe. Help the front line warriors to kill this virus before it kills us. Help the nation, help the world. Step out only when it is highly important, only when you don’t have an alternative. Step out with proper precautions. Wear your mask properly – abpve the nose. Try double mask method, sanitize yourself and your belongings that you took out or brought home. You can save the nation. We can save the nation.
I hope everyone stays safe and this hard time ends super soon.
Thank you!
We know that a day consists of 24hours. There are two different ways to calculate time – as 12 hours and as 24 hours. While using the 12 hour format, it is important to denote the time as p.m. or a.m. where A.M. stands for after Ante – meridian and is used before noon while P.M. stands for Post – Meridian and is used after noon.
Thus, from midnight till noon – we use A.M. while using the 12 hour format.
Whereas after noon till 11:59 in the night, we use P.M.
The 24hour format does not require these mentions. After 12 in the noon, instead of using 1:00 p.m. we use 13hours, 2:00 p.m. as 14:00 hours and so on. A 24 hour clock starts at 1:00 in midnight and ends at 23:59 hours.
The most simple way to convert 12 hours time format to 24 hours time format, follow these steps:
1. If the time is between 12:00 A.M. – 11:59 A.M. — use the same time
2. if the time is between 12:00 P.M. – 11:59 P.M. — add 12 to the time.
for example- 1:00 P.M. = 1+12 = 13:00 hours
6:30 P.M. = 6+12= 18:30 hours
I hope this helps.
MemberMay 18, 2021 at 2:15 am in reply to: What are the major organs of the digestive system ?Digestive system helps in the digestion and absorption of food that we eat. It starts from mouth and ends at anus. <div>
</div><div>The process of digestion begins in the mouth itself. The human mouth, rather the buccal cavity consists of salivary glands that secrete salivary amylase – an enzyme that digests starch. Thus, the food we chew/masticate is being digested in the mouth. Almost 30% of the ztarch gets digested in the mouth. </div><div>
</div><div>The food, now known as the bolus moves to stomach through a long tube like structure called – the oesophagus. The oesophagus does not secrete any enzyme. It simply acts as the passage for the movement of food/bolus. The bolus moves through the oesophagus by peristalsis. </div><div>
</div><div>It reaches the stomach. The stomach is guarded by cardiac spinchter. The food is acted upon by various enzymes. The stomach consists of 3 parts – the upper cardiac region, the middle fundus region and the last pyloric region This food is still semi digested, and in a semi liquid state. The food, now known as chyme and it moves from the pyloric part of the stomach to the small intestine. </div>The small intestine is made of 3 parts- duodenum, jejunum and ileum. The walls of the small intestine consists of microvilli that helps in absorption of the food. The small intestine secretes a number of enzymes known as ‘succus entericus’. The enzymes released firstly digests the chyme and then the nutrients are being absorbed. The large intestine does not participate in digestion. It absorbs water and minerals and prepares the wastes, that is passed out from the body as faeces.
Other parts of the digestive system includes-
Gall bladder that forms bile that helps in the emulsification of fats, leading to its absorption.
Pancreas – it secretes most of the enzymes that help in the digestion.
The food gets digested and absorbed through a complex mechanism. Each nutrient gets broken into its simplest forms and then are absorbed. As for example- the carbohydrates gets broken into starch and then to its monomers that is glucose units. The entire process is a complex mechanism.
MemberMay 17, 2021 at 8:56 pm in reply to: How can you prepare 10% of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) Solution?10% of NaOH solution simply means that 10 gram of NaOH is present in 100 units of solution. It is a w/v% where 10gram of NaOH is present in 100ml of solution, i.e., in 90ml of distilled water.
Let us understand its preparation through an experiment.
To perform the experiment, you will need the following materials-
1. A measuring cylinder
2. A flask
3. a glass rod
4. distilled water
1. Weigh out 10g of NaOH using digital balance or any weighing machine you have.
2. Transfer it into a flask and add a little distilled water to it
3. Stir the mixture using a glass rod until a homogenous clear solution is formed
4. Now make the volume to 90ml by adding distilled water.
5. Stir the solution again
1. If you are using a digital balance, make sure it has been tared and is initially at zero
2. Don’t handle the salt directly- being hygroscopic it might absorb the moisture from the fingers that can disturb its chemical ratio
3. The entire 90ml volume of water is not added to the salt as it can lead to errors when 10g of NaOH gets dissolved in it. To get exact results, a little amount of water is added first that dissolves the NaOH.
10% of NaOH was prepared.
I hope this helps.
WOMAN- a mother who nurtures, a wife who serves, a friend who listens, a daughter who loves, a sister who cares. From age old times the description of a woman revolves around a man and his family. Rarely a woman is described as a human being, a creature of God with emotions, feelings, patience, passion, dreams and endless love. Who has the right to open up, to live for herself, to breathe freely! We rarely define a man with such nouns. What you think about a woman makes you believe that she is born to serve, if you ever thought a woman as described latter, you would have let her LIVE.
We are living in a patriarchal society, where men are supposed to work and woman are supposed to be found in kitchen. With time the delusion of perceiving a woman just in the kitchen changed. Now she is ‘allowed’ work after marriage, ‘allowed’ to live her dreams and passion. Oh, allowed! Why does the society thinks a woman needs to be “allowed” what a man is supposed to do?
We talk about gender equality. But we belong to a society where a woman is being judged on each step. She no longer eats after the men have completed their supper, but she still cannot put her ideas into words or actions.
If she gets angry, may be at a work place, her anger is judged as a mood swing of “those days”!!! why so unfair?!! Is a woman not allowed to show her anger or argue with someone unless and until she is menstruating? Is a woman not supposed to get angry whereas men are considered to be as figures of valor and confidence!! Why are men not being judged when they are being argumentative?
No wonder how efficiently a lady could work, she will face trouble during the times of promotion in most of the companies. I am not talking about all the work firms but yes, most of them do raise a question on her personal life and issues. A man, too, has a family back at home. He is never being judged based on his personal life. Why?
No wonder whatever a woman does or tries to do, she will always be questionable. Why don’t we question men?
Yes, I firmly believe that women are progressing and living their dreams, following their passions- but we all have had faced the questions of the society, a society that never questions a man.
While talking about rape and molestation, it is an undeniable fact that men too get raped – but where do we find any man walking with fear on a road at a late hour of the day? Where do we find a man faking a phone call on a dark night travelling alone, where do we find a man adjusting his dress in front of a woman. But we do justify a rapist (a man) when we raise questions against a rape victim as what was she doing there at such a late hour. By raising questions on her dress or the time of the day. A rapist never sees the length of the dress or the age of the lady, all he knows is about the vagina and his uncontrolled hormones, because women in sarees are being raped too, whereas girls with under developed vagina are being raped too. Age or clothes do not justify a hideous crime done by a man.
women have been facing discrimination since ages. It is true that some of them get a chance to live their life on their own terms, but most of them are bound by their families and the orthodox believes of the society. It is true that women are being judged on their talents too, but the fact is – only a few get this chance!! We are still living in a world where XY enjoys some benefits that a XX has to fight for!!
A real number includes all the numbers existing in mathematics. Be it a negative integer or a positive one, a zero or a non zero number, a fraction, a decimal, a rational number or an irrational number – ANYTHING. It just has to be a number. All the numbers come under the category of real numbers. However, complex numbers are not just real numbers. They consist of both a real number and an imaginary number.
Following are some examples of real numbers –
0, 1.75, 13/17 , 1/3 , 3/10, 4, 5 etc. Any number, all the numbers, belong to this category – the category of real numbers.
This is a really good question that can have different Answers.
Being human or acting like a human being can have 2 views – philosophical and scientific. Talking about the philosophical view, being human not just means to have a human figure . It means to act generously, sincerely. To have a polite behaviour. To sympathise and be empathetic enough to understand someone’s situation. To be kind enough to understand someone’s life. To be sorrowful towards someone else’s sufferings. Being kind, generous, sympathetic, empathetic, emotional, having feelings and affection towards a living creature makes us a good human. So this was something from a philosophical point of view.
But we belong to a scientific generation where nothing can be accepted if science doesn’t approves it. So, from scientific point of view, a human being belongs to the
Kingdom – Animalia
Phylum – Chordata
Class – Mammalia
Genus – Homo
Species – sapiens
Thus, humans have a scientific name of Homo sapiens. They can be categorised as the most complex and the most intelligent animals that have the most complex body systems.
1. The skeletal system made up of 206 bones in an adult.
2. The muscular system consisting of about 600 muscles, with the smallest muscle in the ear and the largest in the buttocks.
3. The respiratory system consisting of well developed lungs.
4. The circulatory system for circulation of the blood throughout the body.
5. The digestive system starting from mouth and ending in anus, where the food gets masticated, digested, absorbed and excreted.
6. The excretory system to carry out the nitrogenous wastes from the body.
7. The reproductive system to carry out reproduction.
8. The endocrine system for proper functioning of the body.
9. The nervous system that acts as the command system of the body.
The entire organ system is covered with the largest organ of the body, that is, the skin.
With the most complex brain, humans have millions of nerves, each having its importance. Each cell has a nucleus that contains the hereditary units- the genes, or the DNA. Humans have double helical DNA structure made up of deoxy ribose sugar, a phosphate group and a nitrogenous base. The DNA contains the information of the heridity. DNA is contained in the chromosomes. There are 46 chromosomes, 23 pairs, with 22 pairs known as the somatic chromosomes and the last pair as the sex chromosomes. These could be XX for females, and XY for males.
Humans have the most complex body system. They work accordingly and thus a human survives, with the development of each cell and tissue. It is a complex system of coordinated mechanisms.
Thus this was a biological point of view about a human.
MemberMay 16, 2021 at 9:40 pm in reply to: Why does an aqueous solution of an acid conduct electricity?an aqueous solution of acid shows acidic character.
In presence of water, it dissociates into Hydrogen ions or protons. The presence of these free ions helps it to conduct electricity.
When electricity is passed through the acid (that already has H+ ions or protons present in the solution) the protons, being positively charged, reach the cathode where they pick electrons and get converted into hydrogen gas. This forms a complete electrolyte reaction and conduction of electricity, hence, is possible.
Mosquitoes belong to the class Insecta of the Phylum Arthropoda of the Animal Kingdom.
They can be categorized into different types – Aedes, Anopheles and Culex
These spread diseases like Chikunguniya, Dengue and yellow fever.
These breed on artificially stored water.
They can be easily identified through the white patches or dots present on their body.
The female Anopheles is the vector for malaria. It can be identified by its sitting posture as it forms an angle with the surface on which it is resting. However, it breeds on clean water.
These are vectors for the disease Filariasis.
These breed on dirty water and can be identified as they sit horizontal with the ground, i.e., without making an angle and these lack spots on their bodies.
Life cycle of a mosquito:
Mosquitoes follow a life cycle that includes four stages –
Egg, larva, pupa and adult stages
The eggs are laid on stagnant water and it develops into the larva. The larvae develop into the Pupa that swims on the surface of the water. They start developing wings and mature into an adult. They don’t fly until their body hardens and their wings dry. A mosquito cannot survive without water during its larval or pupal stage. Thus to avoid mosquitoes and their terrible diseases check for stagnant water. Use insecticides and other chemicals on puddles and ponds near your home or locality.
Don’t let the rain water collect and stand anywhere in and around your home.
The fish, Gambusia, feeds on mosquito larvae.
Mosquitoes are small looking insects but can spread deadly diseases that can be fatal too. Malaria and dengue when not treated rightly can get fatal, chikunguniya causes great joint paints that prevails in the long run too. Thus mosquitoes spread diseases and shouldn’t be allowed to survive through any means. Use of sprays and insecticides helps in their reduction.
Simple interest is the interest given for a particular sum of money on a given rate. The sum of money is known as ‘principle’ and the interest is calculated for the given ‘rate’ for a given time.
For example, think that a person borrowed a sum of 50,000 rupees from a bank which provides an interest rate of 5% p.a. . He borrowed the money for 1 year, so what will be the amount he needs to pay at the end of this 1 year?
Well, the formula to calculate simple interest is :
P= principle or amount of money
R= rate of interest; it is given in percentage and thus is divided by 100 while using in the formula
T= time until which the money is provided; it is calculated in year as the rate of interest is given as percentage per annum (where annum is the adverb of 1 year)
Going back to our question, we have:
P = 50,000
R= 5%
T= 1year
Thus interest (S.I.) = (50,000 * 5 * 1)/100
= 2,500 rupees
Thus the person has to return an extra 2500 rupees to the bank
The total amount to be returned = 50,000 + 2,500
= 52,500 rupees
I hope you found this helpful.
MemberMay 16, 2021 at 8:42 pm in reply to: What are the five sense organs of the human body?The human body is a unique system of coordinated mechanisms.
The millions of neurons serve as the structural and functional unit of the body. The neurons pick up the signals from the sensory organs and transfer them to the brain through the nerves. There are receptors in the body that pick up these signals, i.e., they first sense them and then transfer them through nerves to the brain. These receptors are also known as sensory receptors. They are located in organs such as:
Eyes, nose, ear, skin, tongue
1. Eyes- these act as the receptor for sight. The presence of rods and cones helps a person to visualize objects. Whatever we see is just an image formed by the reflection of the light transmitted by the object or any light source. Cones are the cells that helps us to see in light and rods are the cells that helps us visualize objects at night or in dark.
2. Nose- the smell receptor of the body. It takes up the smell through the olfactory receptors present in the nasal cavity. This signal is transmitted to the brain through the olfactory nerves.
3. Ear- the receptor for hearing is present in the ear, particularly in the ‘organ of Corti’ present in the cochlea that is located in the internal ear.
4. Skin- the receptor for touch is located in the skin. there are receptors for heat and cold too. It is the largest organ of the body, that covers the entire surface of the human body.
5. Tongue- the receptors of taste is located in the tongue in the form of taste buds. The apex of the tongue has receptors or taste buds for sweet, the lateral sides have receptors for salty taste whereas the posterior end has receptors for bitter and sour taste.
These were
the 5 sense organs that contain various sensory
receptors for the body to function properly. These receive the signals
and deliver it to the brain through the nervous cells. -
MemberMay 15, 2021 at 12:35 am in reply to: What are prime numbers, natural numbers, composite number and whole numbers?Prime numbers –
Any number that is divisible by 1 and itself, i.e., it cannot be divided using any number other than 1 and itself is known as a prime number.
for example- 17, 23, 29 etc.
Natural Numbers-
All the positive integers, for example – 1, 2, 3….infinity, excluding zero are known as natural numbers.
Composite numbers –
A composite number is a number that has at least one divisor other than 1 and itself. It is formed by multiplying two positive integers. For example – 2*3=6, where 6 is a composite number.
2*4=8, where 8 is a composite number.
Whole Numbers –
Any positive number, including zero, comes under the category of whole numbers.
for example – 0, 1, 2 , 3………infinity
Mental health is so very important. We don’t even know when a person needs help or is mentally stressed or depressed. No amount of money and luxuries can give you mental peace. It lies within. In today’s world, most of the people suffer from mental stress or depression. A happy go lucky person to the world might be a depressed soul when alone. Anxiety, depression, stress and suicidal thoughts are an alarm to call for help or therapy.
How can you deal with it?
Most of the people don’t seek help or therapy from professionals. The reason might be they don’t want others to know their suffering, or rather they find it difficult to speak. But trust me, therapy sessions with professionals help a lot. Talking your heart out will give you peace. They will not just listen to you but will also guide you and help you heal from within.
Yoga and pranayama are a proven help to these problems.
Get up early in the morning, practice some yoga and pranayama on a daily basis in an open environment. Breathe in the fresh air and exhale your stress out. Meditation will give you inner peace.
Try finding a positive approach of living. Being positive will not just make you feel happy but will also spread positive vibes around you.
Get yourself involved in stuffs that interests you. It could be dance, singing, paintings or reading books. Anything that you enjoy doing, will give you peace.
Most importantly – talk it out, with friends, family or medical consultants. Relieve your pain or your thoughts. Overthinking will do no good to you. It will drain your peace and heath, abilities too. Before it gets too late seek help. Consulting a medical practitioner will do no harm to you. It’s the need of the hour. Take talking therapy sessions. Medicine and psychology has advanced a lot. Make full use of the support being provided to you by therapists.
Any individual,
irrespective of the gender, caste, creed, age can suffer from depression,
anxiety, stress, mental illness etc. Before It gets too late, take medical help
and therapies!! -
Metals when react with water leads to the formation of metal hydroxide and liberates hydrogen.
metals + water —–> metal hydroxide + hydrogen
Some metals readily react with water, such as-
metals such as Li, Na, K, Ba, Ca react with water to give metal hydroxide and hydrogen even at room temperature.
Mg, Al, Zn, Fe reacts with steam at high temperatures to give hydroxide and hydrogen
Metals such as Gold, Silver do not give hydrogen at any temperatures with water.