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  • Aparajita Karmakar

    May 13, 2021 at 7:45 am in reply to: Grammer

    Adjectives are basically words that describes a person, place or a thing. In other words, adjectives modify the nouns and pronouns. For example, without adjective one can never know if you had delicious meal or an awful meal.

    To be precise, adjectives helps getting information about certain things like its size, shape, color, material, etc. For example:

    · It’s an old project. (age)

    · The cloth is made of soft material. (material)

    · It is a around table. (shape)

    In most of the cases, adjectives also help find answer to basic details about an object, which arouse when we see an object for the first time like where?, when?, what?, which?, and how?. For example:

    · Where is the key? The key is in the small drawer.

    · When did you leave? I left early in the morning.

    · What is the material of this dress? This dress is made of soft nylon.

    · Which room is the master bedroom? Master bedroom is the one on the left.

    · How did you fall? I was cycling and unfortunately drove over a huge puddle.

    Using adjectives has certain rules to be followed. While using an objective in a sentence, following are some important factors that must be followed:

    · Proper usage of suffix

    Generally, adjectives can be used in their original forms itself. However, there are exceptions where in we need to add proper suffix to the end of the word we choose as adjective. For example-

    le/-ible: adorable, invisible, responsible, uncomfortable

    -al: educational, gradual, illegal, nocturnal, viral

    -an: American, Mexican, urban

    -ar: cellular, popular, spectacular, vulgar

    -ent: intelligent, potent, silent, violent

    -ful: harmful, powerful, tasteful, thoughtful

    …And many more.

    · Proper placement of an adjective

    It is important to use the adjective in the right place. Placing the adjective in the wrong place can result in making the sentence meaningless. For example-

    It is a pretty day. (wrong)

    It is a wonderful day. (correct)

    Moreover, it also important to learn about words that help you describe a particular object better. Like-

    Size: tiny, small, little, etc.

    Material: soft, silky, rough, etc.

    Color: red, blue, green, etc.

    I hope this answer helps!😊

  • Aparajita Karmakar

    May 12, 2021 at 1:28 pm in reply to: How can we stay always positive?

    Positive thinking can be achieved by different ways, which are proven effective by experience like: positive affirmation, positive imagery, etc.

    Following are list of tips that can help one to achieve positivity in their outlook-

    · Search good in everything

    Having positive outlook towards different things, be it any problem or anything can change the magnitude of difficulties. ‘Whatever happens, happens for good’ should be the first thought in one’s mind before anything else. Start things on positive notes is very important in order to maintain one’s mental peace.

    · Have gratitude

    One must always count on their blessings. We should be gratified for what we have, not criticize about what we don’t. As it is said, Good things take time to happen.

    · Talk to like-minded, positive people

    Talking to negative people at such a time can cause damage. Spend time and talk with people who make you happy, make you feel lively. Talking to such people makes worst things better in moments, and helps overcome the negative thoughts.

    · Positive self-talk

    Talking to yourself is the ultimate way to overcome negativity. Having self-affirmation, thinking about positive things helps a lot. Self-care, self-love should be the priority.

    · Explore humor

    Having fun often is not taxing at all. Spending more time on reading jokes, watching comic series or shows helps feel joyous. It is definitely worth try.

    · Cut yourself from negative areas

    Cutting yourself from places and people who make you feel sad, negative should be first considered to be left aside. Avoiding such places will help you avoid negativity as well.

    · Start your day with positive affirmation

    Always start day with a good positive quote or a positive self-affirmation. Mornings must start with a positive outlook. Try making a schedule, plan events for yourself, meditating early mornings helps clear mind and feel peaceful.

    I hope this answer helps!😊

  • Aparajita Karmakar

    May 12, 2021 at 9:50 am in reply to: How to develop personality?

    Personality development is basically organized behavioral patterns, which one practices in their day to day life. In general, many factors are accountable to how ones personality shapes up including, society variables, genetics, environment and also parenting.

    There are list of things that can help one develop him/her with a better personality. Few of them are listed below:

    · Confidence

    This is the most important factor of all. One must be confident about how they speak, how they feel and how they work. Being confident helps making one self-appreciative and moreover, confidence helps one go out of the box and take risks, in return gaining more opportunities.

    · Originality

    There is difference between copying and following. It is always recommended to follow something that inspires you to try new things, but blindly copying something doesn’t help you grow out of the boundaries. Being original gives chances of making your own mistakes and at the same time gives you scope to grow.

    · Body language

    Apart from intellectual requirement, your body language speaks a lot about you. A sulking, scared, not-so-confident attitude and posture can never depict a leader’s image. One must be upright, full of positivity and good outlook towards different phases in life.

    · Good listener

    Listening is yet another most important factor that plays key role in one’s personality. Talking too much just reveals more and more information about you. Listening helps understand things better and brings change in your perspective towards different things. One must know when to speak and where to speak.

    · Sporty by nature

    Having an outgoing, fun loving personality always stands out. One must know how to balance both work in hand and leisure activities to maintain their interests and present mindedness.

    · Developing new interests

    One must always explore more and more. Always look forward to things that make you feel uneasy to get along. It adds to your personality that yes, you do enjoy taking healthy risks and make progress in life.

    · Increase new interaction

    Talking to you new people helps understand human psychology better and helps you in getting experience of how to interact with people and understand them better.

    · Take stand

    Taking stand on your opinions is important. Speaking for your opinion is important. At the same time it is equally or more important that you are confident about what you speak.

    · Know yourself

    It is very important to know yourself, know your worth. One must know his/her strengths and weaknesses. Working on you is the eternal key to develop into a better personality.

    I hope this answer helps!😊

  • Pollution, also known as environmental pollution, is addition of any type of substance [like solid, liquid or gas] or any form of energy [such as heat, sound, or radioactivity] to the environment such that it can exist in a harmful form. Among the various types of pollutions, land pollution, water pollution and air pollution are few that are directly related to our environment. However, pollution of all kinds can have negative effects on the environment and wildlife and can also have major impact on human health and well-being.

    Here is a brief explanation on how is this pollution caused and how we can make an attempt on controlling it:

    · Causes

    The problem of environmental pollution that we face today is a consequence of various correlated actors. There are clearly many divergent and conflicting views on what exactly could be the reason behind such massive crisis. Some of them are as follows:

    1. Population growth

    Increased population growth is not just a factor for human problems; it equally damages the environment massively. More number of people means more usage of resources. Since there is control over the population, resources are exploited.

    2. Agricultural development and Industrial development

    The agricultural development effects the environment in various ways like- through application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, making changes in biological communities, extensive extraction of resources from the ground and also expanding irrigation to more and more surface apps.

    Rapid rate of industrialization results in over exploitation of natural resources in order obtain more industrial outcome.

    3. Unplanned urbanization

    The unplanned urbanization has indeed deteriorated both urban as well as rural areas significantly. Urban areas suffer with problems like lack of water supply, over crowdedness, congestion and lack of sanitation. Most of the cities lack sewage systems. Waste produced is not equally managed well.

    4. Poverty

    It is true that poverty can cause damage to the environment. Due to lack of money, people are helplessly forced to make use of the natural resources for their basic necessities and survival [like food, shelter, etc.] Necessary steps must be taken to bring the poor people above poverty line for betterment of the current scenario.

    · Control

    The presence of environmental pollution raises the issue of pollution control. Great efforts are made to limit the release of harmful substances into the environment through air pollution control, waste water treatment, solid-waste management, hazardous waste management, and recycling. Unfortunately, attempts at pollution control are often surpassed by the scale of the problem, especially in less-developed countries.

    I hope this answer helps!😊

  • Russia made uneven progress in democratization during the 1990s, but this limited progress was reversed after Vladimir Putin rose to power in 1999-2000, according to many observers.

    Following were the social, economic and political conditions of Russia before 1995:

    · Social Conditions

    During those times, majority religion was Russian Orthodox Christianity which had grown from the Greek Orthodox Church. But, other religions like Catholics, Protestants, Muslims and Buddhists; also had their significant presence in the empire. The non-Russian nationalities did not get equal treatment as the Russian nationalities. Non-Russian nationalities did not get their rights of freedom to follow their religious culture and language. As a result, the community got divided into different groups. The peasants formed a group named; ‘Commune of Mir’ and workers were divided into groups on the basis of their skills and training.

    · Economic Conditions

    At that time, grain was the main item of export in Russia. Result of which, majority Russians were Agriculturists. The industries had not flourished well then. St Petersburg and Moscow were the only prominent industries then. Most of the production came from the craftsmen. Apart from the workshops, there were many factories too. As the rail route got expanded and developed, there was seen significant growth in foreign investments as well. With time, the steel, iron and coal production got increased. There were equal number of craftsmen and factory workers. However, the life of workers was made miserable as they were exploited by the capitalists.

    · Political Conditions

    Russia was a monarchy. (Tsar Nicholas II ruled Russia and its empire that extended to current-day Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, parts of Poland, Ukraine and Belarus. It stretched to the Pacific and comprised today’s Central Asian states, as well as Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan). The Tsars believed in the divine rights of kings. They were not responsible to the Parliament. All political parties were illegal in Russia.

    I hope this answer helped you! 😊

  • Aparajita Karmakar

    May 9, 2021 at 11:43 pm in reply to: Different types of chemical reactions.

    A chemical reaction is a process in which various compounds/elements having different characteristics react with each other to form a product with different physical and chemical properties.

    In other words, it is a process in which various atoms present in a compound/element, rearrange them to form new substance.

    While this reaction takes place, the substances that are combined together (to form new product) are known as Reactants. On the other hand, the substance that is formed as an outcome of reaction between the reactants is known as Products.

    There are various types of chemical reactions. Some of them are:

    1. Combination Reaction

    2. Displacement Reaction

    3. Double-Displacement Reaction

    4. Decomposition Reaction

    5. Neutralization Reaction

    Here is a detailed explanation to the above listed types of chemical reactions.

    · Combination Reaction

    This is a basic reaction in which two or more substances combine to form a new substance as a result. It is commonly known as Synthesis Reaction. In the form of equation, it can be depicted as-

    A + B → AB

    Example of combination reaction-

    2Na (s) + Cl2 (g) → 2NaCl (s)

    2Mg (s) + O2 (g) → 2MgO (s)

    · Displacement Reaction

    This is a reaction in which one element of given compound displaces, or replaces a similar element of another compound. It is commonly known as Single-Displacement Reaction. In the form of equation, it can be depicted as-

    A + BC → AC + B

    Example of displacement reaction-

    Zn (s) + 2HCl (aq) → ZnCl2 (aq) + H2 (g)

    · Double-Displacement Reaction

    This is a reaction in which positive and a negative ion (present in the given two ionic compounds) changes its position, or gets displaced to form new compounds. In the form of equation, it can be depicted as-

    AB + CD → AD + CB

    Example of double-displacement reaction-

    2KI (aq) + Pb(NO3)2 (aq) → 2KNO3 (aq) + PbI2 (s)

    · Decomposition Reaction

    This reaction is basically reverse of the combination reaction. In this reaction, a compound breaks down into two or more simple substances. Most decomposition reactions require an input of energy in the form of heat, light, or <hypothesis-highlight>electricity</hypothesis-highlight>. In the form of equation, it can be depicted as-

    AB → A + B

    Example of decomposition reaction-

    2HgO (s) → 2Hg (l) + O2 (g)

    · Neutralization Reaction

    This is a basic reaction in which an acid and base combine together to form a product that is usually salt or water. In the form of equation, it can be depicted as-

    Acid + Base → Salt + Water

    Example of neutralization reaction-

    HCl + NaOH → H<sub>2</sub>O + NaCl


    1. It is very important to balance the reactions.

    2. it is important to remember the seven elements that exist in nature as diatomic molecules .

    I hope the answer helps you! 😊

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