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We all are aware of the current situation of the pandemic and thus every institute, be it primary schools or post grad colleges, is following the trend of online classes. The professors teach their students using different platforms such as ZOOM, G-MEET, MS-TEAMS etc. Some of them also upload lectures on pre-designed softwares. No one would have ever thought of such days where pdfs would surpass handwritten notes and classroom teaching would be from our cozy rooms.
I personally feel that online classes during this pandemic is a complete disaster. The students don’t get the chance to study practically, neither do they perform experiments in the lab nor do they study properly during the online classes. Studies are something that should be done sitting in an erect posture on a perfect study table, unlike from our cozy beds that most of the students have been doing.
Moreover, there are millions of families in under developed or still developing countries that cannot afford laptops. There are regions and areas where network is still a problem. And apart from all these the student loses the chance to interact with the teacher personally and face to face. Most of the families are suffering from infection and during this phase the child is being asked to submit assignments- think about the effect on his / her mental health. Thus online classes are a disaster during this pandemic. But for now, this is the only option as education cannot be paused or else if the child once loses his focus, it will get highly difficult for him in the long run.
Alternatives can be made as such taking weekly tests and asking questions regularly from the children in the online class – to mark their presence and attention. Moreover they should be asked to keep their cameras on so that no one attends the class from their cozy bed. The classes should be made interactive and liberty should be given to students who are suffering with infection.
With a few modifications, online education can be proved as the most efficient way of teaching!!
MemberMay 14, 2021 at 8:46 pm in reply to: Why do acids not show acidic behaviour in the absence of water ?Let us first discuss what acids are-
Acids are compounds that can donate a proton, that is, a hydrogen ion on dissociation.
They contain at least one hydrogen (for example- hydrochloric acid HCl). Some might contain more than one, for example- sulphuric acid (H2SO4) contains 2 hydrogen atoms, phosphoric acid (H3PO4) contains three, etc.
Acids can be regarded as strong acids, that are highly corrosive in nature (example- sulphuric acid) or as weak acids that are not so corrosive (example- acetic acid).
Acids are also present in our diet, surprised?? Yes, acids are also present in the food that we eat, for example- lemon, it contains ascorbic acid, whereas folic acid is present in green leafy vegetables, beans and peas. These are necessary for our growth and development and might lead to deficiency diseases if not taken in adequate amounts.
Acid turns moist blue litmus paper red.
Acids are sour in taste.
However, any acid requires water to act as an acid.
The reason behind this lies in the definition of the acid itself. As said, acid is a hydrogen containing compound that gives a proton in solution. Thus, for an acid to act like an acid, that is, to give its proton it must be present in water, so that it can dissociate and produce protons (H+ ions)
HCl ↔ H+ + Cl-
For example, HCl, hydrogen chloride, is a greenish yellow gas with a pungent smell. It will not act like an acid until mixed with water, that is, it will not dissociate into its ions, H+ and Cl- until present in an aquatic medium.
>Also, dry HCl will not turn blue litmus paper red if the paper has not been moistened. It will not act as an acid until it gets an aqueous medium. But it will readily turn moist blue litmus paper red.
The strength of an acid lies in the number of hydrogen ions or protons it was deliver or dissociate into. It is known as the pH of the solution which is actually the inverse logarithm of concentration of hydrogen ions.
pH = -log [H+]
when the pH lies between 0-6, the solution is said to be acidic whereas when it lies between 8-14, it is said to be basic. pH 7 is considered to be neutral. The pH of water is 7.
Thus, to conclude with, an acid shows acidic behaviour in presence of water, where it can dissociate and deliver Hydrogen ions or protons. The acidic strength, behaviour, conditions all depend upon the amount and number of protons an acid can donate. -
MemberMay 14, 2021 at 2:44 am in reply to: What are the different types of viral diseases? How it transform to human body?Viral diseases are diseases caused by viruses. They are highly infectious and contagious and can be transmitted easily, generally via droplets infection. However, using shared towels and handkerchief can also cause this transmission. Transmission varies from disease to disease. The most common viral infection is cold and flu.
Have you ever noticed if someone sneezes twice or thrice even your nose starts to irritate and you might get a sneeze or two? Why does this happen?
The answer being, cold and flu is caused by viruses. When a person sneezes or coughs, the tiny droplets that he releases contains millions of viruses which attack our body. The infection can be caused in minimum time. Using towels and handkerchiefs of people suffering from cold and flu can also cause you infection.
Chicken poxes are also caused by viruses. And this is the reason behind isolation of a person who is infected with chicken pox.
There are some fatal viral diseases-
1. Herpes caused by Herpes Simplex virus and transmitted via sexual contact.
2. AIDS (Acquired immuno deficiency syndrome) caused by the HIV virus. This virus is transmitted through sexual contact. However, it cannot get transferred by using towels of an AIDS patient. Neither it can get transmitted by talking to or living with an AIDS patient. There are a number of myths and thus people misbehave and leave people suffering from AIDS. This can only get transmitted through sexual contact or blood transfusion, sharing needles and syringes, not by talking to or living with such patients .
3. COVID-19
The most troublesome disease of the year. This is caused by a virus – corona virus. It gets transmitted through droplets infection. That is, when a person sneezes or coughs they release droplets. These droplets consists of millions of viruses. It is thus very important to follow the guidelines designed to prevent infection. Proper social distancing, masks and proper sanitization can keep you safe.
Thus, viral infections can only be prevented through social distancing and by taking continuous precautions. Meeting or coming in physical contact with infected people can harm you too.
MemberMay 14, 2021 at 2:17 am in reply to: Why are most carbon compounds poor conductors of electricity?Carbon generally forms organic compounds known as hydrocarbons. Its property of catenation and formation of covalent bonds, makes it a bad conductor of electricity. Carbon has 6 electrons – 2 in the s-orbital and 4 in the p-orbital. Thus it has 4 valence electrons and all the 4 valence electrons can form covalent bonds with other non metals. Also, carbon do not dissociate into ions in aqueous medjum, neither in molten state. It is a non metal and forms hydrocarbons and other compounds using covalent bonds. Thus it is a bad conductor of electricity.
Every story has two aspects – a positive and a negative. It depends on us what we want to choose.
With the evolution of Science, life has become a little easier.
Even the deadliest diseases now can be cured, unlike the ancient era when death was the only option. Treatments were slow and sometimes in vain. Genetic disorders were not detected. With the development of medical science we can now detect the presence of any genetic diseases or malfunctions in an unborn child and can get them cured. Early detection can save life of two – the mother and the unborn.
With the development of Genetically Modified Crops, agriculture has shown tremendous growth. With the use of plant hormones, crops can be made to survive for longer duration of time.
With science communication has become easier, unlike the ancient era where one had to wait for days to know about their loved ones.
With increase in technology, distance has no longer been an issue. With the development of internet, knowledge can be obtained with just a few clicks. Apps and websites are being made for everything, even for groceries at your door step. This has not only made our work easier but saves more time. The time one can utilize with their loved ones.
However, technology has made us more dependent on internet and our gadgets. But, let’s be optimistic and thank Science and Technology for making our lives easier. Where everything is just one click away. We can connect with the entire world. We can learn anything and everything using our mobile phones. The development of technology is the need of the hour.
The female reproductive system consists of a pair of ovaries, oviducts, a pear shaped pouch called the uterus, the cervix and the external genitalia.
The oviducts or fallopian tubes can be divided into three regions – infundibulum ending into fimbriae, ampulla and isthmus.
The uterus is lined with three walls – outer perimetrium, middle myometrium and inner endometrium. It is the endometrium that gets shed off during menstruation.
During coitus the male releases sperms into the vagina, that is, he inseminates the female partner. The sperms released now travel through the cervix to the uterus and to the ampullary region of the fallopian tubes. If and only if the ovum has been released simultaneous and they fuse will lead to fertilization. For fertilization to occur the ovum and the sperm have to reach the ampullary isthmic junction simultaneously. Once they get fused, the single celled zygote starts to divide. This ball of cells starts to travel to the uterus.
There, in the uterus, it gets attached to the endometrium of the uterus. This process is known as implantation. And the lady is said to be pregnant. All the processes and divisions will continue after a successful implantation.
This was the general summary of a normal pregnancy.
When a zygote or embryo gets implanted in the fallopian tubes or cervix anywhere else other than the uterus, it will lead to miscarriage. Implantation occurring at parts other than uterus is known as ectopic pregnancy. The fetus will not be able to grow accordingly and will lead to miscarriage. However, this implantation will give a positive pregnancy test but will eventually lead to miscarriage.
Signs and Symptoms:
Ectopic pregnancy generally occurs in the fallopian tube. Since the FT is not made for implantation, its wall might rupture and the FT will start to bleed leading to life threatening complications.
During a normal pregnancy, menstruation generally does not occur but in ectopic pregnancy your vagina might show a slight bleeding.
Severe pelvic pains and abdominal bleeding. This abdominal bleeding is life threatening.
If the ectopic pregnancy has occurred in the FT, you can get severe shoulder pains.
Such pregnancies should be medically terminated before they get fatal.
MemberMay 13, 2021 at 2:26 am in reply to: Write an essay on positive approach towards life.To deal with any situation keeping a positive attitude, that is, to act optimistically is known as positive approach.
You might have heard phrases like- see the glass as half full. This means to look on the positive side. The glass is half empty, that’s true. But if we look on the positive side, it’s half full too. You can either stress over stuffs or think differently, a bit positively. It’s easier to point out mistakes but the solution lies within. You may criticize someone easily . And that’s, at times, good but that is a negative approach – just to criticize and to leave things. No! You can always look for solutions and alternatives. Thus, you just have to change the way you take things. Life becomes easier if you start dealing with things positively.
1. If you don’t like something or find a problem in something, instead of criticizing it, try to find an alternative as to how you can overcome it.
2. Do you start panicking in troublesome situations?? Well, if that’s the case ask yourself one thing- ‘will this sort things out?’
Obviously not!! Panicking over anything will not solve the problem. Thinking about a solution will do. Panic will create stress and you will eventually lose your mind and the problem which might be on a scale of 6/10 will start appearing as 10/10 difficult. Every problem comes with a solution. And if you don’t find any, leave things on time. Things will eventually fall into place. You need to maintain your calm at all costs. As said, being positive makes life easier.
3. Talk about your problems- if you find it difficult then share your problems with friends and family. They can help you through this. Keeping things in mind and not talking to anyone will do no good. It will just eat you up and your overthinking will increase many fold. Thus, it’s always wise to ask for help.
4. Read good books, to keep yourself motivated. There’s a hope in everything. Even a small ant struggles for its life, we are humans with a well developed physique and intelligence. We can do much better. Thus, keeping oneself motivated through books and poems plays an important role in maintaining a positive attitude.
5. Do not hesitate to learn and adapt. If someone goes against or criticizes your work or points out your mistake, don’t get disheartened. In fact, look on the positive side, that is, you got a chance to learn more. Grab that opportunity and learn from your mistakes. With each mistake you head towards perfection, provided you learn from your mistakes.
Try this for once. Life becomes way more easier and happier when you start dealing with problems with a positive attitude. The more you think positively the more you attract and spread positivity. We are in a world where most of the people are living with anxiety and depression. Having a positive outlook will help you stay healthy and calm.
The universe consists of different solar systems and our planet Earth belongs to the solar system situated in the Milky Way Galaxy. A solar system consists of different types of objects called as celestial bodies. These can be classified as planets, stars, asteroids, meteors, dwarf planets, satellites etc. on the basis of their shape, size, light, type, axis of rotation etc.
But who manages the names of these celestial bodies?
Everything related to the universe is managed by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). It consists of astronomers from different parts of the world. These prescribe definitions and thus different celestial bodies can be segregated into different types in accordance with these definitions.
So what’s the definition of the word planet?
As prescribed by the IAU, “a planet is a celestial body which: is in orbit around the Sun, has sufficient mass to assume hydrostatic equilibrium (a nearly round shape), and has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit.”
With this definition, Pluto was removed from the family of planets of our Solar System. Pluto did not fulfill all the three points. It orbits around the sun and has sufficient mass to assume a prescribed shape but it do not have a cleared neighborhood.
A cleared neighborhood, now what does that mean?
Well, this means that the celestial body should be gravitationally dominant in its region. No other celestial body should be more dominant than it. It should be the most powerful in and around its vicinity but Pluto shares its orbital belt with its neighborhood particles or celestial bodies. Thus it does not have a clear neighborhood.
Since Pluto failed to fulfill the three major requirements for a celestial body to be known as a planet as prescribed by the IAU, it is no longer considered as the part of the Planet family of our solar system. However, it is now known as a dwarf planet.
What are hormones?
A hormone is a chemical substance secreted by endocrine glands of our body. These are released or secreted by these glands in the blood stream and thus flow throughout the body and work on their target organs. These help in the chemical coordination and proper functioning of the body.
Hormones are secreted by endocrine glands, for example- pineal gland, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal gland, pancreas, thymus, parathyroid glands and gonads. Even the heart, liver and kidneys secrete hormones.
The secretion of hormones is majorly regulated by the Hypothalamus. It controls the hormones of the pituitary.
The anterior pituitary secretes hormones such as-
1. Growth hormone (GH) –
its uncontrolled level can cause gigantism and acromegaly whereas its deficiency can lead to dwarfism
2. Prolactin (PRL) – regulation of growth of mammary glands
3. Thyroid stimulating hormone – acts on the thyroid gland
4. Luteinizing hormone – acts on gonads of males
5. Follicle stimulating hormones – acts on gonads of females
The posterior pituitary secretes hormones such as-
1. Oxytocin
2. Vasopressin
Thyroid Gland-
· it secretes T<sub>3</sub> (triiodothyronine) and T<sub>4</sub> (thyroxine)
· deficiency of thyroid hormones causes hypothyroidism and goitre
· increase in the levels of these hormones causes hyperthyroidism
Parathyroid Gland-
· it regulates the calcium levels of bones and blood
· takes up extra Ca<sup>2+</sup> ions from the bones and releases it in blood
Adrenal Gland-
· adrenal cortex- hormones secreted through these regulate carbohydrate metabolism
· its deficiency leads to Adison’s Disease
· adrenal medulla – secretes hormones such as epinephrine and norepinephrine
· these help in flight or fight, that is, running away in times of danger or facing them
· these secrete hormones through 3 types of cells
· alpha cells- secrete glucagon
regulates blood glucose levels:
increase of blood sugar causes hyperglycemia
deficiency causes- hypoglycemia
· beta cells- secrete insulin
these also regulate blood glucose levels
their deficiency causes diabetes mellitus
· delta cells- secrete somatostatin
· testis are situated in the scrotal sac of man
· these secrete androgens – testosterone
· testosterone acts for the development of male accessory organs, secondary sexual characters
· it regulates the formation of sperms
· the primary sex organ of female
· it secretes estrogen and progesterone
· estrogen helps in the development of mammary glands., female secondary sexual characters and regulates the formation of follicles
· progesterone acts during pregnancy
to sum up, hormones play major roles in our body and life. Without these messengers our body would not work efficiently. A healthy diet plays an important role in their regulation. Their deficiencies, if detected early, can treated by using supplements prescribed by the doctor.
MemberMay 12, 2021 at 12:24 am in reply to: Why do body temperature raise when we have fever?A normal body temperature ranges between 97 degree Fahrenheit to 99 degree Fahrenheit, depending upon the gender, BMR, body functions, cholesterol levels etc. A fever is a sudden hike in the temperature of the body. Its major symptoms are as follows:
· Shivering
· Sweating
· Body aches
· Head aches
· Loss of appetite
· Fatigue
· Fits – In some children
The cause of fever can be different. For example:
· infection of virus,
· infection of bacteria,
· action of some chemicals – pyrogens
· stress and over work can also cause a rise in temperature
But why does the body temperature rise during fever?
There are several reasons for this, the most important being that a rise in temperature is a positive response of our body’s immune system. During infections, foreign substances might invade our body, for example- a bacteria or a virus, and to fight against them our body’s immune system starts to work by the production of antibodies against these foreign substances (pathogens). Due to this immunological response, the brain signals the hypothalamus to increase the temperature of the body – where increase in temperature makes it difficult for the survival of the pathogen. Thus an increase in temperature is a positive response of the body.
A fever can last from three to five days, but in severe cases it can lead to major complications.
Treatment of fever involves:
· medications such as antipyretics. The most common antipyretics used are ibuprofen and aspirin. These are non steroidal. However antibiotics will not work if the fever is caused by a virus. An antibiotic treats a bacterial infection and is inefficient in the treatment of viral fevers. For such cases steroidal medications are prescribed.
· The patient should take adequate amount of rest and proper care of the diet should be taken
· Home remedies such as cold compress can be given to the patient
· To maintain the body fluids and mineral balance, Oral rehydration solution should be given in some intervals of time
Fever is not a disease, it is a sign or symptom of an infection or disease.